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Angry Mob

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Everything posted by Angry Mob

  1. I am angry and confused at the same time.
  2. We're having a special "three-for-one" special on running people out of town for the New Year. Pay for Ole Whitey and we'll run out Mularkey and Holcomb for free. Hell, we'll even toilet paper Mike Williams' Escalade if you want.
  3. We won't be silenced! We've been waiting for this since week seven!
  4. We're sharpening up the pitchforks, gathering up the bricks, and soaking rags in gasoline...Oh baby. Monday is gonna be sweet!
  5. We should riot in the streets to take back our right to riot in the streets. It's what we do best.
  6. Four more days and we get to riot in the streets! We want accountability! We don't know what that word means, but we want it!
  7. I'm confused. Are we running this guy out of town or not? My torch is almost out.
  8. The Bills should sign someone off the Falcon's practice squad just to be d!cks. You know, show them that they can't be pushed around.
  9. It's gonna backfire. There's gonna be a run on flasks in WNY, and instead of drinking beer, the fans will be getting hammered on coffee brady and jagermeister. The steps will run green with steaming vomit.
  10. Because the media is lazy. They take the first piece of info they get and run with it without checking out the whole story. By the end of the week everyone else around the country will be reporting that Losman was benched, can't play in the cold and snow, and is injury-prone. ESPN sucks. The few people that actually do research a story get drowned out by idiots like Wingo.
  11. Monkeys don't eat peanuts. They eat bananas.
  12. Why shouldn't the fans get pissed? They pay money to see this team play, pay money to buy the merchandise, pay money for over-priced beer and hotdogs. Ole Whitey put a lousy product on the field and has a team of monkeys calling the shots. Why should the people that supported this team before he got here and long after he will leave bend over and take his crap? Should we not express our anger? Should we blindly go to the games and clap like trained seals after every three-and-out? Screw that.
  13. This is bull sh--. First they bench Losman, now they take away our beer? Do they want our shoelaces and belts, too? !@#$ers.
  14. I'm sure the Dolphins think he's swell.
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