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Hogboy Swine

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Everything posted by Hogboy Swine

  1. You like JP? Ask him to mail you one of his dirty jockstraps so you can sniff that yellowed area that covers his taint
  2. You like Freddie Jones? Ask him to mail you one of his dirty jockstraps so you can sniff that yellowed area that covers his taint
  3. That dog was FEMALE. I am no pervert, know
  4. I am not only not in the fireman's union, I am not even a fireman
  5. Bcause it would not matter if I were a homosexual. I is still smarter then you is
  6. No, but you are not a real man. You are a war criminal
  7. Well, fake Marine or Squid or something
  8. Aren't you a fake soldier...in the national guard or something?
  9. There is a big difference between a REAL fireman and a VOLUNTEER fireman Which are you?
  10. Best joke of WHICH year? I heard that one in about 1997, you idiot
  11. Ananova: Volunteer fireman accused of setting fire to fire station A teenage volunteer firefighter has been charged with setting fire to a fire station in New York state. The fire at Bellmore firestation in Mineola caused around $1 million worth of damage, the equivalent of £695,000. Clifford Seaman has been charged with one count of third-degree arson and with resisting arrest. The 19-year-old has been suspended from the department pending the outcome of the case. Seaman is said to have taken an active role in fighting the fire, reports The New York Times. He is said to have been first on the scene, carrying the nozzle of a hose into the flames. The boy has been held in lieu of $50,000 (£34,700) bond by First District Court in Hempstead. He has been ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation.
  12. Don;t call me a homosexual, Beltway Boy
  13. Why should his sexuality be an issue. Weren't Flutie and RJ both homosexuals too?
  14. Well, JP, if you love Alstott so much why don't you send him some fan mail. Ask him to mail you one of his dirty jockstraps so you can sniff that yellowed area that covers his taint
  15. OK, Bud Let me spell it out for you. People who go on cruises to places like the Bahamas are idiots. These places are THE THIRD WORLD!!!!!!!!! Venture out into the areas outside the tourist areas. If you are not robbed and killed first, you will see people living in plywood shacks with no indoor plumbing. Not only should you feel guilty about taking advantage of these people, but you should keep this in mind; IF THEY HAVE NO INDOOR PLUMBING THEY ARE NOT CLEAN, YET THEY ARE HANDLING YOUR FOOD. So have fun, Parotheads.
  16. This thread is another typical Republican attack on the progress that has been made by my people
  17. This is a perfect example of the double standard we have here on TBD. Wy is it OK to tell jokes making fun of men, but not jokes making fun of women. In the interst of fairness and equality, I will make the following submissions: Q-Why do women have vaginas? A- So men will talk to them Q- Why do women have legs? A- So they don't leave a trail like a slug Q- Why did God make women? A- Because sheep can't cook Q- Why are wedding dresses white? A- So they will match the other kitchen appliances Q- What do you tell you wife when when she has two blak eyes? A-Nothing, you told her twice already Q-What does an abused woman do when she gets back from the emergency room? A-They dishes if she knows what's good for her I found your joke offensive...Now we are even
  18. As much as I used to hate the Cowboys, I can't hate them anymore. I have a cousin on the team
  19. I used to call his show all the time I loved that show. Back around the late 80's when all those TV preacher scandals were running hot in the news, I would call EVERY night for about a week. Remember those goofs he had in the background manning the telephones like the Jerry Lewis Telethon? Some of them even wore cowboy hats I would claim that I was going to make a big donation, but I wanted them to assure me that he was not using the donations to enrich himself. they would go on to tell tell me how honest and humble he was until I asked "What kind of car does he drive"......They would get evasive and I would say something smart-assed. After about a week of this, one of the call takers said "Don't call here anymore" and I just kept saying "What kind of car does he drive". Finally the guy said "Do you know what you are?" And I said "No, tell me what I am" And he said You...you....you..you...YOU ARE AN !@#$" That was before I had the intrnet to amuse myself. I also used to call Larry King and Jim Bohannon
  20. lenny in slaon says: go cowboys we beet you in three supperbowls
  21. That show started when I was about 13. My friends and I all had the hots for Emmy Jo
  22. Listen, genius....If anyone was NOT OK, then they wouldn't be able to respond to you Get a brain
  23. Do they have Squirt? My daughter has to bring it back from Blacksburg on breaks. The wife and I found it near Fredricksburg when we were passing through last month. Can you find it in Richmond?
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