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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. I listened to Daniel Moynahan speak back in the early 80's, when we were fresh with our own troubles in Iran, and the gist of what he had to say was , "you ain't seen nothin yet."
  2. I knew you were kidding. Although now, all my lesbian fantasies may be permenantly poisioned. Just great.
  3. Now, that's funny. There's NY, LA, and then there's "fly over" country.
  4. I think it is possible Iran was our next point of focus militarily, if the weapons in Iraq had been found. By the way, the did exist at one time. Iraq never gave proof they were destroyed. Because there are so many detractors to the Iraq war now, because Iraq does have nukes, and because the politics of the region are under different pressures now, I'd have to say it's not as likely. Sorry if your conclusion about the evil George Bush wanting to Invade Iraq for a grudge or for personal reasons, just so happens to mirror the tired and and relentless and organized bull stevestojan attacks from the left that have been answered and addressed many times, for those willing to listen.
  5. Part of the rational to Invade Iraq, was to do so BEFORE he had nukes. Because Sadam had never had a weapon that he did not use. Your fantasy DNC talking point about a personal grudge works about as well as O.J.'s looking for the real killer.
  6. It's called the big picture. Some get it sooner than others.
  7. There was a forensic analyst being interviewd that with old typerwriters there was equal spacing. Meaning an "I" took up as much space as a "M." The document in question adjusted these spaces, just a s modern word processors do. Though there was a typerwiter on the market back then that could do this, it wasn't widely used, especially in government. And where was this document four years ago? Maybe it hadn't been invented yet.
  8. You should study scripture in context. Let's start with "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's," - Matthew 22 The rest is "And render unto God what is God's." Jesus was answering a trick question. The Pharisees were trying desperately to win an argument with Jesus, somehow publicly to humiliate him. The depictions of Caesar on Roman coins was offensive to the Jews, whose own coins bore no such human likenesses lest they break the commandment about graven images. But the Romans demanded they pay their taxes with Roman coins. The Jews hated paying taxes to the Romans anyway, of course, because they were paying for the Roman magistrates who ruled them and the Roman soldiers who oppressed them. So the Pharisees were asking Jesus a trick question. "Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?" Meaning, of course, lawful before God, faithful to the Torah, which ruled out graven images altogether. If Jesus said, "No, it is unlawful," the people would be happy. But the Romans might arrest him for sedition. As far as they were concerned, Roman law took precedence over God's law. If Jesus said, "Yes, it is lawful," the Romans would be pleased, but the people would see Jesus as a puppet of the Romans and a traitor to God. Jesus called for a coin. "Whose image is that?" he asked. "Caesar's," they snarled. "Then give Caesar what is Caesar's and give God what is God's." Clever! And we've been trying to set the boundaries for church and state ever since.
  9. My original question, though somewhat facetious, had a sincere point. If there were cameras there, why no film documentation of the three, count em, three purple heart wounds. I think we can all draw our own conclusions. Because they wern't that serious and there was nothing to see, is mine. Even if they were a legitimate ticket home. If you want to carry on about when the color typerwriter or whatever was invented, I doubt many will take your word on it. Maybe there's a lemming board somewhere that you can go swim in.
  10. I had understood the camera was his. But I did not know that. So the story about the re-enactment was with someone elses camera. O.K.
  11. Were Camcorders standard issue for Lts. in Nam? And if Kerry had one for documentation purposes, could he have used it to record his purple heart injuries?
  12. He was probably thinking "Raiders." Are you ready for some football?
  13. Well, if he truly was derelict in his duties back in '73, and needed to be diciplined and sent to Nam for this, except for the pow's and MIA's, he'd have been the only one there. Give us a break please. Of course, if we could have sent him , he'd be dead, and out of your way. JHC.
  14. Imagine that. Tying in what our flag stands for with the sacrifice of the men who died in WWII. How awful. /sarcasm Let alone, on that day, at that beach.
  15. My youngest of three just turned five and started P-K last week. Phew...My job is finished now.
  16. I hope all this time he's spending under water doesn't turn him into a fish fan.
  17. It's amost impossible to get anywhere near there anyway, let alone park. And trying to wade through all the Mexicans that shop there takes forever.
  18. Ya know, Statistics show that Democrats have larger families than Republicans. This is certainly understandable. Whoever heard of enjoying a good piece of elephant?
  19. Like I said before, the only nation not with us this time that was with us in Gulf War I, is France.
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