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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. What about my favorite movie of all time...The Outlaw Josey Wales
  2. puhonix wrote: I don't call it ignoreance, I call it blind faith. hmmmm.
  3. I was just saying how ignorant the fin fans truly are. I spent the better part of my life in south florida, and the are no finer bandwagon jumpers than the great people of south fla. The only things that fin fans know are "Dan Marino" and "undefeated". Compounding this, is the fact that I have seen NFL games in almost every stadium and the fans in others cities put the fin fans to SHAME.
  4. Fans pick dolfigs to come in second...come on. I am surprised that they aren't talking superbowl.
  5. I'm sorry. Hope it goes well for you. God bless and don't take crap from any nurse ratchet types.
  6. Could anyone suggest a good, clean hotel near training camp? Have not been in that area in a very long time.
  7. They help me get through june and july with no football.
  8. I agree at least it's something...baseball sucks and so does the nba...I just thought the mags were out a little early this year, compared to last year.
  9. Kirk rules...he didn't need a "second". Picard is for the P.C., wimpy , metrosexual , and watered down poor exucuses of "trek fan" today.
  10. Hey ramius nice find on that article...damn I miss hockey.
  11. Amazon.com has it so you can preorder it...although it won't be out until sept. I believe.
  12. I definately get the feeling the island is mechanical in nature. Those puffs of smoke when the "monster" appeared. Could the hatch be the entrance to the mechanism that runs the whole island? Also cant remember was it teeth or talons that snatched the pilot out of the fuselage in the fist couple of episodes?
  13. Are you high? Then if you have lost interest why are you posting on this thread?
  14. i dont think you can draw a correlation(sp) to monster and the hatch yet. The monster or security system is land based not aerial based on previous episodes.
  15. Yeah that monster had some invisiblity thing going on...and like wisps of black smoke when it moves...and you are right no real who shot jr dealy. Well I think Danielle may have atarted that fire to entice panic.
  16. Alot of easter eggs in this episode. It looks like its gonna be jack vs locke. Who knew the kid that would be abducted would be walt. What a great finale...wow. Will post more when the Jack D. wears off.
  17. Today's the day....woohoo. Damn can't wait.
  18. Thanks for the article. I am always interested in Mesi. I miss watching him fight. It was nice to see a buffalo guy on tv every so often.
  19. On the black rock does it say portsmouth underneath the name?
  20. I know you can't count on previews, but I thought I saw Sawyer helping the survivors escape "the others". I mean it looked as if he was right in the fray. So my big guess is that the raft doesn't make it pass next weeks episode. Amazing that Kate broke into that bank just for the little plane. That hot chick in the airport was the chick from SWAT the movie.
  21. Let me be the first to say...DOOMED!!!!!!
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