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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Posts posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. So....is it that the coaching staff doesn't have confidence in Losman, or they don't have confidence in the line's ability to keep him off his ass?


    From Jauron's post-game comments, I know where I'd put my money.


    Quoted for emphasis.


    Running the ball on 3rd and 10 is in no way showing a lack of confidence in JP! Its merely showing that they don't trust the offensive line to protect him long enough to get the ball that far downfield (particularly when the D knows whats coming). Its better to plunge ahead with Train for a few yards than to go 7 or 8 yards backwards. Puts our best player, the punter, in a better situation to help the team.

  2. RT - shane olivea - 7th round (2004)

    RG - mike goff - 3rd round (bengals, 1998)

    C - Nick Hardwick - 3rd round (2004)

    LG - Kris Dielman - undrafted

    LT - marcus mcneill - 2nd round (2006, 50th pick overall)

    TE - antonio gates - undrafted


    2006 - 4th overall in offense (7-2)

    2005 - 10th overall in offense (9-7)

    2004 - 10th overall in offense (12-4)


    28-13 overall (.683 winning percentage)


    some teams can find diamonds in the rough; some teams can't ...


    Diamonds in the rough? Sixty percent of that starting offensive line is first day picks!

  3. "The play action, the bootlegs, we do have some sprint outs and you’ve seen it," Jauron said. "We could do it more."


    I said this in another thread. The execution of those plays so far has been ugly. It seems like every time they run a bootleg, JP turns and is instantly confronted by a pass rusher coming from the side he's trying to roll to. If we don't learn to execute those plays any better, then the less we call them the better off we'll be.

  4. To those who say he has no awareness and can't feel the rush, there is no pocket to step up into. Case in point: yesterday he stepped up into the pocket to avoid Freeney's outside rush but stepped right into McFarland for a sack. The O-line is not forming a pocket whatsoever and the said thing is that the playcalling hasn't adjusted to it. There should be way more moving pocket schemes and playaction passes. I'm hoping Reyes or even Merz can step in at RG for an injured and ineffective CV and provide some relief.


    You know, I might agree with you if not or the fact that every time they try a play action bootleg, someone comes untouched from the side that Losman is trying to roll to. With that kind of pressure right in his face that quickly, these plays have no chance for success.

  5. He's getting at Losman's quote of being 'no great play caller', just runs what's sent in...


    Which I would like to read for myself, but I'm too lazy to go find the quote...


    Right, and isn't that just Losman pointing out that he isn't the one who calls the plays? Or am I missing the meaning? If that is all he's saying, how does that lead one to question his ability to "diagnose a game and act accordingly"?

  6. JP Losman spoke of guys continually missing assignments yesterday during his post game press conference.  He said that it's not getting beat physically or a problem of being outclassed, it's just seems like it's one guy here or there blowing an assignment which destroys the play.He also went on to say that  he is no "great play caller" and just runs what is called.  This doesn't give me much confidence in both the ability of the line to stop "missing assignments" and JP to diagnose a game and act accordingly.  Just some thoughts.


    How does Losman pointing out that he isn't the one blocking or calling the plays cause you to question Losman's ability to "diagnose a game and act accordingly"? I'm not seeing the connection.

  7. This is true. He picked up a ball that was lying on the ground and ran.


    If it was Clements you'd be speaking of his nose for the football and playmaking ability. Heaven forbid you give McGee some credit once in awhile. If it weren't for his unique abilities, this game could have gotten ugly. I just wish he made one more cutback on that kick return.

  8. You mean like we had him do in the Chicago game, and the Detroit game, and to a lesser degree, in the New England game?    That turned out real well, eh? 


    One of the reasons why JP Losman has limited attempts is because he doesn't sustain drives.... when you are consistently having short drives, you have fewer offensive plays, with fewer opportunities to throw.....




    There's that, and there's the fact that we're afraid to call pass plays because nearly every time we do its either a sack or a pass that has to be made without a pocket to step up into. Not to mention we don't have one good recieving option at ANY of the eligible positions.


    I'm not an "anybody but Losman" blind apologist. I'm simply reserving judgment on him because from my observations, he still hasn't been given a realistic oppurtunity.

  9. While Esasion wasn't particularly throwing jabs at JP, he currently just doesn't belong in that discussion. On the contrary if JP finishes the season strong and he plays great next year, these same media guys will start to kiss up and bring out positive points about JP pre-draft in that he was the most athletic and had the strongest arm and the fastest legs among the top 4 QB's in his draft class and kiss,kiss,KISSS!


    Oh, so when JP plays well they'll show him in a positive light, bt right now he's playing like a turd, so they're speaking about him negatively. Damn those reporters!

  10. I was wondering the same thing aloud yesterday, after one of the many times JP was pressured on a 5-7 step drop.


    You bring a very good point on the receivers.  Their lack of size may make it more problematic to throw the quick slant.  They are unable to adequately use their body to shield the defender from the ball.  This makes it easier for the DB to cut the reciever off on his route and possible intercept.


    After yesterday's game, I noted that a big WR needs to be a priority for the team next year.  That kid from ND (Smardje (sp?)) would look good, and may even be available in the 3rd round.


    Yup. With the exception of Josh Reed, I can't see any of our current receivers being capable of shielding the defender off to help JP complete those kind of routes. Definitely not the contact-avoiding Price or the undersized Parrish, and probably not Evans either.


    With that all said, though, I'd still like to see them try a quick slant once in awhile because these deeper drops aren't working. With the combination of weak pass protection and an inexperienced quarterback whose being told to stay in the pocket, these deep drops are brutal. And if we can't specifically complete slants with these receivers, we should run some quick crosses, outs, and those WR screens we were running earlier in the year.

  11. Look carefully, it's putting "prematured" between "my" and "system" in his post:  :P
    it's easier for you to criticize my system


    Exactly. You said he made a mistake by not adding "prematured" in between "my" and "system". I'm just saying he didn't make a mistake, he merely chose to be less descriptive than you were. Omitting an adjective isn't a mistake, its just being more general. Therefore, by calling him out on a mistake that didn't exist, you were the one making the mistake. :P

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