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Posts posted by SectionC3

  1. 23 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    Where I live, Washington state, gas is $4.59 per gallon. 60% higher than Texas. One of the reasons for that is we have cap and trade. So oil companies have to buy carbon credits.  Those are of course passed down to us connsumers.   We also pay $0.68 per gallon in taxes.





    This is legitimate point about state taxes that apply to fuel brought to market.  Still waiting for the other guy to offer his insight as to the federal policies that have stymied the  supply of fuel to the market.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. Lots created under the Biden administration.  Market is going up.  Inflation forecasts going down.  Looks pretty good to me.  So good that MAGA has yet to come up with a marginally believable hoax as to why it’s bad. 

    • Eyeroll 2
    • Haha (+1) 2
  3. 21 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    No … here’s how it works. You made an assertion.  You were Challenged on the assertion… you can’t support the assertion so you hide. 😂




    You said that the government is responsible for high gas prices.  I said we operate in a free market economy,  so unless there’s some government policy choking the gasoline supply, you’re out to lunch.  

    Then you expressed your belief that there is such government interference.  You also responded with a link to an opinion piece in the Washington examiner that whined about “regulations” and speeches and some other usual Trumpy tripe.  I responded by noting that domestic oil production actually had reached an all time high under President Biden, and now outpaces the daily output of Saudi Arabia.  

    At that point, you engaged in some more babbling about an unidentified policy.  I politely asked that you point to a specific policy that has choked the supply of gasoline to domestic markets and caused the price of that fuel to rise.  That is, I asked for support for your core point that the Biden administration has  hampered the transmission of gasoline to market and caused fuel prices to rise. 

    You then turtled and have since refused to answer.  And here we are.  Yet another “conservative” hoax. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    the article I posted remains entirely accurate as was the case when it was written and when prices were at its highest.


    point being if you believe gasoline prices are driven by free market economics, you are extremely naive.  And then the are foreign policy gaffes and other such factors too. 

    and the current administration is proudly on the side of issues that constrain supply and investment into the fossil fuel industry.  Look no further than the Whitehouse website itself.  Or are you calling them liars? Or inept? 

    it was an opinion piece, not an article.  


    I think it was your obligation to point to a specific policy or policies of the Biden administration that has or have raised fuel prices.  Apparently there are no such policies. 

  5. Just now, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    Not paying 8 dollars to read an article - you can buy books for that and it's a total hit piece.


    The top thing is the 9/11 one.  


    There's a thing about him being pissed about the WRs buying the coach a car and not wanting him to be friends with players.  When Brad pitt says in a movie you shouldn't be friends with the players because you need to be able to cut them - its a good point - but when mcdermott relays the same message, he's a tight ass.  


    Something about him disliking cam newton and blaming him for ruining the panthers.  Not wrong IMO - Cam's a selfish dude and made that team about him.  Teams win, not players. 



    McD is totally right about the friends part.  However, if he saw where Chad lived (think Paulie Walnuts) and compared that to his own home (think Tony Soprano), then maybe he would have been a little gentler about it. 

  6. Just now, mjt328 said:

    With all of the information coming from anonymous sources, there is no way to determine how much is true (maybe all, maybe none).  Or if this comes from coaches/players still on the team, or from people who were fired or cut.


    I also don't find these details to be as damning as many people are going to claim.


    For example, the part about Ken Dorsey.... I mean, when a team is underperforming, it's almost always a coordinator that is first to the chopping block.  And Sean McDermott can't exactly fire himself.  The decision to get rid of Dorsey was the right one.  Sure it wasn't the best timing, considering the Denver game was blown by the defense and a special teams penalty.  But the offense had been struggling for well over a month, and wasn't showing signs of turning it around.  Something needed to be done to save the season.


    I'm also shrugging my shoulders about the stuff criticizing McDermott's personality and coaching style.  None of that matters if the team is winning.  Bill Belichick is a dictator in a hooded sweatshirt.  When the Patriots were winning Super Bowls, the "Patriot Way' was considered the best example of how to run a franchise.  Now that Tom Brady's retired and the team sucks, he's a hardass that nobody wants to play for.  Meanwhile, our previous coach (Rex Ryan) was a friendly and charismatic player's coach... and he got criticized for not being structured, organized and enough like Belichick.


    No way for most of us to determine whether it’s true.  The Pegulas, however, can conduct such things as exit interviews and get people to talk. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, davefan66 said:

    I agree.


    As suggested elsewhere here, Pegula needs to do his due diligence and ferret out the truth.  If he has lost the team, then he has to go.  If he’s a national embarrassment, he most likely will go.  If the fans turn on him, tough sell for him to be back.  

    No way you can spin this into something less damaging, especially the 9/11 story.  I can’t see him coming back.  The question is, if Pegula is of the opinion he has lost the team and the fans, does he immediately fire him or wait?  I’d image he’d wait.



    The 9/11 anecdote will pass.  Give it a week and people will be talking about something else, whatever it might be.  Don’t forget, at one point our owner was accused of making a pretty incendiary racial comment.  Nobody has brought that up in awhile. 


