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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I've never known you to be diplomatic and it seemed to me like you let him off the hook. 


    I expected a stevestojan reference - or at the least "embarassingly inept."


    I think you and I agree that he was anything but spectacular  :D



    Diplomacy..... Could this be the new me? :P


    I guess there is little choice with absolute posts like this:


    >>>>We can only improve the QB position. 46 TDs last year- 10 by our defense and special teams. Fyou Drew! Good riddance!<<<<


    Notice the word "only." What on earth will the worshippers say if this already annointed all-time great falters? :(

  2. No. No sarcasm here - we are essentially a collection of fun-loving folks who consider being mutually insulted an act of community acceptance, and have a common bond of eating unhealthy foods and making outlandish statements, and share a touch of fatalism -how can one not after 0 and 4 in SB's, my friend?


    Also, there are a good number of folks here that have knowledge of football that I could study for the rest of my life and never hope to attain their insight.


    So, here you get it all - great info, funny repartie, excellent advice, you name it.


    Keep posting!



    I agree with every word of this post. It was SO good that there is no reason for me to even read the rest of the thread. :(

  3. I agree. I'd rather have a DT on the field than a whiner in the locker room.



    First of all, thanks for your contributions wrt the draft. You are one of the people who puts in the time and expertise, and it IS appreciated.


    I am afraid that you will disappointed when the TH scenario plays itself out.

    If the Bills were to get a draft pick for TH, especially a good one, you would be one of the people to do the research and make predictions.

    Unfortunately, I place TH in the same sinking boat as Shelton. I will make a blanket statement/prediction that in ANY scenario, TH will not be a member of the Buffalo Bills Football Team in 05.

    It would be great if TD could salvage a pick for this habitual loser, but the odds of this happening imo are quite slim. I firmly believe that TD would rather cut this fool than to hand him to another football team for a 5th, 6th or 7th round pick.

    I can see his point. GMs have to live every day as tough guys, and it could be dangerous for TD to be viewed by his peers as one who would cave when backed into a corner.


    In summary, I do not count on the Bills obtaining anything but approx. 1 mil. of cap relief for finally dumping this miscreant. If we DO salvage a pick, I am counting on you and others to do your homework once again and tell us who is out there. :(

  4. I am not convinced that the Bills need another DT. Either way, Corey Simon , on the worst day of his life is worth scads more than Travis Henry.

    My hope is that any team will come forward and give up a draft pick for Travis before he is released outright.

  5. I dont think we have our transition tag because of the Spikes signing, i think we get it back when his contract expires or he is cut.  However, if we franchise Nate, then I htink we can sign him to a long term deal eithe rbefore march 15th or something and after like july 15th but if we sign him in the interim period, then we lose the franchise tag for the duration of that contract...i believe.



    I think that the Bills lost that tag with Jeff Wright about 12 or so years ago.

  6. Based on my reading of the cap hits numbers wonderfully provided by Clumpingplatelets, if Reed is cut it will create 400K in deadspace from his amortized bonus.


    I'mk pretty sure that the Bills braintrust will bite the bullet if necessary and take a cap hit for a player they have cut if they have to. However, I think they will be reluctan enough to do this that they will give a player they have already committed $ for every chance to make the roster.


    As we currently are carrying $5.3 million in deadspace in 2005, (a lot of this is Bledsoe) an extra half million for Reed is not make or break, but it is substantial enough he will likely get a second look in camp (if not a third and fourth look) even if he screws up.


    Reed was very impressive in past camps including the two that led to bad seasons for him.


    Folks have asked whether he will be cut and I really doubt this, and in fact I think he will get every chance to replicate his first year very good results as a slot WR for Evans/Moulds that he achieved with Moulds/PP


    >>>>Based on my reading of the cap hits numbers wonderfully provided by Clumpingplatelets, if Reed is cut it will create 400K in deadspace from his amortized bonus.<<<<


    OK, but how much would they save by eliminating his salary?

  7. Even though I have yet to see arcadiabob back after i lost my bet to him that Travis would be traded to the Cards (as I over-estimated the Bills coaches opinion of Shelton), I just wanted to make it official that I sent off $100 to #89 today for Hunters Hope so some patsietroll doesn't come back two years later and call me a welcher.  :(



    You were/are a true man to stand by your convictions, back them up, and send money to a worthy cause.

    My compliments indeed.

  8. Last year, Carson Palmer started out with a putrid 1 and 5 record.  With Kitna coming off a career year, the fans were angry my friends. ;)


    But they stuck with him, and had incorporated an offensive scheme to accentuate his physical attributes. Arguably, without his injury and the other boatload of players that went down, they make the playoffs.


    Stick with JP.



    Would you agree that to emulate the historically hapless Bengals is probably not a good idea? :(

  9. I honestly believe that if JP doesn't give us the best chance to win by the end of training camp, he won't start the first game.


