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Everything posted by rovey1961

  1. If TH sits out this coming year don't his rights stay with Buffalo until he fullfills the original term of the contract?
  2. Pooj I have all my Grandmothers receipes I'll check them and see if I can find any of the foods she used to help prepare for the St. Joes Table for St. Joes Church in Niagara Falls. She made a wonderful soup that I just can't get right, her hands were WAY smaller than mine are... I remember the calimari and the popi, the 7 kinds of fish the HUGE tables of fresh bread and the bowls of pasta and Italian Sausage That was sooooo good, I miss it Oh yea and who could ever forget the bottles of homemade red wine and the dandilion wine was pretty good too Send me a PM with your e-mail address and I will send you any recipies I can find. Ciao John
  3. Niagara University 1984 BS CIS concentration in Computer Science First CIS Graduating class
  4. Never donated But would have if I could I was Dx with Hodgkins at age 9 so I can never give blood But I thank everyone that does since I have had many blood and platelet transfusions while I was undergoing chemotherphy at Roswell back in the 70s and last year when I was under going treatment for recurrent ITP
  5. well if we signed Law and then traded Nate for a top 15 pick I would then trade that pick with a team lower and get their 1st and 3rd picks... That is assuming that there is no one on the board that could step in and start
  6. The Spanish company, Cintra, that made the "bid" to operate the Niagara Falls International Airport, operated by the "state run" Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, for 99 was a really bad proposal for the Niagara Region. IIRC, Cintra only had to commit $10 million over the life of the proposed "lease" and they would have to pay Niagara Falls money if and only if passanger traffic into the airport reached certain levels and the money that was to be paid was minimal at best. The Federal government had a big stake in the Cintra deal since the Niagara Falls Airbase shares the facilities with the civilian portion of the airport All this was going on before 9/11, once what occured then the Federal gov stepped in and told the NFTA essetially no way in hell will a foreign company be allowed to "operate" that airport.... on a side note, Calspan is still in operation across the street from the Buffalo Airport, but they are now part of Serria Research Corp, Calspan has one of the few wind tunnels in the country and it has been used by Olympian ski jumpers for training. There is some development going on at the NFIA now, the entrance has been redesigned, looks like the Buffalo Airport now, there is a Free Trade Zone, compliments on NAFTA, and there is a new High Tech company building an Aircraft research and development/flight simulator there So as of today, the NFIA sits underused in Wheatfield, oh BTW as I kid I remember seeing some type of missles in the corn fields to the south of the main landing strip, me and a friend would go out there and watch as the fighter jets took off and landed OH! those were the days! and don't get me started on the NFTA and the buffalo-niagara partnership that runs just about eveything in buffalo and is trying to take over whats left of Niagara Falls! for more information on the Cintra deal goto www.niagarafallsreporter.com and enter a search for "airport 99 year" One other thing, the 914th stationed at NFAFRB was looking for some computer people, unfortunately for me you need to be elligible for enlistment in the Air Force Reserve for the jobs, otherwise I would have applied, even though I am over qualified and would have taken the equlivent for a 4 step drop in grade ~gs13 downto a GS9/11 John
  7. how about the "Bad Buffalo Blanket" A white hand towel sized thing with tha running Bills logo in red? Anyone remember those I still have it somewhere back at my moms place I will have to look for it when i go back again
  8. read this on Drudge a little while ago what kind of Monsters would do this! I hope they find them and hang them all! Amber Alert for a fetus
  9. you forgot a trade option A seasons worth of Fried Bologna with onions and the beer of your choice
  10. here is a link to find where to order the book (I hope this works) http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?isbn=158...l&ac=qr&src=dir
  11. no no no no We do not keep Ricky! TD packages him and the #3 we get from miami to Oakland for their #1 & #2 in 2005 OR their 2004 #1 and 2005 #2
  12. How about Travis to Miami for Ricky then and a #3 then Ricky and the #3 to Oakland for their #1 and #2?
  13. i checked on www.buffalofoods.com they have aunt rosie's loganberry syrup @ $14 a gallon plus shipping... or $48 for 4 gal. if you have relatives back in WNY maybe you coul dhave them ask at Wegmans or TOPS if they could order some just a thought
  14. Lets see.... 2004 - 27 = 1977 43 - 27 = 16 hmmmm, oh yea i remember I was undergoing treatment for a blood disorder called ITP, that might have been the weekend my platelets dropped to below 1500/cc and to celebrate, this year on 29 April I had a relapse of the ITP the more things change the more things stay the same
  15. any news on the TDB Hats and where to send checks?
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