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Everything posted by RokpileR

  1. I kind of like the idea of Bill Billick as HC. He certainly has the record as proof that he knows how to assemble a top notch staff. I still like Norm Chow (current OC at UCLA) anybody who is credited with developing the likes of Jim McMahon, Steve Young, Ty Detmer, Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, and Matt Leinart, surely can develop and lead a Bills offense. Not too mention turning around that putrid UCLA offense. Defensively, I have no problem retaining Fewell as DC. I like his aggressive philosophy. That he runs a Tampa 2, and a 4-3 is really insignificant. If Billick believes he has the players for a 4-3 or 3-4, that is what will be run. I think given a competent group of players, he can have the bills defense ranked in the top 10 in no time. Of course if Fewell does not have the knowledge to run either, than OFF WITH HIS HEAD. Get somebody else...like Rivera or Haslett. I really like the job Sean McDermott is doing in his first year at Philly. DC and assistant HC might be required to lure him away though. The combination of these three, IMHO give Buffalo the best chance of success in the shortest possible time.
  2. As much as this is outside of the mainstream thinking, I'd like to ONCE AGAIN throw out the name. " Norm Chow" OC UCLA. I won't bore you with his credentials. I will tell you this.. If the Bills are looking for a Teacher, an Offensive minded coach.. a man who will be affordable, attract solid coordinators, and develop QB's.... Norm CHOW is the man. Take a moment and review this man's history. You will agree that he is a SOLID candidate to take the Bills job. (even if it is OC)
  3. I agree with Murra. Besides rather than create a firestorm over 'race', Wilson could very easily interview Tony Dungy, who matches the acceptable criteria, yet would most certainly not accept a position with the Bills if offered. Thus, the Rooney rule would have been met. I don't see where such obstacles will impact the timing of any announcement from OBD. Personally, I don't care who gets the Front Office Job or coaching positions, as long as we Friggin win.. If Bin Laden could get us a super bowl, I'll take it. When does OJ get out??? I AM SICK AND TIRED OF LOSING!!!!!! I just don't care about the color of the person.
  4. Well that just goes to show, Perry is just one MEAN ole grouch. How dare he make those big ole, pampered rich kids practice in pads. What the heck is wrong with this guy?? What does he think they are FOOTBALL players?? OMG Git rid of this guy before someone gets a strained hair follicle. Next he'll expect them to practice the snap count. OMG
  5. I am sure the Atlanta fans were laughing too when Brett Farve was shipped off to Green Bay, because HE SUCKED. :-) Bet they were saying... hahahahahahahahaha.... people still think Brett can be saved...priceless.
  6. If USC were the only school? Yes, I could see your point. But Chow did the same at BYU, USC, North Carolina State, UCLA and Tenn. If this guy is following the cream of the crop qb's, then we need him as GM, or head scout because he SURE CAN PICK em'
  7. The same was said about a guy named..Brett Farve, who as jettisoned from Atlanta. Then there was Steve Young, first round pick of the Tampa Bay Bucs. Did I mention a certain Darryl Lamonica? All of these guys SUCKED too. Has anyone seen Joe Montana's stats from his 1st 5 years in the NFL? Or was it Terry Bradshaw? And then there is the "ole what'shisname" qb currently of the Phoenix Cards. Hmm talk about BIG SUCK!!! oh..and then he got a coach...imagine HIS surprise when he landed in St. Louis with the Rams. That super bowl must have been fun to win. Nobody wanted Drew Brees...he was cut.. CUT... who was it that coached his replacement at North Carolina State??? Yep...Norm Chow. So yeah, I guess I am definitely one of a scant few who believe it is also coaching that can make or break a qb. In Trent's case, I believe it more so. Can't imagine what would have happened to Dan Marino in Seattle, or Oakland, or worse (Baltimore - colts at the time). The Jim Kellys, Dan Fouts and John Elways are not a dime a dozen, they are rare breeds who come along every so often. Teams that can take a Tom Brady, Joe Falco, Donovan McNabb or Matt Shaub and coach them to a high level are the teams who will be successful year in and year out. btw... you should have a Dr. look at your forehead. I hear banging ones head against a brick wall can have damaging affects. :-)
  8. I'd take Mike Shanahan for HC and Norm Chow for OC in a NY minute
