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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. hold your horses there re the super bowl. is it too much to ask to shoot for the playoffs?? i mean, it's not like we've made the playoffs since the last millennium.  if you're going to let premier players walk for 2-years-down-the-road draft picks because you've given up on this year even before it's started, well, i have a problem with that. did anyone think the pats would win the super bowl in 01 with essentially a rookie at qb? that pitt would go 15-1 with a rookie?



    You raise an excellent point. The thing is, are you willing to take the risk of letting Nate walk without getting any compensation?

    The franchise tag is too big of a risk imo, and I seriously doubt that RW is going to cough up a 15 million dollar signing bonus to a cornerback.

    Seriously, what chance do you give the Bills on keeping Nate after 05?

  2. Though he is being consistent. He was very critical last off season for not trading Henry because he thought his value had peaked after coming off a decent season. Now, after a season sitting on the bench, Henry being one year older (every year is Huge for RBs) his value has decreased. In this way Sullivan is correct.




    I too was hoping for a trade at that time. Miami had a really big need, and we probably would have got far more than Henry was worth from them.

  3. I would be happy if I could get 25 cents more than I paid for my house in South Buffalo....Will be selling it this summer to build a house in the Wonderful TOWN of Brant



    Is real estate value actually declining in Buffalo? :doh:

  4. Assuming the Shelton Trade is dead and the Clements rumor has some merit, I'll take a stab for fun.


      The Skins have a brief " win now " window, much like the Cowboys, due to their HOF Coach only wanting to coach 1 or 2  more years. The Skins would prefer Vets/Free Agents over rookies.


    Clements saw A. Winfield get a 10 Mil bonus and a sick contract from the Vikings. He's believes he's a better player and wants his payday. Conclusion - He'll never get that here. The top 10 CB pay scale is bloated, IMO. So we keep him for a year and then he walks. The Franchise and trade idea isn't practical,unless you have a known tarding partner, like the Bills did with Peerless. Otherwise, you're stuck paying Clements 10 Mil. That's poor cap management. So he walks and in 2007, we get some compensation pick for him ( Yawn ).


       Or we trade him to the Skins for picks this year and a day 1 pick next year. The #9 pick in Round 1 this year will be vastly overpaid in a draft lacking Blue chip prospects. Hard to seperate pick #3 from pick #30, according to most scouts. Skins don't have a 2nd Rounder. So...

      Trade Clements for a 3rd and 4th this year, plus a day 1 pick next year. ( the 2006 Draft is far stronger and has depth at LT ). This Draft IS deep at one position... CB. I believe the Bills are going to take one in Round 2, regardless of the Clements situation. Target the right guy to replace Clements this year, then grab some needed depth with multiple picks in round 3 and 4 at DT,OL,RB etc.


    Teague may be gone after 2005, so bounce him outside to LT, for now. April 2006 will give us a better pool of quality LT's to chose from, according to Ourlads and Draft Insider. Tucker played well at Center, for an injured Teague, in case some didn't notice. Losman has a tendency to roll to his right, so the LT blindside worry is decreased. Plus I see the Bills running a lot of sweeps to the right this year,with a first year QB.


    As far as Henry is concerned, hold onto him and see what pops up on Draft day. If someone offers a 3rd, take it. If it's a conditional pick next year, so be it. If he's still here during the summer, someone will probably offer something, due to an injury and concerns about being shorthanded for opening day. We have little choice but to be patient with that situation.



    Mark, I think that your scenario is likely. The thing is, I am not even attempting to argue that NC is/isn't a very good player. Of course he is a top corner!

    Historically, our corners (Smith, Winfield, Burress) tend to be drafted early and then walk, bringing no compensation for the team. Ralph is NOT Paul Allen (nor Snyder) and I cant see him handing a 15 million dollar signing bonus to a corner.

    If it is a given that Nate will walk after the 05 season, a trade would be in order. Would it hurt the Bills this season? Yes. Nate is one of our best players. Will it mean the difference of winning or not winning the superbowl this year? I dont think so.

    I WOULD however want a #1 in 06 as part of the deal.

  5. You're forgetting and continue to forget one important element. I have never said Losman was going to be great. I have never said he is going to be a star. In fact, the only thing I remember saying about his talent here lately is that if I was a GM I would like Alex Smith instead. I don't know where the hell you get the idea that I think Losman should be enshrined in Canton already. I liked what I saw in the pre-season games last year on TV and when I went to training camp but that's it. I think if Drew plays well and the Bills beat Pittsburgh that last game that Drew would still be our QB. I think Losman will be exciting and has potential and I'm glad he's here because he has a chance.


