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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside


    Everyone taking this guy as insider because of the "text from Whaley" "Rex 2nd interview" "Roman OC" thing


    I asked before and my post got purged by the mods - if you are indeed an insider, why on earth would you leak that EJ isn't in the Bills future plans?

    Isn't that contrary to the interests of the organization because by gum, even Gabbert who played like total stinking poop for 3 years brought a 6th in trade. So why would someone with real inside scoop go against the interests of the organization to say EJ has no trade value whatsoever 'cuz if someone wants to take a chance on him just wait, we'll just cut him and soon too.


    What about all the reports that Whaley interviewed coaches making it clear we wanted to have someone who would give EJ a chance? All smoke and mirrors?


    I don't mind McCown. It has been clear that the Bills should sign a FA (or two) and draft someone. More possible strings to the bow, it's all good. It's the "cut EJ 2 days into FA" that makes no freakin' sense to me. It doesn't even make sense as a cap move, his contract is modest but guaranteed.


    Locker as a backup - mmmmm, sturdiness in a backup seems a desireable trait.

    Hopeful I think in this case it is just best to wait and see......


    I wouldnt call Leroi out at this point....u dont have to take it as gospel.....u dont have to say you dont belive it......just sit back and see what happens.

  2. Any disrespect around here for Buddy Nix is pathetic and an embarrassment for Bills fans. The guy took over a franchise that had been crashed on the rocks and sunk for over a decade thanks to its bumbling owner, and single handedly got the ship back in the water and in the shipping lanes. The Bills may not have been the Queen Mary when he left, but they certainly werent the Titanic anymore either.


    He pulled the Bills out of being a Free Agency laughing stock and to a point where we could actually sign players. It started with Merriman, and he used that momentum to eventually land Mario Williams, one of the top two Free Agents in 2012.


    It's slow going, if not damn near impossible, to change a culture that has been instituted by an owner happy with mediocrity for 50 years. Buddy was the first baby step in making that change to where we are now. The Pegulas and Doug Whaley are simply building on his foundation. BTW, it's thanks to Buddy that Whaley is here in the first place.


    You naysayers can cite the team's record over those few years, but Buddy doesnt play the games (or even coach them). I think he did the best with what he had to work with and the opportunities that were there. Sure, he wasnt 100% perfect, but no GM is.


    I ran into him this past fall down south, and he had a Bills jacket on. He still loves this team and is pulling for it everyday. Show the man some respect for what he tried to do for us fans.

    To add to that


    Buddy Nix effects are still lingering (in a good way)


    He left in place Doug Whaley.....who looks like he is pretty good at what he does.


    I will say, though, CJ has proven me wrong...on at least one occasion. I still get chills when I think about the 36 yard TD run he had in Toronto against Atlanta in 2013. By far the best run of his career. The way he cut and accelerated with perfect patience and timing showed exactly what he's capable of doing. Problem is, he RARELY shows that kind of patience and timing:



    Unfortanately we needed him to do that on a regular basis to justify his pick......no do it as an exception


    Way to many cloud of dust runs from CJ

  4. Complex to me reads that the blocking scheme is complex... the RB probably just needs to be taught where the hole is gonna be, and that's about it.

    Im thinking that Spiller wanting to break everything to the outside....when Romans' blocking schemes create holes between the tackles is what will do CJ Spiller in......


    It might do Bryce Brown in as well.....who also likes to break things outside.

    This was awesome: thank you very much. I love these level of breakdowns.


    One issue I see, is that the current O line has already shown how bad they can be - these schemes require mobile/agile and coordinated

    run blocking. All things the Bills O line is NOT. Not to mention the number of penalties this group would incur.


    They draft HUGE O lineman and then expect them to be running all over the place: See 2014 O line draft.



    This would def apply to last year for certain.....


    Its all about the OG's......last years OG's didnt


    - Move anyone around because their pad level was to naturally high




    - Not mobile enough to pull and block on the move


    I actually think Cog is better at both of these things....and I am almost certain that another G that fits the above needs is on his way in free agency

  5. Im not saying yes. But I wouldnt hate the idea.


    The upside for Dareus is miles below the upside for Bradford. At the end of the day, I see a healthy Bradford on par with, or slightly below Mat Ryan, who I would be more than willing to trade Dareus for.

    Im sorry....I didnt realize that you were even remotely being serious in your first post.


    I cant even engage in this conversation.

  6. Maybe Dareus and a third rounder?


    Whaley might be watching the Suh deal very close.

    Also what do the Bills have that the Rams need? WR's? Bills have 2 worth anything and Watkins is not going anywhere.

    And no way is Robert Woods is in the discussion unless it includes about 3 other guys and a pick or two.

    I know that we dont have a franchise qb




    Why in the world would you trade Marcel Darius......a certified multiple pro bowler....in the prime of his career.....on a team where the strength of it is our Defense....in particular our D line IN PARTICULAR our DEFENSIVE TACKLES


    Why in the world would we even contemplate doing that?

  7. a couple?


    did you see the Bloopers? This is only up to 2012.



    his passer rating never exceeded 80 in NY and even with a QBR of 88.4 in Philly he's still not their best option.


    he lost a total of 20 LOST fumbles in NY with back to back 8 lost fumble seasons and he had 3 lost fumbles in Philly (tied with Orton is 14)

    Once again


    I am not defending the bad things Mark Sanchez has done over the years......some of them were rather pathetic.....




    There are no good options this year.....that player simply is not out there. And we CAN NOT go into the season with EJ Manual the unchallenged starter on this team.


    Sanchez when he was with Ryan the first go around was in fact the QB of the team that went to two consecutive AFC Champsionship games....in order to do that you have the have


    - Winning seasons

    - The QB cannot suck or be average most of the time no matter how good his defense is

    - Make key plays at key times


    What QBs are available on the market that fit that description?

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