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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Lawrence’s barber. He rarely sees any action.
  2. Given the opportunity, I'd push this loser off the curb and into the truck lane. Think I'm kidding??
  3. You’re not gonna continually post this crap are you?
  4. Sticking with your “Josh isn’t the answer” stance?
  5. Saw the same. It wasn't long ago games like this really got to him. Not so much these days.
  6. I'll repeat: Cook is fine. Goalposts remain.
  7. Cook is fine. Being among league leaders rushing really doesn't mean much.
  8. You don't need better scouts. The braintrust needs to make offense the priority.
  9. A better question may be why was a 28 year old SB champ a street FA?
  10. Spread eagle and attack. I went to a football game and an ***** broke out.
  11. I’m not at all confident he’ll contribute much at all this year.
  12. So, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion albeit it a seemingly ridiculous one, but why DISLIKE all other Bills victory predictions? Oh. I see….gotta say, I hate your strategy.
  13. I’m more concerned about the middle of the field on D with the Eagle WRs.
  14. I’ll enjoy voting NO again. Can you run this every week until it happens?
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