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Dennis in NC

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Posts posted by Dennis in NC

  1. I`d still like to see more of Bryce Brown. He runs hard and is SOOOOO much faster than Fred. The screens to him ,could turn into some big yardage. Please no more Screens or short outs to Chandler. At 56 and 2 bad knees .I think I could give him a run. I`d like to see Kyle and him ,run one off.

    I want to see what Bryce Brown can do with 2 decent guards on the line. Brown has something like 4.4 speed at 220 lbs. Get some decent guards! Augh!

  2. Is it possible that the reason you decided to start following the teachings of the fat man or become a stoic is because of your infatuation with the Bills? Maybe they are your way of dealing with your addiction?

    We must all find some way to cope.


    Yes, 15 years now with no playoffs.


    For the first time in ~17 years, I do not have Sunday Ticket because I lost my job.


    I watch a lot of Bills games with a rabid Bills fan in his man-cave. He jumps up and swears, curses individual players, really gets emotional.


    I still B word a little, but am fairly stoic when the wheels start coming off the Bills gameday machine.


    I feel a kind of numbness when another season goes down the tubes. At least this year, they survived until mid-November before they sh&% the bed.

  3. They did trade a 4th for a guy who was bad last year who plays a position that has no value in Brown.

    This is not a fair assessment of Bryce Brown IMO. He had a few (10?) carries vs the Jets, and did as poorly as Boobie. We certainly need a better sample than that. To say Brown has no value (or the RB position has no value) is not correct.


    Brown had like 4.4 speed and weighs around 220 IIRC. The Bills are not exactly skilled at using their RBs correctly; not in the Hackett era.


    I think Bryce will resemble Fred more than he resembles CJ. I mean to say I think he is a strong RB you can run up the gut. Hard to tell against the Jets strong DL and with the Bills weak guards.


    I believe you will see better things from Bryce Brown in the near future.

  4. That was an awful call.


    The over officiating needs to stop. Truly ruining the game

    Very true. And it usually falls in favor of the more glamorous team (49ers in this case).


    This whole phantom penalty thing is ruining the game. It gets very annoying to have to watch all that crap slow the game down, and there does not seem to be any positive side to it (other than for the good teams that get the calls their way).

  5. It seems my allergies are back all of a sudden.


    Thank you Wilson family, and Pegula family for our beloved Bills.

    Yeah, those allergies have hit me a few times through this whole process.


    Especially the day when the Pegulas were announced as the winning bidders. I was at work and was getting pretty choked up.


    Yesterday's press conference was another moment. Happy tears, or near-tears, it was a great time for Bills fans everywhere.

  6. He may be but his wife is true blue WNY. As for Detroit, Deluca may also be referring to the fact that he covets the success of the Red Wings and wants that to be the model for the Sabres. He is a hockey guy first and foremost. I think the Kraft references are along a similar vein. If you to be the best that is a good model to follow.

    No, not a hockey guy first, he said. It was just that the opportunity to buy a hockey team emerged before the opportunity to buy a football team.


    He said that he had been involved with football for a long time, from his youth watching the Lions (when Ralph was a part owner), right down to helping recruit high school kids for a certain college team.

  7. Exactly. Orton did nothing better or worse than Ej. The ol needs work. Sammy is going to be worth way more than what we gave up. Two stellar defenses battled, one team had a horrible kicker, we didn't and we frigging won!!!!

    No, Kyle Orton did several things better than EJ. Mostly the decisive throws, when EJ would most likely hesitate and miss the moment.


    I like EJ, but he is not ready to be a starting QB.

  8. Can we talk about the call no call penalties? There were a couple of them. Do the officials confer and then decide since it's in the Bills favor they should pick it up? That Watkins call was one of the worst I've ever seen. And then the explanation was that the "contact" was legal. Since when is contact with a receiver with the ball in the air legal? I think we deserve an explanation on that one. That was a crucial 3rd down that cost us at least 3 points and almost the game

    And that call/no-call was about 8 yards beyond the line IIRC.


    Blatant mugging of Sammy, and no call.


    Must be a "vegas-ing" thing as the other poster said.

  9. Lucky for me this is on NBC, because my local CBS channel is blacked out in a dispute with DirecTV.


    Of course, DirecTV is reneging on their deal to provide me my local channels.


    My CBS channel now says to go see DirecTVpromise.com -- sure, that helps me a lot, you SOBs!


    It should be a great game.

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