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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. I want Brooks Reed to replace him. I wanted us to draft him in the worst way.

    You know.....as interesting as the situation is...your right...there are actually a few guys that I envision shining next to our group of pro bowlers


    Meanwhile.....I see Hughes having a tough go of it if he goes to another team....I am not wishing it on him at all just the reality of it

  2. Look I want Hughes to stay...mostly because I know what we have in him




    Not at 10-11 fricken million dollars........no way no way there ALL KINDS of good pass rushers available this offseason

    Losing Hughes, lost out on Harris at MLB plus of course no Kiko, god forbid we lose Dareus next yr. Our defense isn't set, we are going to have to make some moves there too. The focus has been offense, and rightfully so, but now we have some glaring holes on defense as well

    We are not losing Marcel....that will NOT happen

  3. Jerry Hughes is a very good player....there are literally several veteran players that could fill that spot not to mention several pass rushers in the draft.


    Lets face it....this is a Rex Ryan defense.......we still have the best DL in the league especially if they go get a solid veteran guy to fill that spot.


    And 11 million dollars for a player that was rotting away on the colts bench is flat insane.


    I totally understand

  4. What makes me happy is knowing that my family....my wife, my daughter, my son are all in good places and doing with they want to do in life


    I am willing to sacrifice my self (and have for the last 20 years) making that happen.


    If they are happy.....I am happy.

  5. Put aside your feeling about Marrone for a second.


    He and Whaley had their choice of any QB in EJ's draft, and they picked EJ. They then made the Watkins trade a year later to help EJ develop. They did basiclaly nothing at QB last offseason, leaving the team's fate entirely in EJ's hands.


    In short, EJ was their guy. The fact that they brought in ZERO compeition/help at the QB spot last offseason should be even more proof of that.


    What happened? EJ was absolutely freaking HORRIBLE in OTA's, camp, and pre-season. Whaley and Marrone finally panicked and started sifting through the free agent leftovers for someone to play QB in August.


    Finally they found Orton, who sighed and said "What the hell...I guess I'll take your money," downed his beer, packed his mouth full of chew, and headed on up to Orchard Park.


    EJ was embarassingly bad. Marrone might be a jerk, but EJ was HIS GUY and he cut the cord that quickly.


    Rex has no connection to EJ, and Whaley's fate seemingly has little to do with whether EJ pans out at this point. Everyone misses sometimes. If they sign another QB I would not expect to see EJ start a regular season game here again.

    You know......when this all started out I was firmly on the EJ train....they guy has every physical trait that you could want in a franchise QB....PHYSICAL traits


    But then we hear all this talk of EJ working with a QB coach in the offseason......and the bills bring in a QB QB all this talk about working on his footwork and mechancs


    Then training camp hits and EJ actually having a good day in camp ends up being the exception instead of the rule...it looked like he had taken a step BACK from his rookie season.


    Now.....could this be coaching? You bet....the problem is we have a defense biult to win NOW......by the time EJ figures it out we might not have the defense in place that we have now.....


    This team needs a veteran game manager type who wont make the mistake that causes us to lose the game.......we have one of the very best running backs in the league....we have a top 5 defense.....we have Sammy Watkins.....and we have this whole free agency and draft to continue to improve.

  6. I think Freddie is the relief guy.....and would fit well in that role sitting behind another star RB.




    When was the last time Fred was actually able to stay healthy for an entire season even when platooning? This is where Bryce Brown comes into play.


    As for as Boobie Dixon? AWESOME special teams and short yardage player.


    I think all 4 will be kept.....for one more year.

  7. Looking at his highlights is for the most part really looking at highlights for an offensive line. Look how the guards are opening holes in the middle and creating wide running lanes, tackles are controlling the ends allowing backs to get outside, and they're getting out to the second level for screens. The difference from our line is night and day. Our backs would have been a heck of a lot better running behind that Philly line


    I dont suppose it would do any good to point out that


    a. Phili might actually run a running game system that actually works (unlike Hackett) that is creative and actually creates running lanes




    b. Greg Roman (you know the the NFC Playoff/Championship OC we hired) might actually be able to create those same lanes.....especially if the OL is improved.

  8. yep! And Murray has shown he can be an every down back that can carry the load. McCoy is only good for 15 carries per game

    Except when Murray is injured? Which has been often?

    What about Murray? I like his game a lot. I'd put him and marshawn as top 2 backs. Dallas only offered $16mm gauranteed, which is less than what we're paying mccoy


    We instead got McCoy......who is a damn fine RB who has been durable and incredibly productive no matter how you slice it......

  9. OK so I get it.....


    I LOVE Kiko Alonzo......really wanted to see if he could improve on his rookie season....was really dissapointed when he tore his ACL (for the second time) before the season even started last year......I beileve....and i STILL belive that Kiko would have shined in Rex Ryan's defense provided he was healthy.....


    but chew on this for a minute


    Lets think about the fact that our defense was top 5 in the league last year WITHOUT Kiko Alonzo.....and our offense was really really bad. Lets keep in mind that we DO NOT have that QB that is going to go out and sling it......keep in mind that we brought in a OC who runs a real game plan for running the ball....keep in mind that


    Spiller was NOT coming back

    Bryce Brown is unproven

    Boobie Dixon is more of a fullback then he is a running back....and pile that on with the fact that Roman really sees him as more of a "specialty" player

    Fred Jackson.....and god I love him....showed signs of really slowing down this past year


    So basically......we didnt have a feature back.


    This was a swap on defense (which we could frankly afford to do) in order to trying to bring our offense into balance.....chew on this for a minute. Sammy Watkins AND McCoy (who led the league in rushing just the year before last)


    This was a VERY ballsy move by our team.......

