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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. The first true modernization of defense strategy and the alignment and utilization of forces in more than 25 years, basing National Defense and Homeland Defense on joint capabilities, using all elements of national power rather than component force set piece strategy that may or may not work. Using an adaptive approach to planning and strategy rather than deliberate set piece plans that may not work when the first shot is fired. Developing and implementing a new theory towards the aquisition process that over the course of the next 6 years will not only provide like capabilities to all forces but will reduce or eliminate redundancy, identify gaps and develope solutions all of which will save the taxpayer billions over the old methods. There's about 10 paragraphs more, and that's just the Department of Defense.
  2. And there is nothing quite like a quiet night of Yak dancing.
  3. I work with some of the finest people I have ever met. Good people, and very professional. Dot the I's and cross the t's. Fun to be around, but deadly serious in their work. Be glad they are out there.
  4. We had the same thought here. Thought Monroe might have stayed...but they shut down everything in Atlanta too, so Army FORSCOM and TRADOC will have new homes. Belvoir is picking up a LOT. We knew we were moving there, I don't know if we're counted in the 9,000.
  5. "Georgia...Georgia, the whole day through...just an old sweet song, with Georgia..on my mind..."
  6. I'm waiting for the insightful National Defense Analysis.
  7. Ditto. A bridge burnt is gone. I'm so glad I have a job I like, and work with a bunch of people who make coming in both a challenge and a pleasure. It took 40 something years, but I've found a niche. Yup, sometimes screw off and post on a message board...but one never feels like shunning what needs to get done, and there's always something new to do. I consider myself pretty lucky.
  8. You REALLY want to talk about this stuff? First off, where do you get your information. I'm particularly interested in your takes on Homeland Security and National Defense.
  9. Wow... (sits back with popcorn...feet up on the coffee table)
  10. I work in an environment where we can be tested for drugs, alchohol, whatever at any time - but on the job, or by prior arrangement, like a phone call in the afternoon to report in the morning. It's not a big deal...but it really does seem odd to me that it's considered legal to come to someone's home at random and do it. WTF. What if I'm into my fifth beer watching a Bills game? I'm not at work, I'm not bothering anybody, I'm not on the highway. What am I guilty of? Prior drinking history or no prior drinking history that's BS.
  11. I know the real reason...but I'm not telling.
  12. I was the Pope for about a year...that worked pretty good... Until the unfortunate incident with Sister Mary-Elizabeth....
  13. Darin: Did he? Or was it the giraffe in the cowboy suit? It wasn't the mime, though. I already know that. And why not Friday instead of Tuesday?
  14. I do like that rapid transition to Title 10 Authority stuff...
  15. Crap. I had planned on going, with a few folks from up here. i work with a gal who's on some sort of a "preferred" list for tickets. when we logged on when the tix came on sale, couldn't get any decent seats. I wasn't going to take someone to their first race, and have them only see the cars coming out of three.
  16. What other Teams? There's the Bills and the enemy.
  17. Damn, bill...how'd they get this past the union? Maybe the NYCPD should all take up basketball. would make that go away in a hurry.
  18. Do it. It's expensive, but there is a lot to do, some really interesting people and as far as work goes, seems like it's very stable. Plus, lots of other opportunities. I live in Alexandria. I'm assuming you're single. Married, 60K will not go far. Get in as close to Tyson's as you can, as mentioned-the commutes can be a B word.
  19. Almost 600 posts on American Idol? Be well Gus. We're still thinking of you, and your Dad too.
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