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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Posts posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Well, try to develop a deeper understanding of NFL football, and things might become more clear.

    Check it out.....RTs don't often go at #4 or below.....perhaps 1 every 15 or so years. it is a bad percentage move, and we already have a LT.


    Does this seem like something you can hold onto?


    So...drafting a right tackle at a high position is a bad idea for the sole reason that other teams rarely do it? :doh:

  2. It's simple mathematics......though it does not guarantee we will succeed(we could end up with the Colts D)....statistically, it shows a far greater chance of success(assuming the status quo).


    I'd say our odds go up because its Jauron and Fewell operating the defense, and they've had great success with it in the past already. If we give them time I believe they make this thing work.

  3. I don't really know why you're worrying about the little things. I'm just glad we have a coach who knows how to gameplan and make this team feel like a team again. Who cares if he's any good at challenging? The big things are far more important, thats why they're called "big". I look at your post as petty criticism, but what the hell...


    1) On 4th and inches, Dick Jauron decides to not go for it, down by 10.   (I also wonder if the play might not have been challengeable - I thought that we got a bad spot.)   O.k., reasonable people can disagree on this one - especially since he's been burned on some bad 4th downs earlier this season.   Dick Jauron also, for whatever reason, chose not to challenge a possible fumble early in the game as well.

    I can't believe you even listed this. Are you out of your mind? Let's give San Diego the ball deep in our own end when they're already leading 10-0 in the first half. I myself love going down three scores early to vastly superior teams. As someone else already said, I'm glad you're not the coach. This isn't Madden.



    2) After the big sideline catch, Dick Jauron took a timeout, and then decided during the timeout to conduct a challenge.   That's pretty bad.   What is absolutely unacceptable is that Dick Jauron did not have anyone on his staff in the coaches box who KNEW THE NFL RULES!!!!    This play had an absolutely crystal-clear replay angle with it, and Dick Jauron's staff had a full timeout to look at the replay - at minimum, all they had to do was watch the CBS feed of the game.  It is essential for his staff to be able to make an accurate "red flag" recommendation to him when they have a full timeout to review the play.   It is sad to me that the Bills beat writers are slow to criticize Dick Jauron for this, since most sportswriters don't know the rules - but Ralph Wilson is spending hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of our ticket revenues on Dick Jauron's staff.    Is it really so much to ask that Dick Jauron hire a staff who KNOWS THE NFL RULES??!!!!????!!!!???    Ed Hochuli knew the rules, surely the Buffalo Bills can hire someone who knows the rules.

    This is an easy one. IT WASN'T A QUESTION OF KNOWING THE RULES. Ed Hochuli told Jauron about the stupid toe-heel rule before the challenge. Jauron felt there may have been long enough of a pause between the toe hitting and the heel hitting for it to be called a reception. This is excusable when you take into consideration the fact that this was the likely the first time anyone had seen this rule enforced, and thus everyone is inexperienced with it. Its also excusable because of what it would have meant to the team had the play been overturned. Well worth the risk.


    As for using two timeouts, JP called the first timeout on his own because the play clock was down to 1. During that timeout the staff had extra time to look at the play. What are they supposed to do, believe they can overturn a play and keep the flag in their pocket anyway, just because they already used a timeout? Thats nonsense, if you think you can get a play of that magnitude reversed you take your shot. And I've already said why I think its excusable for DJ to think he could've gotten it overturned. This certainly wasn't bad enough of a decision to make me doubt Dick Jauron's long-term future on its own!


    3) Speaking of not knowing the rules, at the end of the first half, the Bills were stopped just shy of a 1st down deep in their own end, and San Diego quickly called a timeout.   The referees, however, decided to conduct a measurement, and so San Diego was not charged a timeout.   What the Bills inexplicably forgot, however, is that after this measurement, the clock starts again!!!    Instead, the Bills went ahead and snapped the ball for the punt without thinking - giving the Chargers just enough time to score a touchdown before the half in a game that they ultimately won by three points.

    Quick, easy answer. If you watch DJ's postgame comments, you'll find that he and his staff were aware that the clock would be running, but had no way of relaying that information to the punt team. They were already in formation, there was nothing the coaching staff could do. That simple.


    Dick Jauron is a good coach and I'm on his bandwagon. I'm appreciative that an intelligent, stable guy such as he is our head coach after the last 2 nitwits we've had here. This season just feels different: I really believe this team is moving in the right direction. Lets upgrade some of our talent this offseason and hope to be contenders come next year. Go Bills!

