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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Posts posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. And it looks like the most likely scenario is for us to catch Jacksonville. It would be tough to catch Cincy, and we may need them to take care of Denver besides. At least we know we have the tiebreaker on the Faguars if its just us and them.


    Stranger things have happened...

  2. I'm no expert here. All I know is that I haven't heard his name called too much, haven't seen him making many plays on the ball and haven't noticed him making many tackles. He's pretty much been invisible to my untrained eyes.


    Now I realize he's a rookie trying to get acclimated to a whole new level of competition, and probably trying to learn to work within a system thats competely foreign to him. I'm not questioning the decision to make him the starter and I'm not suggesting we should even consider benching him. I'm just asking those who may understand better than I:


    Where is he on the NFL learning curve? Is he at the point in his developement where he should be? Does he look like he can play in the cover 2? When do I see the ball hawk I was told we were getting in the draft?


    I'm not being impatient here, just looking for someone's opinion on how Ko is progressing. I'm perfectly willing to wait and let him develop. Thanks, and go Bills!

  3. I don't think he ran much different today. i think he saw holes and hit them like he always does. If there wasn't, he would have danced. If there were these holes against other teams, he would have exploded liked he did today. You may be right, I may be right. It's an opinion. No one on earth knows the answer.


    Does Steve Fairchild know the answer? Or do you believe that even the coaches don't really understand whats going on here?

  4. Bill, do you still think Gandy is that terrible? To me, he's looked decent at LG, and him and Peters have been playing well together. I would not mind at all if they re-sign Gandy and keep him at LG. IF him and Peters are developing a chemistry, theres no reason to break that apart.


    Now, we need to focus on building a solid right side of the line. IMO, the top "need" spot on the O-line is RG. Preston has been holing his own, but an upgrade wouldnt hurt. I suppose if we sign steinbach, we could shift gandy to RG.


    If we're gonna move Gandy to the right side, there's no point in keeping him IMO. I feel like we can find someone better through the draft to play that spot. But if you're going to bring him back to play on the left side for the reason that he's developing chemistry with Peters, that makes sense.


    Also, Keith Ellison really impressed me today. In all honesty if Fletch comes back I think we can chill with the LB draft talk.

  5. Right, because the miserable 64.7% conversion percentage on third-and-short RUSHING plays has nothing to do with that number...


    Thanks Lori, thats what nobody has mentioned yet! When you can NEVER run the ball to convert on 3rd and inches, 1, 2 or 3 yards of course your 3rd down offense is going to look bad! But blaming that on the quarterback is foolish. He shouldn't have to drop back to pass on 3rd and 2 in the first place. We need 3 new interior lineman that can get a push off the line of scrimmage if we want to be able to keep the O on the field.

  6. Well I don't want to talking about how I have some sort of man love for Clements just because I was right since the beginning of the season on how valuable he is.


    He plays like an average an NFL cornerback for at least 3 complete seasons, and then suddenly looks sharp in the 2nd half of his contract year. I'm not saying thats DEFINITELY the cause of his improved performance, but I do question whether he'll bring the same intensity to whatever defense he's a part of next season. In other words, it looks a bit sketchy to me. :nana:


    I guess I'd still be aggressive and try to re-sign him though. We just can't create another position of need on this team when we can instead hold on to the hope that Clements will play at this level consistently from now on. I'd take my chances with him.

  7. Sadly this might be the most accurate statement on this topic.  I did hear Willis in an off-season interview say that he really didn't care about football.


    You should either give us a link or edit your post to not include that second sentence, because as of now it means precisely d!ck.

  8. Are you telling me that the run blocking was good when Travis was here?  PLEASE.  The line was in shambles back then, arguably worse than it is now... but Travis managed to get positive yardage and even broke out for 5-8 yard gains from time to time. 


    :) And Willis doesn't match that production? Has he never had a 5-yard run?

  9. They beat SD by 3 at home in a Sept. game which they were outplayed for 55 minutes.  Cincy they beat at home by 6 thanks to a defensive TD, and they lost @Cincy by 6 in a game that wasn't that close.  Atlanta stinks, Pitt is 'meh', @NO is their only really impressive win in that bunch.


    The SD game doesn't count because they won it at the end? The Cincinatti game doesn't count because they scored a defensive TD? They won these games, end of story. The only way I question the outcome of a game is if there's a really bad call by a ref that decides it.

  10. If that team and that game happened now, this place would probably be bitching about how the Bills only barely beat a crappy team like the Jets, at home, with so much at stake. They should have killed them! The defense needed to stop the Jets from getting into field goal range at the end of the game, but couldn't do it and had to rely on a fluke FG block to save the win. And what's with Reed dropping that easy long pass at the end of the game? If he could hold onto the ball at critical times he might be a reliable #1 WR. All they need is a decent #2 to go with him so he can get open more. And what's with putting Riddick in the game in overtime? Isn't that what we drafted that RB in the second round for? Looks like the coaches don't trust that he can get the job done in crunch time. Another wasted high draft pick.


    Best. Post. Ever.


    Its just so accurate its frightening.

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