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Ned Flanders

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Posts posted by Ned Flanders

  1. On ESPN Classic, debuting February 2nd, Super Bowl week. This is actually a pretty good series on Classic, one of the last reasons to watch ESPN.


    ESPN Classic link


    Anyways, FWIW, here's my top five reasons you can't blame Scott Norwood for losing Super Bowl XXV:


    5. The Bills abandoned the running game. Thurman was running wild, should have been the MVP, and should have been featured earlier in the game.


    4. Lost chances. Due to Giant hits, Andre Reed suddenly afraid of going over the middle. Bruce does not swat the ball out of Hostetler’s paw in the end zone, resulting in a safety not a TD.


    3. Mark Ingram’s (sp?) catch on third and forever. Kept a Giant TD drive alive as Ingram broke several tackles (most notably Shane Conlon).


    2. Marv Levy. Marv never had control of his troops when they invaded a Super Bowl city. Bills players have recently boasted of the partying in Tampa during the short Super Bowl week.


    1. It was a loooooong FG attempt. On grass. 47 yards. Never known for a strong leg, the chances of Norwood making the kick were no more than 30 percent before the ball was even snapped.

  2. is the deal they are running right now worth it?  $239-249 for the rest of this year and next year.  I used to have it, got rid of it.  I dont remember how much it is a year.  Is this a deal?


    I am a long-time subscriber and my price was $199 for the season...if you want to shell out forty bucks for the last two weeks and have the Ticket in the bank for next year, then get it.

  3. So for the past 3 days ive been seeing this 'BOD man' fragrance commercials im sure most of you have seen them there is one where they are doing football drills(bleachers etc.) and one where they are playing soccer. The football one pans through a row of people and one is totally JP Losman i think, the hair the face everything, even a tattoo??? if JP has one on his left shoulder....Anyone know about this?


    The only commercial JP has been in, or mentioned in, is the one for the NFL Fantasy League where some dope claims JP is the second coming of KENNY STAPLER.

  4. 10 is the all time record....and it was set by the Sabres in 83-84.  Two other teams matched that record a few years ago.  If the Sabres can win in Florida on thursday, then they'll tie their own record.  Wins at Florida and at Tampa on thu and fri will break the record.


    This "record" is tainted now, however, thanks to the shootouts...last night's game for example would have been a tie sans the new shootout rule.


    But hey, go for the "record" anyways!

  5. Nope, just 3/5 of a hand full of rings.  I'd be pretty patient for the rest of my life if we got just one.



    That is the key: there is a history of success in Green Bay, three Super Bowls, and more than several NFL championships.


    Hey, if you're a Packer fan and can remember at least as far back as to when the Pack beat the Pats, everything else is just gravy.

  6. I used to go see a similar band called "Over The Garden Wall" at the Penny Arcade.  They were an amazing Canadian Genesis tribute band that concentrated on the PG era. 


    Never had to pay $37.50 tho :D



    Holy crap...loved OTGW! Saw them at the Arcade several times, always around this time of year when I was home for T-Giving/holidays. I'm thinking the last time I saw them was about ten years ago though...(or when I came up for a playoff game :D )


    And yes, they were great...jeeziz, haven't thought about them in a loooooong time, wonder if they're still around?


    Another great cover band/act at the Arcade was Rob Levesque (sp?) who used to do great Howard Jones/Genesis/Phil Collins/etc

  7. This is just an aside, but I think it's worth noting.  I flew in from Brooklyn to see this game with my dad, a special occasion.  We had a blast despite the loss, tailgated, enjoyed our seats and generally were surrounded by some great fans.  However, there are MANY who are out of control, who can't enjoy the game without getting wasted, acting supremely obnoxious, and passing out.  This just sucks, and it really is a shame that civility seems to be dying a slow death at Bills games. 


    But these are the type of people the NFL is after...17-24 year olds, still living with mommy and daddy and with plenty of disposable $$$. Seen a Coors Light ad recently? That video game LT is hawking?


    The louts are showing up in greater numbers in more and more stadiums, not just RWS. The Washington Post had an article last week on the growing number of drunks and fights at FedEx Field, of all places.

  8. Unlike those woebegone teams of the past, the stadium is still full.



    And that's the key...RW sits in his box, raincoat, tie, and baseball cap on, looks around, sees a stadium full of people while his offense is mustering a whole nine points, and thinks to himself, "I guess it ain't all bad."


    I re-read "Relentless" a couple of weeks ago and there is a quote from Ralph in there that read, to the effect, that the Super Bowl was actually anti-climatic, that winnning the conference was what it was all about...more than 10 years following the last SB loss, I think that statement still speaks volumes. Settling for second-best, settling for mediocrity, seems to be the Bills' way.

  9. Art Monk, I believe, has been on the list before, so he should get in before any of the first timers.



    This is an annual issue for Skins fans here in DC. Peter King is the one voter who has kept Monk outta the HOF. King gets up the day of the final vote and contends that when he was covering the Giants for Newsday, the Giants always feared Gary Clark more than Art Monk...he claims Monk's catches were no more than "seven yards and a cloud of sideline chalk dust."


    I dunno, but if you leave the game with the most catches all-time, why should you always be measured vs. Jerry Rice?


    Put the SU guy in Canton.

  10. I'm sure I missed something, but did anyone hear during the game why it took San Diego THIRTY FIVE F'N years to recognize Lance Alworth? Bad feelings (ala Ralph and Cookie) or something like that?


    PS: Thought the single bar helmet at mid-field was a good touch (the only highlight of the day). Reminded me of the old KC Municipal Stadium, where in the AFL days, the groundscrew, led by legendary George Toma, used to put the KC and opponent's helmet at each 40 yard line.

  11. There is no more "grooming" process in the NFL...there was a day where a QB, or any other player, could spend a couple, three years on the bench, watch, listen and learn. Think pre-free agency.


    Now, a player, whether drafted or FA, has to be plugged in immediatly. The learning curve is over. You're expected to show up in shape and contribute from the first day of mini-camp.


    Brees had a breakout year last season...he simply played his way into the Pro Bowl. Rivers will not be "groomed" for anything...he will likely be gone for a high draft pick after the season, ala "can't miss" Jacksonville backup Rob Johnson. :D

  12. Said it after the Oakland debacle...it starts with Ralph and filters down to the hockey kids selling candy in the parking lots...they're ALL to be held accountable and forced to face the music. :w00t:


    TEN years since a division title...(before anyone had cell phones)

    NINE years without a home playoff game...(before anyone had an e-mail address)

    SIX years without ANY playoff game...(Larry King was only on his third wife)


    We've become the Lions. Note to NFL: Schedule Buffalo to host a Thanksgiving game next season; we look so much like the Lions, we might as well act like 'em.

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