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Ned Flanders

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Posts posted by Ned Flanders

  1. top hooligans from England, Holland, Turkey, Germany and a few more will be there for a fight with opposing fans.



    Jets fans are the closest thing we have to European-style hooligans in this country... :D


    My favorite soccer (err, football) quote came from an English coach after the Brits were beaten by Germany, I believe in 1998: "Well, they beat us at our national game today but we beat them at theirs twice this century."

  2. he lost his shirt on investments in Canadian (or Alaskan) mining companies. Is that what you mean?



    Didn't he lose a bunch on thousands of ear-muffs he bought in Canada and couldn't get them accross the border in time for a late-season Bills game?


    Remember reading about that one time... :D

  3. He wore a Dolphins jersey to a Bills-Jets game?  Why would anyone wear the jersey of a player from a team not playing in the game to that game?



    Saw plenty of that just this past Sunday at RWS...saw guy decked out all in Pat gear, and thought, hey aren't your boys playing RIGHT NOW? Also saw a guy all in Raider stuff and thought the same thing. :(

  4. Let me see if I get what you're saying:


    Maybe you're not old enough I wish!  :(


    The first years I had my seasons ('90=>) we were in the non-tunnel endzone and there were fights EVERY game.  Easily 75%+ of the fans were drunk but fewer were obnoxious.  Security used to use dogs to keep people off the field.  Sounds reasonable. There were few that were stupid enough to bring a pre-teen to a game. 


    People also knew enough to keep their mouth's shut or suffer the consequenses because there weren't legions of cops around to bail them out of a deserved butt-kicking.  So it was the inmates running the asylum? Kinda sounds Lord of the Flys-ish.


    Conversely the surrounding crowd would let it be known that cheap shots on innocents would not be tolerated.  Also sounds like a good thing.


    More important, the fans were LOUD EVERY time the defense was on the field and alot quieter when the O was in the countdown.  There was no lack of noise last Sunday...when the Jets were on their 10 yard line and Fat Sam nailed Vinny, it was plenty loud.


    They were different times and will never return.  For better or worse, The PC NFL will keep pecking away at the game until it becomes sterile and "family friendly".  I dunno, I think the NFL is trying to appeal to the 18-24 year old crowd more than anyone as they will soon become the buying majority.  Check out the Coors Light ads and the music selection between plays at RWS.  The gameday experience is marginally "family friendly" right now, but I see little the Bills and the NFL in general are doing to make it so, other than installing a "family section" and cutting off beer after halftime.  (Opening stadium lots only four hours before game time and the "pat-downs" are a joke, IMHO)


  5. Was at the Jets game Sunday, Sec. 142, scoreboard end zone, and watched a virtual parade of "fans" being escorted out of RWS by gentlemen in bright-colored jackets.


    Asked an Erie County sheriff later why all the commotion...he stated that because of the Jets, and their legions, and the 4:15 start, they were prepared for all the high-jinks.


    Maybe I’m getting old, but I can’t remember a game with soooo many a-holes in attendance, wearing both Jets and Bills colors…Jets fans were obnoxious as ever, but it seemed like a lot of Bills fans were taking the bait. After the game, Jets fans were still talking smack, you know, about losing four Super Bowls.


    Hate to imagine their “glee” if they pulled out a win.

  6. if we are going to have any long-term success or a shot at the title it's going to be with JP at the helm. He needs playing time pure and simple.



    I'm really starting to have a problem with the thought of many that JP is the key to future success. He has showed nothing, NOTHING to suggest that this is the guy who's going to lead the Bills to the promised land.


    Now, I've only been watching this game for about 40 years, so I might be missing something. What is it, what is the magic that is JP that people think he is the end-all? What is it that folks see in JP to even remotely believe that he is the ingredient to future success? Was it week one vs the Texans? Something in a preseason game? Did he SAY something right during the off-season?


    He's a first round pick, that's the given...but the NFL scrap heap is full of first round QB busts (Shuler, Leaf, etc, etc). I hope JP is the second coming of Jim Kelly...but I have yet to see anything remotely close to a winning NFL qb in this guy.


    "But we'll never know until he plays," you howl. "And he's got the TOOLS," you add. I dunno...I just don't see it. He's just missing something, something that could lead me to believe that this guy IS the answer.


    Maybe we see something in JP this week...or next. Or next month, or next year. But as the Bills head into the sixth game of a sixteen game schedule, I believe Holcomb is the man.

  7. Anyone know if there would be any conflict-of-interest situations that would force him to sell the team if he did perchance win?  This is obviously a long ways and many potential obstacles away.



    Well, Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) I believe is still a majority owner of the Milwaukee Bucks...how the NHL handles this, I don't know.

  8. Wife got me the Braun SmartLogic for Father's Day...it's just ok.




    About three weeks after getting it, the on-off slide switch broke and I had to take it to the factory-recommended shop...the guy tells me this problem is very common with this razor.


    I would recommend NOT getting this one...very pricey and doesn't give a very close shave. I may even go back to blades. :blink:

  9. London and Toronto are top candidates next year.



    Toronto? Hmmm...wonder who will have to give up a home game to play up there? :blink:


    Commissioner: "Son, how are those Randy Moss Raiders jerseys selling in Moscow?"


    League Office Lacky: "Sir, I think we've sold a grand total of three NFL jerseys to folks in Moscow through nflshop.com."


    Commissioner: "Damnit! Get me the Kremlin on the line...a December ESPN night game in Moscow?!?!? Jeeziz, I have half a stick just thinking about it!"

  10. Before going to a break last night, ESPN's Mike Patrick said something to the effect: 'St. Louis now leads the 49ers, 28 to 14.'


    Jeeziz...when did the Cards leave St. Louis, like almost 20 years ago?


    My father still calls the LA baseball team the 'Brooklyn Dodgers' but I cut him a break since he's 82 years old and not paid to talk about sports.... :lol:

  11. I know it was early and there was alot of football to be played, but the Bills had just sacked Brooks and NO was ready to punt...with the 7-0 lead at the point and about to get the ball back, the Bills could have been in business to up the score. Instead, Clements gets flagged and the Saints go down and get a FG, and more importantly, lots of confidence. The Saints knew they could move the ball from that point forward.

  12. This game did not sell out



    The 1974 MNF opener classic vs. the Raiders did not sell out, nor did the 1975 game vs. the Giants when the Bills were 4-0 (or somewhere near there...the Giants game was when some hooligan climbed out on the cable that held the netting behind the goal post).


    Also remember a MNF game in 1984 (?) vs. the Fish that was blacked out.

  13. I vaguely in my mind's eye can remember and picture some of this!!! Incredible! Well, like I said, dear sir, you are officially my hero now!. . .


    Got anything on the 1983 Bills-Rams game at "The Big A" in Anaheim where the Bills lost 41-17 (I think). I think Fergy hit Byron Franklin for a first half TD. But threw three picks in the game? And Eric Dickerson ran for over 100 yds. that day.



    Buy this book

  14. Wait a minute...I watched the first half of ITNFL last night waiting for the linebackers show on NFL Network...you mean they showed NOT ONE highlight from the Texans game?!?!?




    BTW, what's up with Peter King...seems there's more plastic in his face than in Paris Hilton's wallet...christ, lay off the double lattes, Pete.

  15. subject to blackout



    The word "subject" is key here...meaning that it is eligible to be blacked out...do I think that will happen? No. Not a chance.


    As others have stated, blacking this game out in the Tri-state region would be one big PR mess.

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