    The focus is on developing JP this offseason, but the NFL is not a developmental league - the player that gives the team the best chance for a win on Sunday starts, regardless of position.  Anything less disrespects the fans and the effort of every other player on the team - see NY Giants 2004.


    JP's leash is 4 preseason games.  If he's not ready to start Week 1, Holcomb takes us to the playoffs instead.


    Good post. I hope that you are correct.

  10. It could work out that way. Even though I know that it happens sometimes, I am surprised by the "contract year" scenario. It seems that all fans consider just about every player that is in his contract year to play harder and I guess in turn better. But doesn't that automatically imply he has been dogging it somehow all his career up until that point? That he could have been trying harder all along and just went through the motions to some extent or didn't give it his all?



    No, I do not see any automatic implication. Here is another way to look at it.....


    Teague is older and more experienced than his last try at the LT position. Additionally, being around McNally can only help. Also, what if Anderson turns out to be a good LG? That would be a huge help.

    My point is that I can see Teague being psyched and motivated at the mere possibility of having a good year and hitting the "LT Jackpot."

    This would be awesome for both TT and the Buffalo Bills Football Team!

  11. Other than being durable, Bledsoe was everything you don't want your QB to be. It's only natural for everyone to welcome this change.

    The only one's who seem to have a problem with this excitement are the last of the Apologists, but they're entitled to their always-entertaining opinion. :(



    I know Rico. His 55-60 yard strikes to Evans (with little air under them) sucked.


    Ya know, even in my rants against Henry, I admit that he can run. Like him or not, Bledsoe has an arm. But, dont let that stand in the way of your attacks. ;)

  12. My guess is that Teague goes to LT, partly because of Peters and the fact Teague has a year left on contract. This way they can spend the entire year getting Peters ready to play next season. Tucker and Preston battle it out for starting C, which could be interesting because I think Preston has a real chance of starting right away. The staff really seems to like this guy. Tucker, however, played pretty well and is nasty. They may wish to start the season with a big, nasty middle of Anderson, Tucker and Villarial and develop a team identity.


    The downside of Tucker and Preston battling it out early is splitting practice and pre-season time between starting centers when you have JP back there, but I don't see it as too big a problem.



    Hey man, you raise a GREAT point!

    If I were Teague, I would kill for the chance to compete at LT in the last year of a contract. Can you imagine the incentive? If he has an above average year, he gets a contract ala Jennings!!!

    The Bills OL might not be so bad in 05 after all. :(

  13. it's not a given, you're right -- hence my use of the word "if."  but the standard i put forth isn't overly stringent.  i think we'll all agree that bledsoe was mediocre at best last year, and the coaches never considered pulling him (at least not that we know).


    holcomb was not brought in to occasionally compete w/ JP.  he was brought in as an insurance policy if JP is hurt or just fails miserably.


    i honestly believe that the probablity of JP playing adequately is significantly higher than the probability of him failing miserably.  i don't think that's an unreasonable statement.  and if such is the case (JP plays adequately), he's not going to be pulled regardless of the bills' record.


    if JP does fail miserably, then by all means i hope the bills make the change to holcomb.


    >>>>>i honestly believe that the probablity of JP playing adequately is significantly higher than the probability of him failing miserably.<<<<<


    I think that the odds are closer to 50/50 when we look back on the history of round 1 qbs.

    Other than that, I agree with the rest of your post.

  14. Were it just Matthews and the guy from NFLEurope or another 'yute' as the backup QB's then I would expect JP to get every snap. I just think that having Holcomb on the roster gives the Bills another 'QB starter' option.



    Hey, I totally agree, and I think that another factor does enter into the equation.

    RW seems to rely on the gate for a profit. I am thinking that he lost a ton of money at 3-13 (although I still came up to the Ralph :( ).

    I dont believe that RW wants to suffer through a losing season; not at his age. He stands to make HUGE bucks if the Bills reach the playoffs. It is hard for me to visualize the Bills letting the development of one player prevent them from making a playoff appearance.

    Again, I hope that it doesn't come to this, but we shall see.

  15. my guess?  if JP's playing to at least the level of bledsoe last year (i.e., rating in the 70s), he'll continue to see all the snaps regardless of the W-L record.


    if you believe a guy is the future of your franchise, you don't pull him unless he REALLY stinks up the joint.



    The thing is, it is NOT a given that JP will play up to the level of Drew in 04.


    The above may be hard for worshippers (not necessarily you) to grasp, but the possibility does truly exist.


    I hate to speak for another poster, but I think that Gavin was giving us a scenario which asks if staying with JP was worth the Bills not getting a playoff spot in 05 should he falter.

    Hopefully it will not come to this, but believe it or not, it is a distinct possibility, and a great discussion topic imo.

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