    I am behind him 100% right now because he's our future. But I was just responding to your ill-conceived post that he hasn't proven anything. The Bills watched him in practice and they looked at their team and they said we're a better team with JP than we are with Drew. They said this in public and they said it by their actions. So when you say he hasn't proved a thing, and add foolish superlatives after it, I responded in kind.  :doh:


    I don't know why you brought Ryan Leaf into the equation either. He was never a star but he was a starter who proved to be a dismal failure. But the Chargers brass didn't get to see him every day in practice for a year before they made their pick, they just watched a bunch of film in college, like everyone else.



    Points well taken but for the record, the Bills staff did not get to watch JP practice for a year either. Much of that time he was either on crutches, a cast or in traction for having brushed up against a defensive back.

    I share your excitement about the possibility that JP does bring. I want to cheer him to victory at RWS, and will do so. Within a few days, I will know when we will be going up for our 12th consecutive year, and I cannot wait. Before the end of the month, we will have our car rental and hotel reservations.

    I love this football team and WNY. Sadly, it is not in my nature to be a blind optimist.

  6. I read the article on TBD that when Losman threw the opening pitch at some baseball game the other day, he tried to throw a high heater and ended up throwing it outside and into the dirt. The dude couldn't even reach the plate with a little ball. How the hell is he going to be able to throw a football?


    We're gonna suck next year.



    Are you forgetting that he called some little kid "Big Cat?" :P:doh:

  7. 1. It proved nothing and he wasn't nearly crippled.

    2. Ryan Leaf at no time proved he was a star in this league.

    3. Look up analogy.

    4. Show me the flaw.

    5. What exactly is "homer" about saying that a starting quarterback in this league proved he's a starting quarterback in this league by replacing the former starter?



    KTD, didn't SD dump their starter as soon as Leaf was ushered into town? Did this prove anything? Of course not. Leaf was a dismal failure. There lies the "homer" flaw. If JP was on another team, would you be gushing over him? Would people be using his ill advised statements to some little kid as proof of "leadership?" Would posters be naming themselves "Big Cat?" Hell no, and I think that you know I am correct.

    I know you like semantics, and you are good at it, but JP proved more in the hospital than he did on the football field.

    JP might be good at some point, perhaps great, but allow me the dignity to not sit by the door of Canton waiting for him to be enshrined.

    If he makes it, save me a seat, OK? :P:doh:

  8. No, Losman proved quite a bit. In pre-season and in practice, Losman proved to the Bills brass that he is not only likely as good as (the 9-7 winning 6 of the last 7 games) Drew Bledsoe, but probably better. And whether you like Bledsoe or not, he is good enough to start in the NFL, ask Mike Mularkey and Bill Parcells. So Losman has already proven that he is good enough to start in the NFL, otherwise Drew would still be our quarterback at least one more year. And thank God, he did.



    What did he prove when he brushed up against a db and was nearly crippled?

    Ryan Leaf "proved" that he was a star in this league too, right?

    Your analogy is "homer" tainted and flawed.

  9. After 8 games in 2002, wasn't it obvious that the other 31 teams figured out what to do about Bledsoe?



    2002 huh?

    We had GW, and worse yet Gilbride.

    We had Travis coughing up the football to opponents on a regular basis, and playing his stupid game.

    Who was our OL coach?

    We had MW in his stunning rookie debut. He was great, right? In fact, so was the entire OL.

    The defense was so-so.

    The special teams sucked, right?


    The 31 teams (minus the Bengals if I recall) figured out what to do to beat a suckass Bills team.....not just Drew Bledsoe. To place all of the blame on Drew is rather simplistic, wouldn't you say?

  10. TE Campbell caught 3 TDs in one game this year just before he and the second string TE were injured for the remainder of the year (5 games) Bledsoe had a 3rd and 4th string TE for the last 5 games.


    Ask a guy named Ben Coates if Bledsoe knows how to throw passes to tight ends.



    Great point. He also did pretty well with Curtis Martin and Willis as well.

    Look, I am the first to admit that Drew needs a stronger supporting cast than a fan or especially a coach would like. That said, he was far from the biggest problem on the Bills offense in 04, but blaming the qb is an easy way out.


    PS: Going with JP may very well prove to be a great decision. This is what I am hoping. What I will NOT do is merely assume that JP is the next Montana or even an adequate NFL QB until he proves something on the football field.