    The bigger issue is whether, 9/11 and Niagara Falls malapropisms aside, McD has lost/exhausted the locker room.  If the answer to that question is yes, then it’s time to either change the players or change the coach.  

  8. 1 minute ago, NoSaint said:

    yea you want your team president to be talking about 9/11 hijackers as a positive example while playing style police with adult men  

    You want your team president to be detail-oriented, not banging the staff, and have enough smarts to get stuff done.  Like the new stadium that already has an estimated $300m in overage costs.  Nobody cares about idiotic stories and style points in that context.  He really is the perfect type of person for that role. 

  9. Just now, Royale with Cheese said:


    More than likely, you're right.  I was just stating that if it does happen, I won't be surprised.  I was surprised when Mularkey stepped down but I won't be if McDermott does.


    He would be walking away from $20 million but he will get a job somewhere else.  

    Mularkey left in significant part because his kids were treated like crap at school because of their dad.  Not cool. 

  10. 1 minute ago, mannc said:

    Zero chance of that.  He just signed an extension and would be walking away from as much as $20 million...If McDermott's not fired, he'll be back.  Guaranteed. 

    Here’s an outside of the box idea.  McD is nothing if not detail oriented.  A good human, from all accounts, too.  And trusted by the Pegulas.  He’s be the perfect type of guy to be say, team president, and make sure that stuff like this new stadium thing gets done right when Terry’s out of town.  

  11. 1 minute ago, Low Positive said:

    Some of this stuff every team goes through, but you only find out about it if you live in town and/or closely follow the team. 

    I gotta tell you - I hear about some of the stuff that happens around here and I wonder how these guys could be so stupid and irresponsible.  I’m sure it goes on everywhere, but for whatever reason I feel like there’s been an extra layer of dumb over there lately.   In an odd way, it makes me respect McD a bit more—it has to be hard to capture the attention of a bunch of rich kids, many of whom are not exactly the type of person you’d want to do your taxes, day in and day out for years. 

    2 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    From the recent BN story about Frazier, LF seems to still have a tight relationship with McDermott, and it seemed genuine from the piece. 

    I read it as Leslie’s still on the payroll and Bills PR used him to plant the story.  Maybe I’m wrong, but that was my impression. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:


    Well, apparently some did for this article. 


    Also, honeymoon period. Things were newer and going better, and maybe the players at the time just said WTF? to themselves and mocked him behind his back but chalked it up to him being an awkward weirdo who meant well. That's basically what the Dunn article says. 


    Regardless of the motivation behind revealing it, if he said it, he said it. 

    The bet here is the team aged and a bunch of young guys and mid-level free agents got a little less desperate to prove themselves, a little (too) comfortable, and a little tired of the wound-too-tight guy in charge.  

  13. 30 minutes ago, Low Positive said:

    This story feels like a personal grudge that Dunne released at the worst time to inflict maximum possible damage. BTW, after this, Pegula will never fire McDermott. He simply wouldn't give Dunne the satisfaction. It seems to be personal for both of them, and we all have to suffer the consequences. For those of you reading all of this with satisfaction, because you've been proven right on the Internet, I hope that you enjoy a return to being a dysfunctional organization that makes players cry after being drafted. Between Von Miller and this story, this has been one of the worst weeks in Buffalo Bills history and they didn't even play a game.

    There’s too many weeks like that lately.  Diggs is a volcano ready to erupt.  Allen went through his largely self-inflicted nonsense last year that seemed to carry over into the spring.  The Araiza situation last year.  Nuking the OC in the middle of the year.  Von Miller strangling (allegedly) his pregnant partner.   I don’t think it’s just Sean; on a whole, there has been a mountain of drama around that team in the last two years and they seem like they either need to get angry and win some games or get a breath of fresh air.  Another reason why I’m on the Daboll train if they make a change.  Make it fun.  

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  14. 7 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    McDermott is already getting obliterated in the sports media and this just came out.


    Just google his name and you'll see what I mean. Tomorrow a good portion of sports talk will be ridiculing and roasting Sean McDermott. 


    I ALWAYS hope we win, but man, if we don't everyone with a story is going to emerge from the shadows to take their shot. 


    You have to ask yourself why, if he's such a stand up guy. Coaches and players can respect (but not like or be happy about) being let go for not getting the job done.


    This is downright family laundry, scorched earth type stuff. 

    I haven’t read it—just the free parts—but I had a similar thought.  There are a lot of guys who have been in that building with McD who were all too happy to throw him under the wheels of a semi.   I wonder how many chimed in—and how many may pipe up—to defend him.   From what I gather this piece is humiliating.   And, this conversation makes me wonder whether he’s lost the room, and I think we’ll get a good sense of that in the coming weeks.  


  15. 20 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    So the gist of it is rhetoric, the usual tripe about boogeyman “regulations,” and whining about the cancellation of certain permits for drilling offshore and on federal land.  Meanwhile, in reality, American oil fields are producing at record highs and actually generate more barrels per day than Saudi Arabia.  




    https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/01/business/energy-environment/us-oil-production-record-climate.html#:~:text=The United States Is Producing Historic Levels of Crude Oil&text=Chart showing millions of barrels,13 million barrels per day.

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