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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. She's powerful right now, and dangerous. I want to preface this by saying that I'm not calling her Hitler: Hitler was considered a clown as well, until he wasn't. Just because she's a clown, doesn't mean she should just be ignored and left to put on her clown show unchecked. This latest GOP Nazi vibe is getting a bit unnerving.
  2. In an actual divorce, it's possible to go separate ways. With MAGA vs the rest of us, that doesn't seem very possible, mostly due to geography. Maybe Marge should lead MAGA in a takeover of Canada or Mexico. It's a treasonous sentiment, regardless.
  3. Nothing like intentionally deceiving your viewers and having them remain loyal regardless. What a world! Keep treating it as something you need to defend though, MAGA, instead of being insulted like you probably should be. That assumes that you have any integrity or independence left, which is dubious at best.
  4. And both W and Trump got out of their service too. What's your point? By all accounts, DeSantis served as a military lawyer during his deployment and saw no action, which doesn't really move the needle for me either way. Thanks for your legal service, Ronbo.
  5. So post a link from AP next time. Fox News, an organization which has been proven to intentionally deceive its viewers, is no longer a legitimate news source, if it ever was.
  6. AP BBC C-SPAN Economist NPR (oh, no!) Reuters More than a few, but that should get you started, big guy!
  7. What does Hunter Biden's laptop have to do with the intentional likes about election fraud being perpetuated by Fox News?
  8. Just provide a link from a reputable source maybe? Fox don't cut it no more.
  9. Isn't there a thread for this? Or a dozen? This thread is about how Fox News presents internally-known lies to its viewers in order to drive a political narrative and outcome. Do you have any thoughts on this that aren't "whatabout cnn msnbc and the lamestream media - yee haw!"?
  10. Back on topic... It's become apparent that Tucker doesn't think as much of ya'll as ya'll think of him. Thoughts?
  11. I prefer a reputable source. It may be true. I just don't trust the link you provided, and with good reason. Did you see the text messages? Thoughts?
  12. I seek your evidence that the Lib media is intentionally providing provably false information to it's viewers while openly discussing it interally. I'll hang up and listen.
  13. Let me slow it down for you: What evidence do you have to support your accusations?
  14. No, I'm asking for evidence. You know, facts. Do you remember those?
  15. Do you have internal text messages confirming this alleged fraud? I only ask because we now have that from Faux News. Did ya see?
  16. This is so pathetic. Hannity literally calls Rudy and Sidney "lunatics" and yet keeps propping them up publicly because he actually has zero respect for his MAGA idiot base. Yet all the MAGAs here can say is "what about the Libs???" Pathetic sheep.
  17. Yes, inflation is certainly NOT over. Nice to see you do accept facts when they align with your political ideology. Did you know that 10 of the 11 U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents?
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