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Everything posted by RokpileR

  1. Not to be one to jump on old people....success of one person's enterprising efforts should not be determined by some one unassociated with the enterprise. In our case, we are merely fans. We have no financial stake in the BILLS. Oh sure, we buy tickets, and DIRECTV, and Bills gear etc, that is financial support, but our livelihood is not predicated on the success of the Bills franchise. From where we sit... RW is a loser. Owning the club for so long, trading away good players, not drafting one player over the other, not hiring this coach over that coach...etc. The bottom line is THE BOTTOM LINE.. RW is a business man first, a football fan second. How many businessmen do we know at ANY age that gives a crap about the individual customer? NONE...if they tell you otherwise, they are lying...they only care about the BOTTOM LINE. If that means sucking up to you, or pretending to care about what you think, or kicking his mother under the school bus to make a dollar, he will do it. Like it or not, RW has been VERY successful owning the Buffalo Bills. He bought a team for 25K, that is now worth close too, if not over 1 billion dollars. He gets to keep truck loads of money, the county owns and pays for the maintenance of the stadium... I mean this guy is sitting on easy street ---financially---- If legacy means anything to him, which at this point, I am beginning to think it does, RW will bust his butt to get a SB win before he meets the "worm monsters." (make that MUNCHERS) Meanwhile, we who sit on the mighty throne of justice, can only pray that WE can make an investment such as what RW made, and live to be 91 years old and a cotton picken Billionaire. Me? I'll be happy just to see my 91st birthday...THAT IS SUCCESS in my book.
  2. You should have your own radio talk show. Imagine how popular you'd be.... maybe you can go on just before Glen Beck, or Rush Limbaugh. Sort of a nice lead in to get the listeners fired up before the REAL B.S. begins. Love your post... especially the "how many felonies Lynch commits every day before lunch" hahaha man that is original.
  3. WOW I must REALLY be old. I still remember the my first bills game..it was a Saturday (birthday present for me) How do I know it was a Saturday? Because Sundays I was in church. we played the Oakland Raiders. I had never heard of the Raiders, knew even less about the Bills. But there something really special about sitting there in the rockpile swishing cigar smoke out of my face, and munching on hot roasted peanuts. I got to meet and shake hands with Ernie Warlick that day. He was the biggest scariest man I had ever seen in my life. But he was so nice to me. Called me "young blood". Call me stupid, call me anything you want, just don't call me during a BILLS GAME.
  4. ** * * * * * * * Mike, I feel your pain. being a Bills fan is not a decision, it's part of your very existence. I mean, it IS what being from Buffalo is all about. Say what you want about the crappy city, but noone can ever question the passion and loyalty of what makes up a Buffalo Bills fan. It is true, our Mondays are defined by what happens on our Sundays. We ARE BUFFALO. Nothing is more gut wrenching than to have the mere thought of jumping ship cross ones mind. Honestly Mike, you can't. As much as you wish you could, you can NEVER abandon the Bills. None of us can. We didn't sit in the cold, wind and rain and suffer humiliating loss after loss, just to change our colors. NO..... HELL NO we piss and moan, have another cold one and make plans for next week, or next season. That's what we do. And Dammit, we don't apologize for it either. We'll cry in our beer, piss and moan about the owner, management, coaches, cheerleaders, hell even the ticket takers are not immune to our scorn, but NEVER,,,,,,,NEVER will we stop yelling and screaming from the very core of our being to the top of our lungs; GO B U F F A L O ................... Go B I L L S THAT"S how to cope when your team is in disarray........................
  5. Oh yes indeed.... Nail him to the cross... with tar and feathers... have a Sunday picnic at his front door. You know what that is ..... Oh goody...Hamburg could be famous.... for having it's first Annual Lynchburger.. It could be used as a warning to all the other people "like him" that Hamburg is JUST NOT THE KIND OF PLACE YOU WANT TO CALL HOME. GET OUT!!!!
  6. Congratulations you move to the TOP OF THE CLASS. Every time I find myself longing to return to Buffalo, the city of good neighbors, I get to read this. Thank you for reminding me of how right I am to stay away. If what you say about half the population of Hamburg not ever seeing "anyone like him before" (with gold teeth and dreads) and they are automatically scared and intimidated is true, (I have no reason to doubt you) I get this real scary picture of "Steptfortville" Maybe it IS time to start a campaign to encourage the Bills to leave WNY for a more diverse climate. Gold teeth, dreads, dark skinned people, OH MY... Lions and Tigers and Bears....OH MY. Yes WNY it's time for a change. Don't just demand Marshawn Lynch be traded...Run his behind right on out of town...you have history of handling these problems.... this $20.00 is a perfect start.
