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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. Most of the guys we played last year had no or very little experience. Now we have a lot of young guys with good experience. We also have a Had Coach that knows how to build an offense. It think there is a good chance we have a above average o-line. I agree the key is staying healthy.
  2. We were also having trouble finding someone to coach the team before we hired Chan. This FO has showed time and time again they like what they are doing to be behind closed doors. We will know when they hire who "they" want.
  3. It shows he has done a good job before. The thing that keeps sticking out to me is Jerry Jones is quoted in a lot of articles that the firing of Chan was a huge mistake. I think we are going to be pleasantly surprised.
  4. or they are in negotiations... I find it interesting how a lot of people think the worst. It comes out that some named coaches wanted the Bills job but the Bills didn't want them. Yet people still believe the media hype that no one wanted the job.
  5. I find it interesting that there has been no mention outside of some news sources that we "hired" a new OC. Does this mean it is not true? Is our front office trying to keep everything on the down low till we hire the complete staff? I don't know, but I find the silence somewhat curious.
  6. The NFL season has not ended how is it too late to sign a good DC?
  7. http://www.wivb.com/dpp/sports/bills_and_n...rdinals-Modkins I guess it is true. This hire is a good because ego isnt going to get in the way of Chan running his offense.
  8. Hmmm two totally different positions. I am not sure you can call Maybin a bust yet. We will know a lot next year.
  9. That is why I thought it was his. I then went back and looked at it and saw JW was right. I apologize for the mess up.
  10. JW nowhere on the article does he say it is his.
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4843237
  12. I watched the Press Conference and I love the way Buddy doesn't care what Sulli thinks. He is giving Sulli a run for his money. I love the attitude!!
  13. Do I like the hire.... No. Will I take a wait and see attitude ... yes. I have no clue the process they went through to get him. i have no clue what he said that impressed them. I know my knowledge of football is nothing more than a fan perspective. I have very little knowledge of the game outside of what I know from playing football in high school and being a life long fan. I do not watch and analyze game film. I do trust professionals more than I trust the everyday fan. I may not like someone but I have to trust that Buddy is doing his job. His job is to make this team better and if Chan helps with that it is a good hire. If he doesn't then it is a bad hire. Am I am lemming for not thinking I have a crystal ball that tells me the Bills are going to be horrible because of Chan..... I think I could call people to judgmental because they are not willing to give Chan a chance. I am a Fan and I chose to look at the glass half full. If that is a lemming then sure I be a lemming. But I would rather look at the bright side of things and give this guy a chance than think the world is over and I can no longer be a fan of the team that I grew up watching.
  14. The Front Office took its time. This was no rush judgment. I have stated before that Buddy is going to be the one who is the key to any coach winning here. There is not way most people were ok with Frazier. This board wanted one person and that is Bill C. So no matter who the hire was the fans were going mad.
  15. No matter who the Bills hire outside of Chin, Tony, and Mike most of us would not be happy. Am I pleased with the news that Chan might be our next head coach, not really. I wanted a big name. But I am willing to take a wait and see approach. This guy doesn't have a bad record as a HC. It could be a lot better. But he has experience and brings a running style offense back to Buffalo. I just think no matter what the FO did the fans were going to be mad.
  16. Not a lot of info in that article. He is basically saying they have not interviewed anyone unless they don't know about it. I would not put it past the Bills to have interviewed a couple people without telling anyone.
  17. Do we really want him back? I say give our young guys a chance.
  18. I agree building the team with drafting well and building the lines first and foremost.
  19. I tell my 3 year old to take a breath and relax when she is getting irrational... It may work for us as Bills fans.
  20. Because we all have a different idea of who we want.
  21. We need to give the guy a chance. Perry did well when he was out from under Dick. I do not know Frazier at all but if he can get the guys to play who cares how firey he is.
  22. AMEN AMEN This team has some talent. It has some depth. This off season we need lots of help on both lines. Buddy and the New guy can be loved by all Bills fans with focusing on those two things.
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