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Dennis in NC

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Posts posted by Dennis in NC

  1. You guys are a trip. He knew I was kidding around.



    Oh yes, you will find a rich crew of characters on this board.


    The dead spots in the off-season make for some really lame desperate talk around here, like when the NFL stretched out the wait for the draft an extra 2 weeks this year - auugghh!!!


    It will be more fun when camp starts and then the real season (eventually!)


    Anyway, welcome to our odd little family, Rich!

  2. I am surprised at how so many people can't appreciate the positive- -and overdue- -changes the organization has made in the last couple years. The way they have handled coaching searches, activity during the draft, and even the way they handled Byrd, are all things that the old Bills would have stumbled and bumbled over for sure.

    Can you imagine hanging out at a party with some of these people (that small handful of very negative TSW posters)?


    Are they taking downers with their Genny Cream Ale?


    Does life just completely suck for them?


    The good side of all this negativity is that I have re-discovered the IGNORE feature. It used to be a button on the post (I think), but now it is found in your settings.


    JohnnyPyrite - maybe just a troll that likes to rile folks. He/she makes it difficult not to start calling people bad names. But they do have a way of making reasonable people feel much better about themselves. Like "Hey, at least I'm not THAT guy..."

  3. Are there any Army surplus stores in your area? That way you try on the liner, see if it fits. Compared with Ebay where you can't try it on.


    You have just the steel "pot"? Ouch, not very comfy, I'll bet (especially when friends smack you on the head).

  4. I recommend keeping an eye on this thread to see what kind of deals people are getting: http://www.dbstalk.c...ffers-for-2014/

    Thanks for the info.


    I recently got the Genie, and a 2-year extension, so I fear I may have less leverage this year.


    But I will call them (likely in August) and try to swing a deal.


    I have gotten ST free a couple times and some other deals. I have been with DTV for about 16 years, so that may help.


    But definitely ask for the customer retention dept.

  5. We both may be reading too much into this, but I was wondering the same thing. Are the heirs now simply selling everything (including things Ralph loved) to the highest bidder?


    I work 2 blocks from Sotheby's--maybe I'll have to stroll over for the auction and check it out....

    Just don't pick your nose during the auction. It might cost you 10 million pounds!

  6. As an audio post production proefessional I have access to some of the higher end gear for that kind of transfer. I actually considered it a time or two in the past. However, the tape was not a virgin tape when the game was recorded. I suspect my buddy's mom had been using it to tape her "stories." It is probably about the same video quality as the signal some saw with their rabbit ear antennas back in the day. At this point it just has sentimental value. I smile every time I come across it, with it's faded sticker and my step mother's handwriting labeling it "Stupid Bills Game." She was a Miami fan and she labeled it that way one day when I suspect she was looking to find a tape to record an episiode of M*A*S*H or something.

    As long as you know it can be done. But Van's audio - is that only over the PA at "Rich Stadium"?


    Stupid Bills Game - LOL!


    Have you ever seen the Everybody Loves Raymond episode where Ray has recorded over his wedding video to tape a Giants game? Great stuff.

  7. Thank you. I too would give almost anything to have a copy of that call myself. I still have my vhs copy that I had a friend record for me. Even though I haven't had a VHS player in more than a decade I have not been able to throw it out.

    You know it is possible to convert that VHS to a DVD. There are DVRs (like some Toshiba models) that let you edit your material and then burn DVDs from it.


    But Van's call of the game was only in the stadium, wasn't it?


    At the time, I was living in N. Canton, Ohio, and was driving back there while the game was on. The radio signal faded before the game finished, though.

  8. Driving around with my wife for a couple of hours yesterday with sports talk radio on my wife eventually asked me, "Who's Clowney, I keep hearing about a guy named Clowney?"...LOL She not one bit interested in football, but it goes to show if you hear a funny name often enough you lose the fact that it's a funny last name.

    When I talk football with my wife, I imagine she receives it like the Charlie Brown dialog with his parents:

    "Wah wah waaaa waa Bills waa wah."


    Similar thing happens when she talks Genealogy with me.

  9. dumb luck. They have a lot of it over there in Washington , or Oregon or whatever.

    Dumb luck? I hope you're kidding. The Seahawks have drafted well and developed some very good players from late round draft picks.


    Wasn't CB Richard Sherman a 5th round pick?


    There are others as well.

  10. If Marrone continues on the path that he has & EJ takes a jump this year & takes us to the play offs i will soften even more but if the team flounders under his watch i think it will definitely be a "I told you so" Moment ...

    Honestly, I had forgotten that Lovie was even a candidate for the Bills' HC gig. So no "I told you so" coming from me.

  11. Here's a nice Ty Powell factoid (from the article):


    "In High School he won a state championship as a starting cornerback, so we know he has some coverage skills."



    Powell was drafted by Seattle (2013 7th round) so you know he was well scouted by a team with a strong defense.

  12. Peyton Manning gathers his receivers in the offseason to build timing, chemistry, and team camaraderie = universally lauded. EJ does the same = ridicule by a cabal of crusading Bills' fans? :thumbdown:

    That cabal is almost always negative this time of year.


    If a poster sees no benefit from anything positive that occurs in the off-season, they should go away (get a hobby) and grace us in September, when the meaningful games begin.


    Cabal members (you don't know who you are), you may return to the board September 1. That is all.

  13. Martin gets the visit.


    You have it almost right. CBS Sports' Dane Brugler spoke with 5 NFL personnel men, 3 of which said Notre Dame OL Zack Martin would be the first Senior Bowl prospect selected. It got misinterpreted because of the OTs who opted not to play.

    Ah ha! I did not remember the fine print on that one!


    Do you mean Zack Martin is scheduled to visit the Bills?

  14. I believe it was during the Senior Bowl that one of the commentators said that Zack Martin could be the first OT off the board on draft day. I have not heard that sentiment echoed anywhere else, so it is likely one man's opinion (probably a gold domer).


    Just more speculation to chew on for the next few weeks.

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