  4. But he does. How else can you explain Wide Right, No Goal, Homerun Throwup, Just Give it To Em and now Coy Wire, LB?


    I'm sure it'll be Ellison. Jauron said they only went to Wire because Ellison missed practice the whole week due to injury and Wire had gotten all those reps.

  5. I was impressed with his game yesterday, especially that first series. He needs to be in on plays for us and he needs to have a presence. It was good to hear his name called again.



    I love TKO; he gets one more season, if he doesn't comeback to atleast 90%; he's gone...he'll never be 100% and for his salary he needs to be atleast 90% the player he was


    If he's 89.5%, will you round up?

  6. in sections 202, 203, and 204; the fans were rocking for jp.....I havent heard the fans rooting for a qb like since jk's last season when everyone was souting Collins! Collins!




    What sections are in the corner with the "Mcgee's Mob" sign? Its the corner on the Bills sideline, on the end of the field that Buffalo was defending in the 4th quarter. I was at midfield across the field from them, and that whole corner was alive and loud all game long. Great job by anybody who was in there.

  7. Uh-huh. I'll wait and see. I've YET to see Willis outrun anybody. I doubt he ever will. Frank Gore is twice the back McGahee will ever be, and he runs behind a HORRIBLE OL.


    Just so you know, I'd give up McGahee for Gore. I don't have delusions that McGahee is the end-all be-all of halfbacks. Its the "this team is better off with A-Train" argument I'm dead set against. And I'm pretty interested to see Willis behind a good line, hopefully it'll be next season.

  8. Bull sh-- man. bull sh--. He was 3 yards from the first down marker when he dove. He landed a foot short, easy.


    That was the one spot the Refs got right.


    Difference of opinion, what can you do.


    Regardless, this is the bottom line right here. You give Anthony Thomas a strong run blocking line, he'll get through the line and into the second level, and he'll continue only as far as running straight and using his power will take him. But next year, you give Willis a strong run blocking line, and its a different story. He'll get into the 2nd level and the same cutbacks he's making this year behind the line, he'll be making on the safety 10 yards downfield. We'll have a gamebreaker on our hands, and you'll see more of what you saw against Jacksonville. Those kind of runs change the result of NFL games. I'll take McGahee.

  9. As if Willis is a special blocker, receiver or possesses any speed and quickness?


    Riddle me this...when's the last time Willis ran away from a defensive player for a 60 yard TD? When's the last time he was stellar in blocking the blindside?


    Come on man, you must have blinders on.


    Thomas gets the ball and goes upfield. THAT IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. Hit the hole and go forward.


    Willis is a better blocker than Thomas, as he knocks someone flat on their ass a couple of times almost every week. He also happens to be capable of lateral movement, unlike Thomas. I'll take the guy with the 30-yard cutback TD run against Jacksonville, instead of the guy who just...ya know...runs straight.

  10. It may be. The Bills have played 12 games, and you pointed out ONE where he was the deciding factor. You don't think we'd get that from Thomas?




    No, I don't think we'd get one game from Anthony Thomas where HE WINS THE GAME for us. How would he go about doing this? The guy has one move in his arsenal: run straight. He's not a special blocker, he's not a special receiver, he doesn't have any special speed or quickness, and he doesn't have an extraordinary amount of power. He doesn't give you anything you can't pick up from an undrafted free agent next year. He just...runs straight. That's all.


    Excuse me for wanting my starting running back to be able to do one thing over the course of a game other than just...running straight.

  11. Please, Bill, tell me why Anthony Thomas gets so many more yards out of running behind this line than McGahee does.


    Perfect example of why McGahee has to go...The PERFECTLY executed screen play in which he had a minimum of 5 yards upfield...all he had to do was run up the field. What did he do? He stopped, took a step sideways, took a step the other way, then tried to dive for the first down, only to end up 4 inches or so shy.


    Next time the Bills ran a RB screen, it was to Thomas. He made 8 yards out of basically the same play.




    Anthony Thomas wouldn't have gotten EITHER of the touchdowns McGahee got against Jacksonville, which both involved dancing around and cutting back. Is it a stretch to say if not for McGahee, we might have lost that game?

  12. It would be great if it was like the game we played against Seattle two years ago, where we held Shaun Alexander to something like 13 yards, after the ESPN hype machine said he resembled that of a god.


    The problem is that LT actually is as good as they're saying he is. I don't know why it took ESPN so long to catch on to the fact that no other back comes close, because its been that way for several years now.

  13. TE Pop Pass.

    One of my faves and one which I've always wished we'd utilize more.

    It always freaking works.


    I thought I noticed on that pass to Ceislak that they faked that WR smokescreen play we had already run a couple of times in the game. Clever play from Fairchild.

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