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Posts posted by BillsPride12

  1. My favorites, off the top of my head - most already named:


    --Blades of Steel


    --Baseball Stars


    --Duck Hunt with the infrared gun and the damn laughing dog :rolleyes:






    --Tag Team Wrestling




    --Tecmo Bowl


    --Ice Hockey






    --Double Dribble


    --Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - the first video game I bought on my own, saved up from my paper route money. Got it at the old Brand Names catalog showroom in Niagara Falls.




    --and another vote for ExciteBike.



    Bout time somebody mentioned that one :rolleyes:

  2. Thats kind of how I feel, maybe one of those situations where it isn't as much a position of need but if Conner is a player that our FO has rated high enough they pull the trigger?


    See thats exactly what I was thinking, I don't think they will pull the trigger but if I am in the position to make that move I just might. It would be another solid character player to this team who will obviously already have great chemistry with another one of our core players and like I said I just think it would push both guys to excel. This is the one scenario where I wouldn't mind us skipping over a needed position in the draft. I highly doubt it happens though.

  3. So true


    I get to work today and find a sign taped on my monitor "THERE IS NO INTERNET!!!!" by a coworker

    A couple minutes after I get to work one of my other coworkers asks me what's wrong with getting to the Internet :thumbsup:


    Shortly after that the coworker who taped the sign (a fellow South Park fan) and I are joking about last nights episode and "There is no Internet". Somebody overheard us and was like "Huh? What's wrong with the Internet!"



    That is hilarious!

  4. I agree with what your saying man, but most of the people that are complaining about it and taking offense to it are indeed the ones who actually show up to those late, winter games and support the team because although we might be out of the playoff race we still HATE the Dolphins and that will never change. But like you are saying it is true that we can't even sell that game out and now all of a sudden the world is coming to an end.

  5. That was awesome :worthy: ...if South Park wasn't the coolest show out there beforehand then after tonight it just topped itself on the list. When I was watching all of the cracks at Bill Belicheat I immediately thought of all my fellow Bills fans on the messageboards who hate that bastard as much as I do...Props to South Park, overall great episode :thumbsup:

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