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Wendy's Chili

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Everything posted by Wendy's Chili

  1. You have told Marv to go to Wendy's to have some chili for lunch and he would have given you the REAL scoop. Arby's? Im hurt.
  2. Revenge is oh so sweet!!! I would have given then 25 years if it was up to me!
  3. Finally someone who understands me!!!!! I am meant to be handled with care, be "kinder and more gentle" to Wendy's Chili
  4. Try again. If you ever consume me, you will pay the price!
  5. Ill pass on Ron Mexico. At least that B word's finger wasnt infected with herpes.
  6. Eveyone should feel the most pain for me. Look at how people will view me now. Other chilis make fun of me in school, call me the Chili Finger, it will scar me for life
  7. Screw her for trying to hurt my image. Ill make sure to give her lots of diaherra when she ever tries to eat me again.
  8. Thats true, BTW very hot avatar, I know I could put the finger to good use now after seeing your avatar
  9. Ahr and Ahr, I want to sue the person that put the finger in my chili, help!
  10. Whoever put that !@#$ finger in my chili will never get away with this!
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