  10. JP who was hurt by a teammate for being a complete ass a couple weeks into his pro career?


    EJ is too nice, said it before, say it again. The QB needs to control the team, be the unquestioned leader. Hopefully that's something he can grow into. Then all we have to do is hope that his physical and/or mental roadblocks can somehow be torn down.

    What they need to do is biuld this team up around the QB (if it is EJ so be it) guys that make plays and make the QB's job easier......offensive linemen that control the line of scrimmage and make the running game work.......Tight Ends and big wide recievers that offer large catch radius and sure hands........


    Make the game easier for the QB.....make the QB look better.....then the QB will be in a position to lead by example.

  11. Here we go again. We have a very good, young talent that we are just letting go. Jerry will walk away and we now have another hole to fill. Good teams find ways to keep their good players and not let them just leave. We will be back on that never ending cycle of having to replace top talent. It's not like we don't have the cap space to have kept him.


    I didnt realize we had lost him yet

  12. McCown chose the longer term, higher paying contract.


    We made a run at him, just couldn't close.


    Plenty of other options, this one fell through, no worries.


    I believe they were offering a similar deal to Orton. 5.2 with a second year option.





    Thanks for stopping back by.


    Do you think this changes their thinking with EJ Manuel and the cutting of him you heard about?


    These qbs are so close in talent that doesnt really upset me about losing out on Mcowan.......who do you hear is the next qb they would be looking at?

  13. This never ending obsession over the QB situation continues to drift further and further from reality. It's like the Buffalo Chapter of Dungeons and Dragons after awhile. The two main themes that keep being gnawed on are clearly the result of deep ignorance or of mental deficiencies. To whit, that a McCown, a Hoyer, a Sanchez, a Glennon are somehow automatically such a big enough improvement over Manuel that the front office should trade Dareus, or a dozen draft picks or a bale of Pegulas money to get them into Buffalo, where the days of Heaven on Earth will suddenly prevail. This in spite of enough statistics and enough eye ball evidence that none of them -- as in zero -- are markedly better than EJ and in some cases are clearly worse.


    The second obsession is even worse, that the Bills should trade for one of the elite QBs (or at least an almost elite QB) on other teams, as if the management of those franchises are insane enough to trade Rivers or Brees or Roethlisberger or any of the rest, as if it never occurred to them that their success is built around the QB position. But those other GMs are not morons, so if they did in fact show a willingness to trade one of those types of QBs, you can be assured that they have determined that that player is about squeezed dry and they're going to try to snooker some rube.


    A subsidiary to both of those fixations is this idea that keeps being brought up, that the Bills absolutely have to draft a QB this year to replace EJ, again in spite of all evidence that none of the ones available in '15 are anything but "fixer-uppers" who would require more work than EJ. This faith-based fixation seems to be based on a belief that there is either a QB Tree out there where you can go and pick a ready-made franchise QB. Or else it's just an aspect of the well-known delusion that guys on other teams are always better than the guys on our team.


    While the odds of the Bills drafting one of the mediocre crop of college QBs this year is virtually 100%, I doubt they will do so believing that the new guy will be "The One." And anyone around here who continues to think that the Bills "savior" is hiding in plain sight in the draft needs the care of a mental health professional. The real reality is that EJ, like it or not, is the best the Bills can do this year, even after dragging in every single available QB in the land. So let's hope that those who say he's got what it takes and just needs the right coaching are correct. Because if his critics are correct, it's going to be a looooong season.

    We do have a dominating defense and a good special teams backing up that QB


    I think we are going to make the playoffs this year

  14. Our QB situation is a mess. I like EJ and want him to be 'the guy' but the key word there is want, I don't have much faith in him being a starting QB but hopefully I'm wrong. I did want us to sign McCown, only in light of our situation for a QB. I believe that he's a quality person/teammate and would be ample enough being paired with a dominate defense and a ground-n-pound offense. Oh well, how we lost out to Cleveland of all teams is a real head scratcher. As far as Orton goes I was never a player for this clown. I seen enough of him over in Denver.


    Where do we go from here? Bradford and Locker are brittle, I would begrudgingly hitch my wagon to them if they were obtained but with bated breath. Sancheze, I can't believe that I'm even considering this guy but I must say that after last year I did see some things in him that I didn't think we're possible but the thing with this guy is that you'll always be waiting for the only shoe to drop with him. Foles? I don't even know if he's a possibility and truthfully, I don't know enough of him to really form a good opinion.


    So where does this leave us? Really. Can anyone give a good, wholehearted endorsement of any candidate out there because I can't. I think that our best bet is to just fortify our defense and OL, add and upgrade our RBs, find multiple TEs to compliment our current WRs for a safer passing offense so we can minimize the QB position and get ourselves in a better position for a quality QB in the future.


    I believe that the only other way for us to really improve our QB situation is to make a big time trade for one. I don't even know if this is even possible, who it could be and what it would take but that is the only other way that would give me any kind belief. I think that if this were the case the only 2 that would fit this would either be Brees or a distant second in Cutler and with Cutler there is considerable amount of baggage but the guy does have a big time arm and has plenty of starter experience. The one thing I will say about a potential Cutler trade would be that he should be able to be obtained for quite a reasonable price, which is something that we would be able to afford, considering our available draft picks and such.

    I love these kinds of posts......


    rant and rave....hate that the team didnt give a 3 year deal to a OLD QB coming off a extremely bad year.......but absolutely NO real idea of how to fix the problem other then "bills please do something"


    Face facts....there are NO franchise qb options this year....so since there isnt one we will pick one of the other middling qbs......give EJ a chance to see if he can hit his celing......and run the ball....a lot


    Dont B word if you dont have a solution

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