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its only real shh

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Everything posted by its only real shh

  1. all this guy wanted to do was to enjoy a slice... ...i like to call it "warren sapp vs the guy from super mario brothers" left click to stream http://wm.gannett.speedera.net/wm.gannett/...izzaassault.wmv
  2. oh great!! I know they dont have a RB but if that happens my Raider days are over, not really but I wont like it. I thought, or hoped, they would of taken Carnell Williams at #7 but thats not happenin now.
  3. Tom Gugliatta huh, damn i didnt even know he still played in the NBA. Wasnt Walker one of the very first players Ainge got rid of? I know he thought he was fat and he also didnt fit that personality thing Ainge lives by for his players. Him and some other guy go by a book written about certain athletes brain traits and how he can destinguish winners and losers by examining a cat scan. You heard of that?
  4. I dont know he had a serious/semi-serious neck injury, last year wasnt it?. He likes to carry the ball too so i dont know I'd rather have a pure blocker personally.
  5. What is this the 1950's?..."negro"? Go up to any black guy and ask him if its OK for you to call him a "negro". African American is dumb in my opinion, your just American really if your born here. Dikembe Mutombo is the African-American, because he's African. Everyone i know just call each other ni**as honestly.
  6. Send the cash....do it, the reward is higher then the risk cause he's got millions for ya.
  7. They put together a good 2nd half against uconn. I dont see them ranked any higher then like 14th and play a 3rd seed. if they play a dominant big man it could be ugly because Adibi is pretty soft and very un-athletic like he's gonna fall over out there. With a good outside shooting performence from the gaurds and if Jordan, Middleton or better yet Bortz can establish themselves in the paint I think a win is possible. Remember when the Bonnies made it and lost by a Tayshawn Prince 3 in OT?? That was a great game, UB can do the same but hopefully pull it out...gotta get in first though, huh??
  8. Now i wanna know how they can afford Moss after they just signed Porter. Moss is to get his base of 7.25 mil and still has 4 years left of a 75 million dollar contract.
  9. yeah hopefully they'll rob you everytime. ...i dont believe it yet but i havent been on espn, i know yesterday they said he wasnt goin anywhere. i'd give up a 7th in heartbeat for him though, but i would of rather they keep/or kept harris.
  10. and hey drew, remember "this is my team".
  11. yeah their athletes, and 18 wheeler drivers are super-athletes
  12. Funny how Sullivan said damn near the exact same thing in his article the other day.
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