  7. It is beginning to appear (due to the lack of announcements) that NONE OF THE ABOVE are interested in becoming a H.C. in Buffalo. Talk about "Ugly step-sister syndrome" (Due to Shannahan, Gruden, Shotty and still possibly Cowher) Making up excuses to NOT be interested in the Bills H.C. job. This is quite embarrassing to see our beloved team AND owner reduced to having a potential coach play the " well let's just wait and see if I can get something better than working in Buffalo" game. Two teams had H.C. jobs open AFTER the BILLS and BOTH appear to have landed their man. While we sit here drooling over "Capt. Drool" who wants ANYWHERE else but Buffalo to be his next home. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we can get the losingest H.S. girls volleyball coach to accept a job in Buffalo. Just like our failed draft picks, we leave the best player on the table for someone else. "Billick" If you can't dance with the prettiest girl at the prom, at least dance with one who isn't the ugliest, and is WILLING to dance with you.
  8. This is an interesting spin. Marshawn THINKS??? Now we know WHAT and HOW he thinks....
  9. Thank you for proving me right. :-) p.s. 2 words. SUSAN SMITH
  10. EPIC...award winning. If I had a Labatt's Blue I'd raise a glass to ya. Maybe later... after lunch :-)
  11. Ghetto scum bag, A-hole, Thug, Illiterate.....just a few of the words that have been used to define M Lynch. No doubt one of the most hated Bills of all time. What with his offensive looking "gold teeth" and his "dreads"... he LOOKS like all of those things. We have after-all been indoctrinated into associating this kind of "look" with that kind of "person". The fact that it is a police officers wife (above reproach), lends even more credibility to this story. So let's not question the details of this asinine story. Let's not question the motive of the complainant, let's embrace this story as those did at "Rosewood", because that is our mentality. We are like Canadian geese, flying in whichever direction we are led, no matter where that may be. WHY?? Because we WANT to believe this story. We want to have a villain... it serves our racist, blood thirsty appetite. We work 40-50hrs a week, bring home our pittance of $400-500 a week, to pay our $400.00 a month rent or (mortgage) $267.00 a month truck note, $500.00 a month heating bill...etc. We begrudge anybody making 1-3 million a year that LOOKS like M. Lynch. He is after all an arrogant (I threw this in myself, hope you don't mind) ghetto scum-bag, a-hole, thug with offensive teeth and hair. Why should he have all that money, living in a fine home, driving a nice automobile? He gets to hang out at TGI's....we get to hang out a Pete's Bar and Grill, sucking down $.50 splits, or Bob's when his wife is not home. This kind of life will get even the most tolerant of wnyer's dandruff up. Yes siree Bob..this is an open and shut case. Hang him, take all of his money, send him packing back to the ghetto in Oakland. In a couple of years his ghetto thug behind will be dead anyway. Better yet, (here is the best part) Let's trade him to a team like....... oh Baltimore for a 2097 7th round conditional draft pick. Get them all out of here...Evans, Stroud, Mitchell, Whitner, Florence, McGee, Byrd too (he'll do something ONE DAY) who else...?? All of them....it's in their DNA, it's just a matter of time before another one of THOSE people do something. Next time it could be YOUR wife, your sister, your daughter, or your aunties, best friends, cousins granddaughters niece. THIS MUST BE STOPPED. Yeah, then we can sit in front of our Aaron's Rental big screen tv on days like today and watch him in the playoffs. Man that will feel so good when we see him get hit by Clay Matthews Jr, or Brian Cushing, or somebody like that. Just put a REAL GOOD LICK on that sucker. Yessireee Bob,,,,that will make us Buffalo, New York people feel just GREAT. Then I moved to Dallas, Texas... where this kind of stuff is NOT played out in the media. Somebody driving down I35, or across 30 or 20 will "look" like the guy and ...... well it will just get handled, swept under the rug, and we all get together for some beef brisket and a Bud, and go on with our own miserable lives. Thanks to the MEDIA.
