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Everything posted by sds7973

  1. yes, this is true. Rochester buses can not provide busing to the game. I don't know how training camp will work because RTS used to provide this from the parking lots.
  2. yeah i am in Chicago and all they are talking about is cedric benson. God the offseason sucks. Plus, what would Dope & lapdog want the Bills to do release Lynch? That willhappen when GR starts criticizing the Sabres.
  3. June 5th season ticket holders can purchase 6 tickets. June 6th and 7th season ticket holders can buy as many as they want. On the 6th and 7 th though you have to buy them in person or call (which will be jammed). Hope this helps.
  4. Sabres are a bonafide Playoff Team with our best chance to win a world championship.
  5. All, This is what I wrote to those idiots on ESPN mornings. Greenie, Just want to say "NO ONE CIRCLE THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!!". Sorry your "Gang Green" looked like some the green onions infected with the ebola virus from a New Jersey Taco Bell. I hope your beloved Jets are still shopping for a QB, because the only "p" word you'll be saying in the future is "putrid". I think the Senior Citizens at One Bills Drive are doing a fine job. Now if only they can get Willis to run like that week end and week out we might be saying the other "p" word. We'll got to go, talk to you next year. GO BILLS and more importantly GO SABRES. Sincerely, Scott Snyder
  6. Boy the Norwood one I was not laughing at. The Chargers have done what in the NFL? One Super Bowl whipping by the 49ers? Yeah they should talk, we'll see. Great tradition there and for the longest time the Raider Nation used to take over their stadium.
  7. I just read that Arizona's new "jewel" in the desert only seats 63500? R U freaking kidding me!! I know the Cards are a joke but has anyone been to Phoenix it's a megaolpolis. WNY is a fly spec in size compared to Phoenix. Why doesn't the Ralph be only 60,000 or hell the same size as Arizona stadium. We would sell out every game period.
  8. One other thing. After halftime break. Bills are up by 10 and as Phil is clean the Pat's man goo from his lips, he says something to the degree of "I don't want to the knock the Bills, being up 10 points, BUT....blah blah blah. I hate the NFL, I love the Bills, but between the comericials, the zebras, the dipsh!ts in the booth. It is getting harder and harder to actual sit in front of the TV and watch it. I can not wait until the Jets come into town. I guess I am just frustrated with everything. But I will be a Bills fan forever!
  9. Yuengling From the US's oldest brewery.
  10. Yep, Duante sure looks like a QB that can win a Super Bowl!!!!! God does the media suck or what?! He does the same damn things he did in MIN but seems slower, making worst reads. I think MIA has got damage goods. But maybe I am a Bills fan who would like to see the whole Miami team come down with the Ebola virus or something.
  11. It's weird seeing Peter King w/o a cup of coffee in his hands, talking about coffee, field hockey, or an obscure coach that knows that player. Hey, when did the crypt keeper (andrea kramer) become a "sideline specialist" as NBC calls her. "Why don't you just roll her old bones down here!" Mr. Rooney, Ferris Bueller's Day O ff
  12. Yeah, The field would look real well by Dec. 24th at the Ralph. I think not.
  13. You know I like to say to Peter is. Stop talking about coffee and Brett Favre (He has a huge hard-on for) and using words that knuckle head football fans have to use a dictionary to understand it's meaning, Dennis Miller, errr I mean Peter. The part of the article that is being referenced is "would the Bills pick up Deione Branch?". My answer is NO not worth the money or trouble.
  14. Bought the PSP version and it's good. It does not have all the coach/fans/player shots after the play. But everything else is there. I am happy I have a good football game to play on my PSP.
  15. My Final QB Roster spots #1 JP #2 Nall #3 Holcomb (Should be cut) OUT!
  16. Why can't the fourth game be the "dress rehersal"? I mean does it matter for one more week at this point. If I'm Dickey I would start Nall for the first half and JP for the second end of story. It's not like were the Indy Colts......
  17. Everbody.. Together on 3 1.. 2.. 3.. Bye Bye Kelly Holcomb Bye Bye Drove that old arm into the ground, and drank all my whiskey and rye.
  18. Call me crazy. But the way it's going, so far this year. Shouldn't Nall start next week, and see what he can do with first stringers. My heart is with JP but I would like to see clipboard boy with first string O and D.
  19. I can say this our punt team kicks butt!!!!
  20. Yeah, he 's learned alot holding a clipboard.
  21. Wouldn't that be sweet if he is "Really Good", like Dwight Freeney (spelling?) good!
  22. Been to the first week of training camp, and Nall was no different than the other two nutsacks!
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