  9. Get the torches ready: Norm Chow, OC UCLA. What I don't understand is how he has managed to fly under the radar all these years. From Jim McMahon, and Steve Young to Carson Palmer, Phillip Rivers, Matt Leinhart to Vince Young..(when he led his team to 8-5) Norm Chow has coached them all. BYU, USC TENN Titans, and now UCLA. In fact, as OC at TENN, he directed an offense that was banged up and filled with rookies. In 2005, Tennessee ranked ninth in the NFL in passing and ranked 17th overall in offense. The group of rookie receivers (WR Brandon Jones, WR Roydell Williams, WR Courtney Roby and TE Bo Scaife) became the first quartet of rookie receivers since the 1968 Buffalo Bills to each record at least 20 receptions in a season. Scaife would also establish a new rookie tight end franchise mark for receptions with 37. (we remember Scaife don't we?) In 2006, Vince Young, then a rookie quarterback from Texas, took over the offense during the fourth week of the season. He led the team to an 8-5 record, earned Rookie of the Year honors (only the second quarterback to win AP Offensive Rookie of the Year) and became the first rookie quarterback to play in the Pro Bowl. Young earned all of the headlines, but it was the running game that drove the offense as the Titans finished fifth in the league in rushing, amassing the sixth highest rushing total in franchise history (2,214 yards) and the highest yards per carry in franchise history (4.7). In 2007 the team only finished 10-6 earning a playoff berth. Norm Chow has done nothing but guide successful offenses and develop National Title and Heisman Trophy winning qb's. At the helm of USC's offense, Chow directed an attack that ranked in the nation's top 20 in total offense in each of his final three seasons, tutored two Heisman trophy winning quarterbacks (Palmer in 2002 and Leinart in 2004) and won two national titles. The Trojans were 42-9 during his four seasons, 36-3 in the final three. I don't know how I feel about him as a HC prospect, but I cannot imagine a more perfect fit as Buffalo's next offensive coordinator, and Trent Edwards' mentor. No, I am not his agent, friend, school chum, colleague or former player. This guys resume reads like a "who's who" of football coaches. ...... as previously posted on this forum many times..... GIT ER DONE RUSS......
  10. I was going to rent a train to paradise for all those who have always lived strictly by christian values. People who never had malicious of thought, or fornication, or jealousy, or pride, or gluttony, nothing. Law abiding, prayerfully disciplined, never loaned or borrowed money. Never stole, lied, or cheated. You know, the good old boys, never falsely accused, never judged his fellow man, never scorned another. Then I realized a train was too big, so I thought I'd rent a bus. Funny thing happened on the way to pick up passengers, There were none...even the driver had to get off the "holier than thou" bus.
  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last week I suggested the silent treatment. Here is this weeks coffee induced idea. Get a crew together...20-40ppl. Order, or make yellow flags. If you make them..simply purchase yellow sheets or something like that. Cut into equal 5" x 5" squares..(or larger) then distribute at the next home game. Along with a note attached to the holder: Please help us get the owners attention by waving this flag whenever the Bills are on the field. For the entrepreneurial spirit, you can order about 40,000 yellow flags and try to sell them, say $1.00 each. The idea however is to maximize the affect of waving the flags. No interviews, no emails, letters etc... the announcers (radio and TV) will clearly understand the message and call the owner out on air. BINGO!!!!
  12. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not that I am a Kelsay hater. No need for me to dwell on football much. My grandfather was a mechanic. Rush brushes his teeth? Screw Dick, he blows anyway. What's a blabbergaster? "bottom fag" I'm not an Ivy leagQueer, yet I like that one. I can only imagine the public reaction when Henry Ford rolled out the first car that wasn't painted black. Surely the colleges and universities took a pretty good tongue lashing for that one. Granny git yer gun!!!!????!!! lol....great post, I almost enjoyed it's relevancy.
  13. Expecting 60,000 plus to stay home may be out of the question. Likewise you won't convince them to wait until half time to go into the stadium. Heaven forbid you stand up in the Ralph. No sense getting the crap beat out of you by the guards. How about... DEAD SILENCE during the HOF ceremony? No paper bags, no turning of the backs, just simple, respectful, classy (golden) silence. You want RW to get the message? That'll give it to him LOUD and clear.... Stick Dick (Jauron) where the sun don't shine.
  14. Fans across the league have tried many things to light a fire (no pun intended) under their team's seat bottom, in most cases to no avail. Staying home is always an option, but most folk who have already spent the cash for a ticket would probably refuse to do that. Imagine a stadium full of ticket holders sitting in "DEAD" silence throughout the entire game. No cheers, no claps, no standing (I hear the guards frown on that now). NOTHING. Just go to the game.. sit thru the game as long as you can stand it, then go home. That message would be heard around the world. It would make the news in practically every country on this planet. "62,000 FANS REFUSE TO CHEER" WOW!! It's late, I'm tired...stupid ideas have a habit of sneaking out at night.
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