  12. Just goes to show, we will believe ANYTHING that suits our own agenda.
  13. That's where the picture gets a bit too cloudy. When we start "doubting" certain aspects of a situation in order to facilitate our biases, the water appears rather murky. Unless any of us has first hand knowledge of what goes on at OBD, and who does what, we can only speculate. To make a case for firing a guy using this speculation is just flat bogus. I don't mean this as a personal attack, but comeon. Guy had at least 2 other people reporting to him. Pro Personnel Coordinator and an Assistant to Pro Personnel, not to mention numerous scouts. I would imagine in a professional corporate environment such as OBD, there would be data collection, data analysis, recommendations and reports etc... cascaded up to the decision makers. Those most likely would involve.. Talent reports (GUY) Financial Analysis/Contracts (Russ B) Medical Evaluation, and of course Coaches evaluation. It does not seem logical that ONE person would have all the say so. Each would need to buy off on any selection, otherwise the choice is without merit. The final say so always rests with Ralph Wilson. But somehow with RB being responsible for the purse strings in football matters, one would likely have to conclude it is RB who has the FINAL say so in personnel matters. (with few exceptions deferred to RW). Now this is SPECULATION.. it does not support or condemn any one person, just an objective look at HOW things appear based on public information. Unless we have the pro scouting reports as submitted to the pro personnel department, and the financials and contracts, and medical evaluations, along with the coaches evaluation.. it would be almost impossible to know WHO made the wrong decisions in the PRO PERSONNEL areas. I for one happen to think the Bills have done a fairly good job of bringing in veteran players to help fill in the holes as the coaches perceives them. Fitz/TO/Florence/Stroud/Mitchell/re-siging Evans and Reed/Incognito/McIntyre/F. Jackson these were all efforts of the PRO PERSONNEL department, headed up by John GUY. No one is going to bat a thousand in personnel, but I think Guy has done a pretty dog gone good job. Coach says "this is what I need", Guy finds who is available, brings them in..then it is up to the coach to get the best out of those players. I'm just saying
  14. Oh one more thing there Big Bill....... us good ole boys in Buffalo? We're the marrying kind. (I think he has a daughter)
  15. WOW is being a vegetarian another criteria that could disqualify a potential coach? For a city and team that has such a poor image (Sabres excluded) ..... it's a shame that those who CAN make a difference...WON'T.
  16. Simple answer.... No you are NOT alone. I too would prefer someone other than Cowher. Why? Cowher has made it clear "established" personnel groupings must be in place (QB) in order for him to consider a team. Well, woo peee I guess that makes Cowher a non issue. Nix has already stated his coach candidate must be a TEACHER..first and foremost. Cowher is NO TEACHER. That he won a SB means squat. That he is able to develop and inspire his team to play sound, smart football, and can outcoach the opposition is important to me. WHY? If he is successful doing these things, his team wins. Yes, Dorothy there is a place called Kansas. Billick pissed off RW..okay...but so did Jim Kelly. He insulted Buffalo and Western NY. Yet we welcomed Jimbo with open arms when the USFL folded. Today, Buffalo is the beloved home of that snooty brat from Miami. Like Kelly, Billick need only enjoy a slice of humble pie, meet the greatest fans on earth in Buffalo, and he too will eventually call Buffalo his beloved home. It happens to alot of people. They hate Buffalo, UNTIL they go there...then it's love.. (not at first sight) I support Billick for HC because he has a history of developing players, adapting his coaching style and system to the talent that he has, and inspiring his team to play like their hair is on fire. The fact that he won a superbowl without a ton of superstars speaks for itself. Leslie Frazier will NOT be accepted in Buffalo. No matter what his credentials. Harbaugh does not inspire me with a lot of confidence that he can succeed at this level. Buffalo REALLY needs a quality coach who have succeeded at the PRO level. Just my 50 cents worth
  17. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have no doubt that many on this board feel John Guy should be fired and Tom Modrak kept on board. Clearly John Guy does not have that "look" many are accustomed to seeing in a Buffalo Bills front office. I mean after all he is the VP of Pro Personnel for crying out loud; http://www.buffalobills.com/about-us/front-office.html That makes him responsible for WHAT??? The draft pick failures, the trade "aways"? signing FA's...or matching the needs of the organization (Coaches wants) with the available talent and the Bills financial position. I don't know... I am no John Guy fan, don't know him...don't care if he is fired or not. BUT........................................................................ WHAT EXACTLY DOES HE DO? I MEAN..... Has anyone taken the time to look at WHAT he does and the impact it has had on the team (within the corporate constraints), or is this just taking a look at HIM and deciding he should be fired. Guys like John Guy, Leslie Frazier, Tony Dungy, Perry Fewell are just NOT what the Bills need in order to be successful. Isn't that true? That's why Bill Cowher is so coveted. He IS after all a SB winning coach. That he bumped heads with his GM is of no consequence.. (he did after-all win that fight) Heaven forbid Cowher signs with Buffalo and he goes to John Guy and says....get me Michael Vick... HOLY MOTHER OF POLISH SAUSAGE.. Who do we blame?? The security guard at the south end of the stadium? Ok my rant is over... but I have to ask the question.... WHO among those that are passionately calling for John Guy's firing know what the heck the man does, and what the impact on the team has been? Florence, Mitchell (a host of ) offensive linemen, Stroud, Free agents? Or is he responsible for "Jason Peters, McGahee, Ko Simposon trades?
