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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I think more like laughing at the raiders and a hate for Gruden... But I would swap him and Morse
  2. Best center in the game gets abruptly cut, team takes a huge cap hit... https://twitter.com/Jason_OTC/status/1371897392388304899?s=19 Can't wait to see what he did...if nothing dump Morse lol Or is this creating space for another big contract that is coming on board? Edit: forgot about this
  3. Yolo posted the viscous sid tweet, which is lsu cb recruiting lsu cb Can also cross a few teams off that list. Also Levi was not tendered...
  4. I wouldn't have broke the bank for Henry or Smith, but around $10 million or so I would consider... Wr is moving real slow
  5. Kinda slow for us so far, so I figured the rumors would give us something to focus on
  6. Read the ESPN reporters tweet...the other 2 teams were in the playoffs the last 2 years, those are the teams
  7. Not exactly, this account sends out rumors and info but doesn't credit the original source
  8. I'm not a fan of Edmunds...3 years in and meh at best...
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