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its only real shh

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Everything posted by its only real shh

  1. I ran a 4.43 in 94 at a high school combine at all high stadium behind bennett.
  2. ^^^So you dont think if they win the MAC tourney their gonna make it? Or their out if they only make to the finals? I dont know, either way i think your wrong.
  3. I think we should let him run first, at least let the guy get more then 10 carries in a game before we say hes not a starter.
  4. nah its not NIT here we come, they still have a shot at the ncaa's even before the MAC tournament. an espn bracketologist said last week if they win 1 out of their last 2 regular season games their (in his opinion) in the tourney.
  5. Your right, a day or 2 ago Gannon reduced his contract from a base of 8 million to mid 700,000. Talk about a team player.
  6. ^^If their willing to part with talent in return for money. Thats more of an NBA move.
  7. Whenever I hear about the "fast ferry" its always how it broke down in the middle of the lake. Hope they got a 32 mil mechanic.
  8. You would have to be an all out fool (not you) to think a straight up Woodson for Henry trade would ever happen. I like Travis alot, but a top 5 player at his position for debatable top 15-20 makes no sense, even if your thinkin dollars and cents. Still like Travis for Grove though.
  9. So what do you suggest as some positive topics? You listed all the negatives but didnt mention what you would like to talk about. I was a very positive person until somewhere around my junior year high school and always tryed to look at things with a glimmer of hope, I seriously changed for the worst, but now I am where I am because of that change. I see your point but sometimes when all you see is negative thats all you think, even when the sky looks bright theres a 100% chance a clouds on its way.
  10. I'm kinda with you Alaskan, spent that money on replacin Jennings and/or Williams IF (hopefully not) needed. And idealy, in my world I'd like to see them do what they need to do in order to grab another 2nd or 3rd and try and get this thing done, draftwise, like the Patriots.
  11. I'll never live there again. Were all heartbroken, just kiddin, but on a serious note I'm half and half confident that things may start to look up as soon as we get a new local government, mainly mayor and county exect. Small steps are in progress now, a nice step forward I've noticed is that the newly re-introduced homicide squad is startin to arrest murderers, in the past 10 years only 30% (that might be a highball) of our murders got solved, since the first of the year they caught 4 or 5 out of 6 or 7 killers. I know this has nothing to do with your thread, sorry.
  12. Besides giant they didnt say how big it was, I'd expect them to of been at least somewhat bigger 4000 years ago then they are now.
  13. Thanks, saved me some time I was just gonna look for some mocks. But yeah that first one old.
  14. Good enough? I guess, thats why I asked if you been here. But you left so your vote dont count.
  15. You ever been here? If not, wtf you know about our area and its "decay"?
  16. So what position does he play? Ive read QB, TE and whatever else. I know I'll see the combine at least 3 times throughout the night so I'll look for him I just need to know who I'm lookin for. at 6'6 242, 4.37 I'd Have him right out their at WR (assuming he can catch, but i dont assume...well yeah i do)...Whats Keyshawn, like 6-5 230? Well imagine this guy out their runnin at the speed of Lee Evans (on wet grass) with the body of Antonio Gates. We'd love Gates right? Well here he is, again assuming he can catch. And if he has to play TE, coach up his blockin and we got beast.
  17. Why are the jerkin him around? Donahoe already took advantage of Travis by payin him like a backup now Arizona thinks the thing to do now is dick him on his money. I see it as them not wantin to give him a large/semi-large signing bonus contract, in the chance that he get injured their not gonna wanna be stuck payin him the bonus. So you make him play out his current contract and if he gets hurt, oh well contracts up no guaranteed future bonus for you Travis. All he has to do is work harder at tryin to sell himself to Al Davis and the Raiders.
  18. ^^^Apparently his times in the shuttle and cone drills were slow too. ESPN radio was talkin earlier about how he gave up on the combine immediately after his 2nd 40 run, they said many scouts were tellin him "come on dont quit you need this", he put his head down got the sad face and did exactly that, quit. You want that?
  19. What the hells wrong with you guys over there? So what should you do, let them do what they want and just go along with it? A few years ago in the house exactly behind mine a few people tryed to do a "home invasion". It didnt work out how they would of liked, the guy who lived there moved over here because he was gettin robbed too much at his other place. He was ready this time, he ended up gettin in a shootout on the staircase, he was on the 2nd floor shootin down at the guy and hit him. The owner didnt get arrested for anything, not even an illegal gun charge, I really cant remember if he died but they found him knocked out by the side door, his partner or one of them got beat on the porch by someone else and ended up runnin away.
  20. I am, been there about 4-5 times the last 2 seasons.
  21. You know this doesnt HAVE to be a race issue, from what i could hear the only race remark was the fat b*tch callin cell phone guy "this white m-f'er". If cell phone guy was black you can bet he would of gotten his ass whooped just the same.
  22. I'd like to see Woodson here but its not gonna happen, 10+ million for 1 year is double our most expensive player. Travis for Jake Grove straight up is more like it, or maybe even Travis for Doug Gabriel.
  23. thats the better one. you gotta love the doorbell ringin with what seems like every punch. if someones in your face ready to pull a tyson, dont put your head down.
  24. Yeah you know there were words involved, that fat hungry hungry hippo had to tell warren sapp about the cell phone call. When it was on the news the reporter said cell phone guy told who he called "i'll be late cause some women skipped the line" *somewhat accurate paraphrase*
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