  18. +1 This reminds me of going easter shopping with my mom at Sattlers on Broadway. I knew I was gonna get a pair of brown shoes, a pair of black shoes and a suit. Of course I'd speculate about loafers or tie ups... ankle boots or regular. The anxiety of not knowing WHICH suit made the trip down Paderewski Drive all the more exciting. In the end, my mom made the choices, but it did not deter me from wanting and hoping. OBD is 998 Broadway in my book. GO BILLS
  19. Just saw an interview with Steve Mariucci, Fran Charles and Brian Billick on NFL Network. I came away with a strong feeling that Brian Billick will be introduced as the next HC in Buffalo. It was clear that Brian Billick is interested in returning to the coaching ranks. Shanny is clearly the top choice of the Redskins, and he apparently wants no part of Buffalo. Billick denied he had contact with the Bills "as of yet", but he did say "an organization has to decide what kind of structure it wants to put together before it can reach out to this coach or that coach" Today the Bills made that decision very clear. He was sure to mention that he had a great relationship with Ozzie Newsome in Baltimore and have "a firm idea" of what he is looking for in an organization. Then he clearly states that "we'll see how it pans out, how it stands with both Washington and Buffalo" Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that Billick and the Bills are looking at each other for a 'marriage'. Given the rebuff from Shannanhan and Homegren, I'd say the chances are better than 50/50 Billick goes to Buffalo. I for one....am totally ok with that. I just hope Buddy doesn't blow it.
  20. I don't know. Nix indicated that he is a proponent of "competition". He believes that a team should bring in lots of players to create the sort of competitive atmosphere that weeds out those that don't fit. He also believes in building thru the draft, and filling holes with mid priced FA's. That being said... I can see the team focusing on building up draft picks this year...a blockbuster trade would not surprise me. Such as... Lee Evans for a 2 and 5. Oakland, Seattle, even Baltimore could be good suitors. Whitner and Scott do not make me think GONE.. same with Edwards and Brohm.. If Nix is true to his word, and the HC whom he hires is on the same page, I think the QB situation will NOT be decided until a solid OL is established and each guy given a fair chance to play with a good line. GONE... McCargo... I think it is safe to say that he is a bust. GONE... TO he should have never been signed in the first place GONE... Denney. Whomever the new coach is will NOT want such a mediocre player on his team GONE.... OL with the exception of Levitre and Wood (if he comes back) everyone else...HISTORY GONE.... LB's all of them... Ok keep POZ that's it. I really like the idea that the Bills could switch to a 3-4. Maybin would be a great fit a OLB ... I think I would bring Mitchell in for a look see to play the other inside, and draft an OLB, Weatherspoon or McClain. I'd keep Scott.. thought he had a decent season, AND shown a lot of team commitment moving to LB... a position where he was CLEARLY overmatched.
  21. Should both OT's Okung and Williams be off the board when our pick comes up, I am hoping we take McClain LB Alabama. Otherwise, I would be happy if they traded down around 22-27 pick up a #2 and maybe #4. With the 1st pick I could see Campbell, or Davis (Rutgers) or Bulaga.. if they are gone...take Weatherspoon LB/A Jones DT... then get Ciron Black OT LSU, in Round Two. And use the 2nd of the two picks in round 2 on another OT...maybe Capers OT WV. Any of these players could make a significant impact right away on this squad. If the Bills get who they want in RD 1... then I would target...Wooten NW (DE) or Fox MIA OT both are recovering from injury and could slip. It would not be until the 3rd round that I would even consider a QB...and that would be Pike out of CIN ..... I like the OB at Ole Miss...but honestly... I'd prefer to wait until next year for a QB... with Taylor Potts Texas Tech squarely in my horsehair. He reminds me of Rothlesburger.
  22. I agree that an overhaul in the coaching ranks is needed, with the exception of Bobby April. What I disagree with is the assertion that Perry Fewell "is not Head Coaching Material". Frankly I haven't seen enough of him in the job to agree with that statement. In fact, I doubt there is anyone on this forum in a position to make that analogy. If there is, I suspect you should be in the front office at OBD. Is Perry Fewell the right guy for the BILLS H.C. at this time? Probably not. The tasks and obstacles facing the next head coach will require experience and steadfast leadership. Perry has demonstrated that he is definitely up to the task of being a head coach, just not with the BILLS, NOT THIS TIME AROUND. I say get the token minority interview out of the way and move on. Let's face it, no one in Bills country wants a guy like Fewell or Dungy....I just hope Alabama Nix can find a good ole boy that he can work with that the masses will not try to lynch.
  23. I like the possibility of a NIX - Cowher relationship. They both have similar approaches to winning in a place like Buffalo. You need big nasty smash mouth, kick butt type players. GRUNTS... like Cowher had in Pittsburgh. No mammby pammbies.. That Nix is on record acknowledging the same, it stands to reason the two of them would get along GREAT. Cowher would be a great fit for the BILLS if he has a GM willing to get him the type of player that he likes to coach. Nix is just that type of GM. Comeon...Buddy Make it happen.
  24. Buffalo Bills News on twitter reported ; http://hustream.blogspot.com/2010/01/india...falo-bills.html
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