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Reddy Freddy

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Everything posted by Reddy Freddy

  1. Can someone explain to me how they "know" that Cowher doesn't want to coach in Buffalo? Is it because he hasn't been signed yet, two days after the end of the season? Is it because of the reports based on people "close" to Cowher that he might return to CBS? Is it based on the speculative reports that he doesn't want to end up in Buffalo and would prefer Carolina or Tampa? If these are what people are basing it on, that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But to claim that it is blatantly obvious that Cowher doesn't want to coach here is just wrong in my opinion. The only hard evidence we have of Cowher's actions is that he met with the Bills. I don't see the irrefutable evidence that shows this was a smokescreen or merely a courtesy meeting.
  2. This is how reporters discovered that Sarah Palin would be McCain's running mate -- a curious flight from Alaska to Arizona. Let's hope this ends up better than that did. Bills fans are the best in the world. End of story.
  3. OT, LB, or QB (if the right one falls to #9) would seem to be the positions that make the most sense. I'd take the best available player at one of those 3 positions in rounds 1 and 2.
  4. Man, I just decided to stop obsessively checking for Cowher/coaching updates. Well, maybe to reduce my obsessive searches at least. There is just no reliable info out there.
  5. I agree, and I admit I'm probably seeing the rumors through my Bills-colored glasses. But I also think some people have a defense mechanism in place to prevent themselves from being let down. For those people, they will cling to any "Cowher isnt coming" reports as a way to prevent them from getting their hopes up. And in a battle of rumors, the optimists have the edge because the only solid fact we have is that Cowher met with the Bills.
  6. Agreed. Made me laugh out loud for 30 seconds straight. Well done.
  7. Agreed. My main beef was with Coach Tuesday's claim that it is clear Cowher is not coming to Buffalo. To me, that is not clear at all.
  8. Man, what a defeatist attitude. I know it's tough to be optimistic as a Bills fan, but come on. So far Cowher's only action has been to meet with the Bills. Obviously this doesnt prove he will be our next coach, but how exactly does it prove the opposite?
  9. My point is that we should probably only gauge Cowher's interest in coaching the Bills (or lack of interest) based on what the man himself has said or done. And the only evidence we have in that regard is that he met with the Bills last week. Now that alone does not prove he is willing to take the job. But it certainly doesn't indicate that he is definitely opposed to taking the job.
  10. Yet he was interested enough to meet with the Bills last week?
  11. On Sportcenter, Mort just qualified Schefter's report by saying "But Cowher was willing to meet with the Bills last week. Now maybe he came to this conclusion after that meeting. But we really need to hear from Cowher himself" (despite quotes, I'm paraphrasing). Mort also recalled that last year Cowher came out and said he wouldnt be coaching that season. As of now, he has not done that.
  12. My take: A "source close to the situation" saying Cowher is "unlikely" to coach next year is almost meaningless. Obviously, it could be true. But it also could mean the exact opposite -- that he is floating the possibility that he won't coach next year in order to up the ante for any team(s) who want to make him an offer. Don't forget, lately Cowher has been painted as almost desperate to find a job next year. Peter King said he might "have" to coach in Buffalo. This could be Cowher's way of saying, "Listen, I'm not exactly hard up here. I can easily go back to my cushy TV job unless you show me the money." PS Another Cowher update coming up on Sportscenter. Probably more of the same, but just thought I'd throw it out there.
  13. This was widely assumed, but here's the word from the Texans' owner.
  14. In my opinion, the fact that the Texans have major pieces in place is a double-edged sword from Cowher's perspective. Yes, it makes it easier to win more quickly. But it also means Cowher better like the pieces they have in place and not have a strong desire to shop for his own "groceries," as Parcells once said. In other words, a place like Buffalo would allow Cowher to build the team how he wants it, not inherit lots of entrenched skill players. It might be wishful thinking, but I think there's something to it.
  15. I, for one, love posts like this. One thing Bills fans have not had enough of lately is HOPE. To give a little hope around the holidays is great in my mind. So what if it's only 1 in 1000? There's still HOPE.
  16. I don't think that's an accurate list. I believe USA Today includes a signing bonus, if received during that calendar year, in their salary totals. But for the purposes of the franchise tag, I think you just pay the average of the top 5 annual salaries, not including signing bonuses, etc. Edit: Here is the more relevant list: http://content.usatoday.com/sports/footbal...on.aspx?pos=133
  17. I never said anyone would trade a top pick. I simply said we could potentially franchise him and then trade him, similar to how Donahoe handled Peerless Price a few years ago. In T.O.'s case, it would not be for a 1st rounder, but better to get something for him than nothing at all.
  18. One final thought: We could also Franchise T.O. and then trade him, much like the Peerless Price situation a few years ago.
  19. The franchise tag is rarely discussed with regard to keeping T.O., but it is a viable option. As others have said, it could be argued that he is worth top-5 money, and it only obligates the Bills for one year. I could see a scenario where T.O. continues to get the ball in the last 5 games, likes the direction the Bills go with a head coach (either with Fewell or, much more likely, someone new), and decides not to raise a fuss over getting top 5 money to play another year in Buffalo. Bottom line, I'd put the odds that T.O. stays at about 20%.
  20. It always amazes me when people get angry when others have unrealistic playoff hopes. If you don't want to talk playoffs, then don't. But why would you care that others are talking playoffs?
  21. Is it realistic to expect that if Ralph finds his guy -- Shanahan or whoever else -- he could be hired before the end of the season? I only ask because I don't remember that ever happening before with another team (i.e. a head coach is fired mid-season, an interim coach is installed, interviews take place, and a new head coach is hired and takes the reins before the end of the season). Also, wouldn't the Bills have to formally interview Fewell or another minority coach to comply with the Rooney Rule? How would the timing of that work? Meet with Shanny, interview Fewell, offer job to Shanny? Perhaps I don't remember a situation like this because it is very unusual for several top big-name coaches to be on the open market and not employed by another team, thus enabling them to be hired before the end of the season. In most cases a team would not hire a new coach without having a chance to at least talk to candidates from other teams. But I guess if Ralph knows he wants Shanny (or someone else who is out there), there's nothing that would stop him from hiring someone right away. It's just unconventional.
  22. You make some good points, but your last one is the best. Message boards of all types tend to bring out the extremists -- the "crazies," if you will. After all, it takes a certain kind of person to be so passionate about something that they actively participate in message boards. I guess being overly optimistic about my team qualifies me as crazy myself, or delusional, or otherwise out of touch with reality. But as I said in a previous response, I choose not to be rigidly realistic about football. There's plenty of stuff in real life that calls for serious assessments and objectivity. So I guess the conclusion to this thread, from my perspective, is to say that you should be a fan how you like to, and I'll be a fan how I like to. But only on a message board would someone be roundly criticized for being overly optimistic about a football team -- the same team that this board is devoted to.
  23. Sports is an escape for me -- an interest. It is not my life. There are plenty of things in real life to be realistic about, to disappointed with, and to be upset by. I choose to have fun with football, and not get so angry with the team I like and the people who show faith in that team.
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