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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I'm gonna disagree, and agree. Your right about the whole money cant buy love, so dont just go out and but jewelery... but when its something that she's wanted, something that fits her taste, and you put thought into getting it, it works. Different than just going into the store and buying the most expensive thing, and that's that. I love being creative, and showing you put thought into it, but the star thing is just as bad. Buy a star, put her name on it. Why not write her a poem or draw her a picture if your going for creativity points.
  2. High school age, just might work, but try telling your wife that instead of a tennis bracelet, she's getting a star. I alwyas tell her that's what she's getting, but if I actually did it, I'td be in the dog house faster than Bledsoe after his first INT of the season.
  3. Don't assume anything. Did you see the classifications for the coaches? Asst, special asst, asst to place kick holder... Don't think just cause they're not listed on the web site, Buffalo doesnt have as many coaches. It just seems Saban wanted to be sure that everyone got credit for what they do. Nothing makes a bad coach more than coah who's pissed that he gets no credit. This allows everyone to see what they're doing, and gives a sense of pride in the work they do.
  4. Woulda worked if we had talent at the position. That, and you Bills had one thing we were missing: talent at the coaching position.
  5. You sure gave up an awful lot to an in-conference rival for a one year caretaker. I think you really need to think about how the franchise looked at Bledsoe.
  6. Ok, here's what you ned to hope for in Buffalo. Hope that the Bills open up the QB Position and both Bledsoe and Losman do their best at the jobs. If Losman loses the QB battle, and Bledsoe is named starter, I just know you all are going to Bellyace about how awful this is, and what a terrible choice. Remember, Competition makes people better.
  7. Id want camera on it, to document the event that happened, so we can understnad, see what happened. But, as for the live broadcast, Im glad they cut away from showing it on TV.
  8. The new broncos logo, is pretty bad though. I like the new horse, I liked the older horse better, I like the new darker blue, but the new unis are a disgrace, and that stripe, pointy thing on the helmets, has got to go.
  9. Maybe we didnt have the best season, but New England sure noticed us on a certain Monday Night. We practically showed the NFL how to beat the Pats, and the league still blew it. Dont get me wrong, I was praying for the Bills to make the playoffs, but hey... couldnt even do that. The difference between your season and ours, we just get a better draft pick.
  10. And I'm thinking I would love to see Taylor run over Takeo (What's this TKO crap) or Milloy this year. Speaking of, I noticed Milloy noticably absent this year? Maybe next year....
  11. Ok, so this shows exactly why I never regard to myself as an expert.But I still proclaim Felser is an idiot.
  12. Your an idiot. Give up your bias and look at both careers. Marino, Kelly, Elway all lead several game winning drives. Marino even engineered the fake spike that beat Indy. Great play. Deerin headlights look? Marino always kept his composure, and with a better running game, he would have had a lot more wins and even a ring. Defenses were always playing back against Marino cause Miami could never run the ball. AND HE STILL Threw for all those records. Take that into account. You wanna see deer in headlights? Look at Bledsoe.
  13. I actually like it. You all are just trying to keep the old logo that reminds you of the golden Kelly days. If they wanna change the logo, accept it, and be glad its nothing hoorendously bad, like a patriot head or something. AND NO WORDS, like the damn Jets logo. If I cant figure out who's logo it is by looking at it, I DONT WANNA KNOW!
  14. They can talk together, they can meet rogether, as long as he doesnt officially sign until he graduates, its all good. There's a lot of bending of the rules in NCAA football.
  15. slightly out of the loop here, but who is this Felser idiot? I gotta stand up for my Dolphin here, Marino is among the top three QBs of all time, and has a strong case to be argued as the best. Granted, he has no rings, but Barkley has no rings, and no one is arguing his greatness. Karl Malone has no rings, and my favortie steroid user, Barry has no rings. Anyone goig to argue their greatness? I'll tell you what, Steve Young was a great QB, but I'd put Marino, Elway, and Kelly over him in any ranking.
  16. I noticed the scratches, which made the story of Claire escaping believable.
  17. I just remembered another one, from our favorite trailer trash Olympian Tonya Harding. Remember she was into female boxing for a time? Well she said this on the Dan Patrick show: "I'm not going to make a skeptical of my boxing career."
  18. Ok, I'm throwing in my two cents: Virginia safety Marquis Weeks regarding his success returning kickoffs: “It’s instinctive ... sort of like running from the cops.”
  19. For now, Ethan is dead. As for how Claire escaped, that's something we dont know. Charlie did kill Ethan, but only after Claire was back in the caves with the rest of the group. I keep wondering if this kills the Ethan storyline, or if he... or his con-conspirators will return. And what about the monster? We need more monsters.
  20. All this talk about QBs for you, have you forgotten that you drafted a QB with a first round pick just last year? All the Dolfans would love to have hope in a QB like you have hope in Losman, but this thread is depressing. Develop what you have, and you wont have to worry about the Salary Cap.
  21. No kidding, this thread proves to me that Buffalo fans are among the most pessimistic in all sports. I see what Norwood, 3 more superbowls, the Sabres, and a certain toe in the crease can do to a city. Give yourselves a break man!!!! What about JP "Refuse to take a" Losman. Seriously, lighten up.
  22. I heard the same about Miami, but I dont know why Philly would go after him. Westbrook is good, they're not looking for another #1.
  23. It's just itching to be done.... what laundry detergent jumps on this and makes a commercial where some custodian washes his sock?
  24. Finally, someone that knows what they're talking about around here. Won't get done, not to Philly. Teams that need a RB, well, my Dolphelons, Frisco, Bears, Raiders, and maybe even the Cards. But outside of those teams, I dont see him going anywhere. And don't be shocked, or pissed, when you only get a third and a vet for him.
  25. No way does this trade get made. Remember, the Eagles have Westbrook and a healthy Correl Buckhalter next year. That gives them two quality backs, and no need for them to get Henry.
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