  11. Am I wrong or is this thread completely asinine?



    Since you asked, I will offer my opinion. :doh:


    Yes, and no.

    There are many here who have JP pegged as greater than great. This imo is silly.

    Some view the trade as good because the 05 draft which is said to be weak. This certainly makes some sense.


    From where I sit, JP has not proven a thing. I will be his biggest fan if he is a good qb, but this imo is far from a given. His 04 season was a horror show. This is a kid with much to prove, and a lot of the Bills future depends upon him being able to excel at his position.


    All we can do is hope. What we cannot do is judge for sure whether or not this was a good trade.

  12. It has dawned on me that there is the real world of employment, and there is the NFL.


    Outside of sports, I can not imagine a profession where you make a deal to do business with someone -- a legally binding deal -- with both sides knowing that at any time they can change their mind, particularly the employee as opposed to the employer.


    I love the NFL blindly. I love everything that has to do with it. Except this. Not even the blind love of a sport makes me even remotely have any respect for this crap.



    Players sometimes sign with an agent, and drop him within weeks. The agent doesn't sue him, because this would scare other players from signing with him.

    Sometimes, the players borrow money from agents, which is said to be a major lure.

    You are right, it is a circus, and the agents are the easy target.

  13. >>>>Might the Bills be working a deal where they send Henry to Tampa for Kenyetta Walker and Tampa's 2nd round choice. If so, I like this deal much better then what is being proposed with Arizona.<<<<


    NE got Corey Dillon, who is twice the back Travis Henry is, for the last pick of the 2nd round.

    Do you think, under any conditions, that TB would give us more than this for Travis Henry?

  14. Agents ruin the sport, without question. There are some good ones who are reasonable and work well with GM's. Then there is Rosenhaus, the Poston Bros. and many more who have huge ego's and zero integrity. Gimmie,gimmie gimmie. The long term health of the sport means nothing. "Salary cap be damned, my guy deserves a massive chunk of change and the rest of your roster is not my concern . "


    That's why the Bills would be wise to draft another RB this year. If Willis has a 1500 yard season in 2005, watch Rosenhaus tell TD he wishes to redo his contract.


    Most players are dumber than dirt, so they just follow the sychophant agents advice.



    This is a great topic. Years ago, I read a book by former agent Mike Trope called "Necessary Roughness." He was around in the days of Howard Slusher, and when Lee Steinberg was cutting his teeth. He represented Lawrence Taylor, Chuck Muncie and countless other stars.


    Trope points out that while agents get the blame, ultimately it is the player who is responsible for ridiculous demands. For example, T.O. signed one of, if not the largest contracts of all time for a wide receiver. He was certainly not coerced, and is by no means dumb.

    Now, he wants a new deal with another huge bonus, and he is bad mouthing his quarterback for "getting tired" in the superbowl. Is this the fault of Rosenhaus? Is T.O. being duped?


    As football fans, we cheer players, not agents, so it is much easier to lay the blame at the feet of a guy like Rosenhaus than MaGahee, should he demand a new contract. Imo, the players are at least as guilty when it comes to not honoring a contract.

    Many of them have been pampered since their teens. They have been showered with gifts from boosters, and had other students take their college exams for them. We have seen one of our own players go broke and need a new contract. I have a hard time blaming his agent.


    In summary, I view agents as an easy villian. We can cheer our favorite players and blame those greedy, rotten agents when things go bad, but in reality, it is at least a two-way street.


  15. Ware is projected is an outside LB in a 3-4 Defense who will rush the passer.  Late 1st round pick. See him as a Chris Doleman type. Great pass rushing ability. Finds the ball quickly. Explosive first step and burst. Hustles all over the field. Has trouble shedding blocks and needs to get stronger. Concern that big Tackles will tie him up. Tweener type, situational pass rusher..  6-4 251 lbs.


      Whether the Bills move Clements or not, it may be wise to grab a CB in round 2 or 3.



    Thanks Mark. I have also seen him listed at 259, but I am more inclined to believe the 251.

    Imo, this kid is going to have a great future. He had a great 40 time, has long arms and great pass rush moves.

    If only there was a way. :P

  16. Oh I would hazard I guess that he'll stop about the same time the GOP in the State of Washington quit whining about losing the governer's race and drop their stupid lawsuit.


    OH silly me, that's right, when it happens to the Dems "they lost, shut up and stop whining" but when it happens to the Repigs it's "where there's smoke, there's fire, so run to the courts, quick!".





    "Repigs" Debbie? Come on now.

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