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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Let me also say this about the "growth" of Tyrod Taylor


    Growth of a QB cannot be measured in a game by game basis......especially as a first year starter.....QBs are gonna be up and down because of mulitude of factors


    In the Miami game.......he has ONE incompletion


    In the jets game......a lot more incompletions? What factors into that? Inaccurate passes, miscommunications, wide recievers dropping balls, talent level of the opposing defense etc etc etc


    Most consider Joe Flacco to be a "franchise qb".......do you guys think that Joe Flacco doesnt have up and down games over the course of a season based on the above factors?

    This has gone beyond your devout inability to perceive any flaws in Tyrod's game; and your propensity to ogle him with slack-jawed, wide-eyed wonder.


    You're delusional.


    What in the world do you perceive to be my "agenda"? What do you think I could possibly do to impose an agenda if I had one?


    I simply have the capacity to watch the game objectively, and note that there are things that Tyrod has not done well.


    That's not an agenda: that's understanding what I'm seeing.


    But you're incapable of that. When asked, point blank, what flaws Tyrod had in his game, the only thing you were able to answer was "needs to slide more often and sooner".


    That's delusional.

    No...as a matter of fact you do NOT have a ability to look at Tyrod's game objectively (or for that matter even carry a conversation regarding it....as soon as you are questioned you result degrading the poster you are speaking to almost immediatelly because you dont like being questioned.

  2. I just watched the opening pass play again on the replay. Three different times. It was another perfect bomb that would have hit Watkins right on the money for a TD if he kept running.

    Give the jets credit....they had defenders swarming around Tyrod the entire game.....


    A lot of people are discounting the fact that Tyrod did not turn that ball over....im not...that in itself is a solid pro QB trait

  3. What in the world are you talking about?


    This was one of his worse games this season. He, once again, made mistakes in the pocket. He missed open receivers because he locked on to his primary. He didn't make pre-snap reads, which led to him taking unnecessary pressure and missing hot reads. He went an entire quarter without registering a first down.


    The very best thing you can say about his performance is that he didn't lose us the game, because he protected the ball and didn't turn it over, which, while not to be underestimated, is the hall mark or a successful game manager, not a franchise type quarterback.


    Tyrod did his best Trent Dilfer last night. He did not win us the game; but rather our defense did.


    That's not evidence of growth.


    Why can't you just accept that?


    I agree with this, but I was talking specifically about growth in Tyrod's game; given that is what this thread is about.

    Like I said....you have an agenda and your pushing it


    What are going to do with Tyrod is the starting QB of this team next year?

  4. I haven't seen a lot of hate towards Tyrod (if any).

    I have seen people being realistic about this strengths and weaknesses (every QB has both). I have also seen people exaggerating about Tyrod's play and overstating it. People have different opinions. That is the reason boards like this exist, so people of opposing views can debate them. If you are overly sensitive about any sort of honest critiquing of Tyrod's play (or that of any other players), maybe a message board is not the place for you.

    You need to look closer


    We have a minority (a extremely small minority) that degrade Tyrod's play at every opportunity and have already said he he is not answer


    His detractors do exist and it has nothing to do with critiqing strength and weakness with them.....it is about explaining away any positives he might have accomplished in the hopes that their agenda is realized.


    Unfortunately for them and fortunately for the bills.....Tyrod continues to find a way


    5-2 as a starter

  5. Jets defended Tyrod quite well which unfortunately will give the Pats a blueprint for that. Rex and Co. better expect similar defense from the Pats and plan some things to counter it.

    The problem for the pats is they dont have the defense that the jets have


    Unfortunately for us they have Brady

  6. There was nothing in last night's game that was indicative of growth. The best thing that can be said about Tyrod's performance is that he didn't lose us the game.

    TTT with each passing game you look worse and worse with this stance you will not come off of.


    But thats ok....hang on till the end.

  7. I hear a lot of complaints about Tyrod not seeing open targets


    It is really difficult without the all 22 to even know if he HAD open targets but I do know this.....Tyrod is in the top 5 of the NFL in several stat catagories.......and all the while protecting the ball


    If he turns the ball over.....we dont win that game....and then we would be bitching that he turned the ball over.


    He had at least 3 throws that hit receivers right in the hands......the throw in the 1st quarter to Watkins looked like one he should have been able to make a play on.....he throws the TD to Karlos......and makes key first down throws to seal the game


    In the previous week......he had ONE incomplete pass......and Miami does have a good defense


    Happy with Tyrod as he continues to grow as a starting QB

  8. I have played this over in my head a dozen times now.


    So let's assume they lose at New England (for the sake of argument- they win, they're going to make the playoffs). They're 5-5.


    They're going to beat Houston at home. That gives you 6 wins. I think they're going to have to and should win their last 2- including the game against Dallas, which inexplicably people are saying is going to be an impossible task. For one, Dallas wasn't even playing that well with Romo and secondly, do not be surprised if Romo does not play if they're out of it- which they pretty much are. Why would you play a guy who's my age with an extensive injury history coming off another one in meaningless December games? It makes zero sense. Anyway that gives you 8 wins.


    That leaves the 3 road games against beatable/mediocre opponents- KC, Was and Philly. They are not going to win all 3. They win 2 of those they are at 10 wins. 10 wins is a playoff ticket this season, no question about it. They win 1 of those, they're at 9 wins, which I think might even give you a better than 50% chance right now. Anyway long story shot, they have to win 3 out of 5 against KC, Was, Philly, Dal and NYJ to get to 9 wins and 4 out of 5 to get to 10. I think they'll win 3, finish at 9-7 and MAKE the playoffs. You heard it here.

    I started the season with a 10-6 prediction....I am sticking with that


    Now...if they beat New England? I am def not count that one as a win



    Just think the Eagles at home will be tough and their defence is top 10 and have been getting better





    Top 10 like the defense we just faced?

  9. I get nervous when I see side line to side line plays against good defenses.......

    Interesting set of circumstances that appear to govern using Karlos: Whenever the fancy strikes, put Karlos in the game and have him score, then don't use him for the rest of the game.

    Because you have to monitor his touches......another concussion probably ends his season

    You have to beat that blitz with slants, don't remember any.

    If they are going to blitz like that you HAVE to screen them......

  10. I feel like Roman outsmarts himself sometimes


    Something will be working......and Roman will go away from it totally in only what I assume is a "dagger" play


    If something is working.....run it till they actually show they can stop it




    I really dont like to see designed run plays for TT.....he is going to get his when nobody is open.....and when he does that everyone is cleared out covering someone except for whoever is spying the qb which Tyrod can easily beat on a 1 on 1.


    When smashmouth is working (and it was last night) just beat the hell out of the opponents defense.......


    We got enough pressure. As a fan, you always want more. But without Mario and Kyle plus as you said Fitz throw quick they did enough.


    If we lost the offense would have been the problem as they got too conservative in the second half.

    I thought the pressure came in spurts.....there were times in this game when Fitz was getting hit on every play.....then there were times we didnt get close




    As we know with Fitz....he is hard to sack because he gets rid of the ball so quick


    The OL did a good job overall. There was a patch in the third quarter where they struggled but overall they opened gaps in the run game and protected TT. TT has to learn to get the ball out of his hands when the D blitzes. It's not on the OL when they send more than 5 guys, it's on the QB and WRs.

    I still think there is a lot of improvement to be had on the OL.......that jets DL completely overwhelmed them at times.


    The east west play calling and running out of the shotgun did not help.......but when a opposing team is going to contain your mobile threat QB in the pocket....your OL better give him a pocket to throw from


    They are improving in their run blocking

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