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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Can't we put Dodgeball in the list? I read about it in obscure sports quarterly.
  2. While you want to make an argument against MLB, it is coming off a great postseason, a terrific off-season, and has momentum again. There's no such thing as bad press, remember? So while we all talk about steroids and juiced players, everyone is going to watch to see the impact it has on the game, and who's the first doofus to get caught. Don't get me wrong, I love the NFL, and I agree it is the most popualr of all the laeagues, but Baseball, nor the NBA are down in the dumps.
  3. Actually, the WNBA actually has a broader fan base than the NHL at current moment, this according to ESPN, and I am tempted to believe it.
  4. I love the picture, is he even looking where he's throwing the ball? Seriously though, good luck to Drew, wherever he may go.
  5. No no, I grasp sarcasm, but it would have been funny if it had been directed to something old and busted like ER, or something new, novel, and busted, like Joey. Hmm, me bethinks there's an NBC curse afloat. I called you a moron, cause it's America, and I can call you a moron. Moron.
  6. Wasn't the other Drew going to Dallas? And they won't even have to give anything up for that. With Brees, it was obvious what San Diego is thinking: Show us you can win again, show us that wasn't a fluke, and you can be the #1 guy.
  7. Those rooting for Mikalah, she's got a great singing voice, and a talking voice like Fran Drescher. But yeah.. she's hot! I'm going for Anwar! A teacher, great dreds (reminds me of the good ricky!), and a great voice.
  8. Ok, that just shows plain old fashioned ignorance. Make fun of it if you want, but you can't debate that its one of the higest watched shows on TV. moron.
  9. Is this lists made and updated every year? It seems my dolphons would be a lot higher if they were winning, and the Heat (Unbelievably high) would be lower 2 seasons ago the way that franchise was sucking. Congrats to Buffalo, a great football City. Want a kick, click on NHL and rank the teams that way.
  10. You're going to attack me? Let's just see.... I heard some grumblings in here saying : But you jump to conclusions about me .... whatever. All I'm saying is, I wouldn't mind seeing him retire. And along the same lines, Brady, Patten, Dillon can go with him. Let him live a happy healthy long life, but a life without football.
  11. I was watching the episode, and thought that it really didnt contribute much to the overall story. I kept thinking, if this episode was cut out, I dont think I would miss much from the story. But then the final few minutes tied it all together with Jack's dad and Sawyer. Jack's dad talked Sawyer into killing that guy. And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't alcohol a cause in Jack's dad's death? Great writing all the way around.
  12. Cutting Drew was a step backwards, just like the Bengals promoting Carson Palmer when they had a set, and good QB in place. But in the long run, it should be a good move.
  13. Umm, actually, my Dolphins, and Feely didn't exactly play into this plan. See, he actually beat the Pats. Did a decent job on offense, got points up when he needed to, and more importantly, let the defense knock around Tom Brady. Force him to throw the ball, force him, and he makes bad decisions.
  14. I hate to get nit picky here, but Friends was on Thursday nights, American Idol is a Tuesday/Wednesday thing. Am I missing the boat?
  15. Of course we dont want him to die or anything, but call this a career-ender, and I'm alright with that.
  16. Well, in this business ,moving around is easier thatn it would be lets say for a copier repair man. Its not like Drew's never going to work again. Thanks him for the service, and let him go. At least he's getting a press conference, unlike a lot of players who are just waived, and kicked to the curb.
  17. Dont' know, don't care, as long as he helps the fins win football games.
  18. The so-called experts are also comparing Tom Brady to Montana, and Brady has four seasons experience. Still think those experts are right?
  19. Seems most purebreeds have a panzy disposition. I've got an Italitan Greyhound, and I love the dog to death, but it seems so... fragile, needy sometimes. He acts more like a cat even, but like I said, I love him to death.
  20. Okay then, your setting unreal expectations that a new QB, with your offensive line (which I hear you all raving about), would take zero sacks for the year. Lets be honest here. You need to keep Willis.
  21. That's funny right there... not sacked at all this year? Has any QB ever done that?
  22. If your looking for an actual back up, Chandler is not the guy. He needs to retire and become a QB Coach. Him and Van Pelt are two former QBs that are great mentors for a young new QB to the NFL.
  23. Give it a week, and then ESPN will report that Brady is the best butt-pirate since Richard Simmons. The next week they'll be talking about Dynasties.
  24. Words dont describe how sick that just made me. Which reminds me, you still owe me that jar of PB that mysteriously dissapeared that same weekend the dog developed his rash.
  25. You got off easy.... she was a big fan, and he's always in the area (Florida). Next time Elton John comes by, I will take her, but Sir Elton, and Jimmy Buffet are worlds apart. Don't get me wrong, you did good, REAL good. Glad I taught you well.
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