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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. Sully's stadium sportswear.....i dont know the number.
  2. not likely because of the royalties the companies would have to pay to record labels for the buffer songs they use coming in and out of break. I believe once radio is transferred to another medium (the internet) you have to pay $$.
  3. The Tragically Hip- Live Between Us Dave Matthews Band- Live at Red Rocks O.A.R.- their first live record is titties!
  4. here's a suggestion- Drop the loser yankees and head down to the City of Palms Park where the real men play.
  5. I would go on the bills tickets section on the website or have one of the nice season ticket holders on here get them for you before they go on sale to the general public
  6. Lowest of the Low - Shakespeare My Butt
  7. big f'n deal. I watch football to be entertained. What Moss did entertained me. Who gives a sh-- if he mooned the fans?? What does it matter?
  8. get the iRiver H320 www.misticriver.net Its better ....on sale at Best Buy for $266 ...lets you view pictures, has an FM reciever that you can also record and also has video capabilities if you flash the firmware. I love the thing.
  9. im on the speaker side 337.....it was happening almost every play. It sounded like an airplane taking off ...its really awful and i was very embarassed. They did it at a game last year too but this was the first time this season it has happened. It really makes me mad.
  10. if you want to pay for the music and i dont know why you would really want to then go to www.allofmp3.com its a russian pay site that makes it like 2 dollars US for an entire album.
  11. hey cablelady is that a gratuitous crotch shot as your avatar?
  12. one of the few decent looking ones in the lot. Good for her.
  13. i havent slept yet and we are starting our tailgate at 7:45 in the parking lot of the Buffalo Sports Garden (Southwestern Blvd.--you are all welcome) I cant stand the anticipation. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!! i dont want anyone to sit for the entire game. This is the biggest home game in over 5 years and we need the crowd to be loud and proud. DO YOUR PART!!!! I GOT A FEELING.................
  14. just wanted to let everyone know that at 67 west last night there were about 15 of us starting the " I gotta Feeling" chant. Then we asked the DJ to play the original shout song but he said he wouldnt do it. So we did what normal bills fans would do . We all started the shout song and sang it so loud that he turned off the song he was already playing and he turned on the shout song. I have never seen a bar that alive. Everyone was bouncing up and down and screaming at the top of their lungs. What a way to start off 2005. btw, Tim Connely was in the bar last night so we all started yelling !@#$ the Union and various anti NHLPA sentiments. i spelled spirit wrong in the title.
  15. well the shoe is on the other foot right now. The Yankees fans always gave sox fans sh-- about winning all the time. Well the Sox won this time so I can say what I want for the next 10 months.
  16. As a red sox fan its a shame that you guys got tino because thats one guy who i respect. Oh well fug em now he is on the dark side again. Enjoy another year without the trophy!
  17. i love that version as well but who is the ass that put the window breaking sound at the end of it. It really annoys me.
  18. Mario Hagan is a scumbag... he tried to bang my buddies g/f. We all boo him.
  19. the Buffalo Sports Garden on southwestern blvd. is a great place to eat and watch all of the sporting events. Plus on friday/saturday nights there is alot of hot trim running around there. Its located just 2 miles from the stadium. http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?count...&submit=Get+Map
  20. we must storm the field if the above scenario comes into fruition.
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