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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. That is a gross exaggeration, Randy Moss has once-in-a-generation type talent. Thats like saying Cedric Benson is blowing his chance to be the next Walter Payton, its overdramatization and oversimplification of the matter. Robinson has a great deal of talent, but was a high pick in a weak draft class. Though he may have shined at moments, after 6 years or so you realize how much a guy has and whether or not he is a liability to himself and the franchise. Weighing those things together, you make a decision. Green Bay is gearing up for a playoff run, allegedly. They must've made the executive decision that it was a more responsible move for them to risk a 2nd rounder on a guy like Jordy Nelson, who could turn out better and currently has a clean NFL slate, than to award K. Rob a roster spot. Seems like a fairly prudent move. Green Bay has made a lot of solid roster moves in recent years, if you look at the supposedly high caliber guys they let go, none of them seem to have done anything after they left GB. That is not to say I believe Robinson is high caliber, but rather that the cheeseheads' front office has a keen sense of market value.
  2. Mark Maddox Scott Radicek Leon Seals Bill Brooks Lonnie Johnson Ray Bentley and my favorite....Kurt Schultz
  3. Congratulations. I'm in a similar boat, I make barely enough money to pay my bills but I'm in my third year with season tickets now. Although I don't drive from Rochester, one of the guys I have tickets with does, as do about 6 other friends who tailgate with us. Why do I do it? Besides the optimism, and despite all the hidden costs(I figure a Bills game costs another 30-80 bucks after the ticket), its the most worthwhile investment you can make. The years in which I've had tickets have been rough ones too, with slow starts. The bottom line is that as long as we have even a sliver of a chance the atmosphere is the best in football. I cannot wait for the monday night game in November. Where did you get seats?
  4. The best of luck to him but it looks pretty crowded at reciever for us and I felt the same way in the past about Clarence Coleman and George Wilson(as a reciever).
  5. Before the draft I recall a post where someone pondered whether or not Mayle was the answer at WR. You know its the offseason when.....
  6. For years we were the blind squirrels of the NFL.
  7. This would also work with Marcus Stroud.
  8. Clearly none of this means anything. The media are generally the ones who conjure up this delusions of grandeur about our team and specific players. Remember the year we got Avion Black and they were touting him as perhaps the fastest player in the league, who would be a threat to take any kick back for 6. Well we all know how that turned out do we not? Still, its more pleasant to hear the talking heads saying good things about the Bills instead of the same old garbage.
  9. Did anybody else catch this tidbit? "16. New Orleans. Now we're getting to the "if only'' area. If only the Saints had gotten Jeremy Shockey, if only Reggie Bush were a more complete NFL back, if only they had Leodis McKelvin on an island this fall instead of Jason David, Randall Gay or Aaron Glenn ... you get the picture." Seems he really likes McKelvin
  10. Coming out of college Nate was in a similar situation as far as McKelvin in regard to being the almost consensus top CB in the draft, however, whoever pointed out that less CBs were picked that year is right. Though its too early to judge, this CB class seems to be better than that one was. Also, Nate possessed good, but not great measurables, McKelvin's numbers border on elite in several categories. Nate had the advantage of covering top flight competition in college and was probably more ready to step in and play CB, but its difficult to tell. Obviously I never watched McKelvin in action in college but it seems like he was pretty special, albeit playing in a much smaller conference. I don't believe that espn had scouts inc. grades on insider like they do now, but McKelvin's grade was a 95 I believe, and from reading over scouts inc prospect reports over the years I'd guess theyd put nate around a 93, but thats only my guess. Either way, if McKelvin turns out to be as good as nate was, but brings more to special teams and can learn not to try to be a "playmaker" all the time, we've got a gem on our hands. Generally the first CB taken in a draft class turns out to be solid at the very least, in recent years few have been busts, Pacman being one of them and talent is clearly not the issue there.
  11. Sean Salisbury calls him "cryptkeeper" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi7XtBv94pE (1:25 mark) He also calls him a clown
  12. I bet. I apologize for regurgitating this but it was one of the scariest moments of my life when espn was showing DeSean Jackson. It was like the feeling of being pulled over going 75 in a school zone while driving an uninspected unregistered vehicle without a license. After the 2nd round the rest was gravy. Also, awesome post, I feel the same way about the team right now. Don't the patriots have that trademarked>>>?
  13. Agreed. Great video. I was really hoping we picked hardy when we got on the clock in the 2nd. If it wasn't him or Sweed, it would have been upsetting. I think he is coming into the perfect situation. A team with a core of young players and emerging leaders in the locker room. We needed a big receiver with red zone presence and jump ball ability. Hard to do better than a guy like Hardy, an accomplished WR with good measurables who is a former D-I basketball player at a top-flight program. McKelvin is a lot harder to project I think, but the more corners you have the better and he was arguably the top corner.
  14. Yeah didn't he suffer a career ending injury during the 1991 season? Luke Lawton and Larry Centers were the only ones I remembered.
  15. I concur with that. Its the last label that you want to recieve because it means A) That you haven't actually done anything yet. and2) at least one preseason hype pick always goes flat like the niners last year or miami two years ago. I think we are looking good though.
  16. ...espn flashed to DeSean Jackson on his cell phone. I was ready to jump off my 3rd story porch. I thought that TD had invaded the bills' war room and taken over in some coup. Pretty much anything other than the name: DeSean Jackson at that point would have made me happy. What was espn trying to do to us? When they pulled that stunt I immediately switched back to NFL network. I also got super nervous during the 2nd that with multiple recievers on the board that we would screw it up somehow even though we were sitting in the driver's seat.
  17. One of my friends sells high end suits and other clothing. He was watching the draft with us and he's always the first to comment on how someone ties their tie, how good/crappy their clothes are etc. He had some gems about keyshawn. Among other things he called it a "Clown Suit" and commented that "thats what happens when you get dressed in the dark".
  18. We're talking about the Antoine Winfield of about 3-4 years ago right? not todays version.
  19. Look at that band of merry misfits celebrating in the end zone. I really cannot wait until we put a healthy team out there.
  20. He still robbed the jets blind on that roberston contract. Clearly he takes a position and doesnt do much moving.
  21. I know I would, and one guy I would avoid is Hadley Englehard. He is Travis' agent and also DeWayne Robertson's. I think in every walk of life you'll find groups that prefer not to do business with certain people. Sports is a little different though and Im sure that if a team likes a guy enough they just suck it up and deal with whatever scumbag represents that player.
  22. I always find it most exciting when the logo switches to the bills logo, although when they announce the pick before it reaches the podium that tends to take the edge off a little.
  23. Manningham is good, he ALWAYS gets open. Ive watched a ton of michigan games and he is not the same reciever Braylon Edwards was from an all-around perspective but Manningham is talented in his own right. Its too bad hes acted like such a clown the past two months. Some team is either gonna get a great steal or just squander a mid round pick on him now it would seem. Although I wouldn't rule out the Cowboys at 28, you never know with them, if they like a guy they'll just take him. Also, the raiders in the 2nd.
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