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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. They're not actually ready to come out and say it, but this is the Conservative solution to school shootings.
  2. The truth is that we won't know all the side effects until years down the line. It was never about that. This was always our best shot at getting back to normal. Some people bravely took a chance for the greater good and some put on their tinfoil hats a acted like a bunch of whiney, paranoid kitties. Weak! The sad thing is that all the anti-vaxer pricks benefit from herd immunity anyway. But the unvaxxed death rate is much higher if Covid finds a way past the tinfoil. Be careful out there!
  3. "They don't want you to know!" The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Otherwise, every ridiculous claim demands proving some insane negative, which is neither productive nor efficient. You have a claim? Fine. Present some convincing evidence.
  4. Of, it's funny AF because of the knots I get to watch the good Christian Republicans twist themselves into now. But I do think he looks happy in that video, and less of a joke than he is now.
  5. We should start a thread to debate the finer point of Star Wars or Harry Potter next. Remember Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny? You're let those ones go, right? Right??
  6. The Damar Hamlin thread was such an incredible failure that the author seems to have deleted it and gone into hiding. How embarrassing! Anyway, I did some research and found him: #livedsuddenly
  7. Oh, she was just kidding? Riiiight... FAKE NEWS!!! Am I doing it right? What about this guy? 🤡 Clown show out in full force. Whatever makes you feel better I guess.
  8. When literally all else fails, back to the laptop.
  9. Holy crap...my insomnia is pure gold tonight. Kari Lake, ready to do her part by shooting down a balloon at 60,000 feet...from the ground...with a shotgun. Twitter conversation is hilarious, as you might imagine.
  10. You want Chinese Spy Balloons? Because this is how you get Chinese Spy Balloons.
  11. Did I hear DeSantis wants the State to document menstrual cycles now? *****jng seriously? "Anything that offends me should be illegal!" And you call others snowflakes! https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-desantis-florida-sports-female-athletes-160560972802
  12. Just a friendly reminder that Tucker is, self-admittedly, lying to you every day through his infotainment "news" program.
  13. Well, that's a lie. Can you tell the difference @B-Man?
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