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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. That's why he only bought the first 3 seasons of full house.
  2. This week's Hump Day girl is: Kelly Packard! You may remember her poor acting in California Dreams, Blossom, The Wonder Years, Bay Watch, and recently a Billy Banks infomercial. She's also stared in some "special" home movies with mr crayonz, sorry boys those are private. Here's to you Kelly Packard... this week's hump day girl.
  3. Who's BF? I can't imagine the horrible things you'll be doing with this stuff. Or maybe you've already got some better stuff from the pharmacy. Can you check your canadian stores to see if it will be available there? Some people may have to make a run for the border if not. This would require some pre-planning.
  4. A public service announcement from yours truly. Some on here may find it useful. Despite some people's documented temptations, please make sure the recipient is 18 or older. For legal purposes only
  5. I think they should add a section for myspace sexual predators.
  6. Don't prod the bear you idiots. That song was by Gordon Lightfoot before he turned islamic. I doubt he reads this site, but if he does he'll probably target Buffalo because you did not give him proper credit. Maybe he kidnapped LA's dad.
  7. This one comes from my friend Joe, and it involves his parents. And yes, it is 100% true. You can't make this sh-- up. Joe was attending college, but was home for the weekend to visit friends, and to support the local liquor stores. Apparently his parents were out of town, so at some point in the booze-filled evening, he and his comrades took the party to his parents' house, where his cousin Henry ended up romancing some lady of dubious moral character in Joe's parents' bed. (Note to self: Never, ever leave town after Jake reaches puberty.) Why wouldn't Joe's bed have been the natural choice? We may never know. Perhaps the vomit present on that item of furniture was distasteful to the questionable lady in question. Perhaps there were four nearly comatose alcoholics already peacefully napping there. Perhaps the tipsy couple were unable to locate Joe's bed, or perhaps they thought there were in Joe's bed. Either way, the deed was done--probably very sloppily--and Joe returned to his college life after the weekend of fun and frolic and displaced fornication. Sometime during the following week, Joe received a panicked phone call from his father back home. Joe's mom was accusing his dad of cheating on her because she found herself with a case of crabs--which, naturally, would send up a red flag to any thinking woman. Dad's flustered reply of, "Well, I didn't give them to you; you must have picked them up from sitting on something," was not going over well with her. A divorce, and possibly a fatal stab wound, was imminent unless some hasty detective work could produce a more acceptable explanation for the sudden panty invasion. It didn't take a genius to know the investigation should begin with Joe. Joe called cousin Henry, cousin Henry was forced to reluctantly call Mom and claim responsibility for the crab infestation, and probably to apologize very, very profusely and sincerely and repeatedly for having the bad judgment to use their marital bed for the site of one of his STD-collecting expeditions. Dad was removed from the sh-- List, at least for the time being, and Joe was left with the rare distinction of being able to say he was at least partially at fault for his mom getting crabs. And Henry, I assume, was off to the nearest pharmacy. And they all lived happily ever after.
  8. Forget it Ed, you have no chance of hitting that.
  9. I thought Sinbad was a sailor that dueled with swords. I haven't seen that football movie but how did they work Sinbad into the story?
  10. I bumped it because you stated you were logging off. I figured you wouldn't have the chance to bump your own thread all night. I'm just trying to help. Thanks for the tip. My bookie wants to talk to you. Everyone loses sometimes but I think I'm figuring this thing out. USC tanked so they could get a lower seed next year right?
  11. To All: Do you think the Bengals threw the game against the Bills so they could get a lower playoff seeding?
  12. He probably took three guesses at how many crayonz you had for breakfast. I'm going with 78.
  13. This is a GOOD thread for Johnny. He usually just explains why teams around the league are losing on purpose to avoid bye weeks and home games.
  14. Sounds like you were the wingman to me. Ashlee Simpson + Drugs = Laura Quinn
  15. Who knows what he has planned for younger sister Kelly Quinn.
  16. I haven't been this hung over since last weekend. This is the type of morning when you get up and whip up a nice batch of retatta.
  17. This gets even better. They are soooooo worried about staying at home to play the Steelers yet not worried about playing at Denver?
  18. So they examined the schedule, decided they were a bad team even thought they were only 11-3, strategized on how to lose games so they could play an extra week and avoid a team with a lesser record? Ok.
  19. Let me get this straight. They had a shot at a bye week and lost on purpose so they could get the 4 seed instead of the 2 seed? Do they enjoy having to win three playoff games instead of two? If ieatcrayonz, what do you eat?
  20. Manipulating data in asses? Was that Picard you interviewed?
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