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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Anyone else starting to think that Gilmore might be a goner with the emergence of Darby? Look, I'd like to keep them both- maybe franchise Gilmore for a year- but long term, there's no way they can tie up big money in two CB's. Rather pay Darby a rookie salary for a few more years still and spend the money elsewhere. Glenn and Incognito are big priorities. Woods is easily replaceable (I'd keep him on the cheap- he's probably not worth much anyway) and Bradham isn't even very good.

    Nope....Rex needs his corners to make his D scheme work and given what happened with the jets there is no way Rex lets that happen


    Both Gilmore and Darby are here long term

  2. Even so....is there a QB that has actually deserved it more in recent history should it happen?


    - He falls in the draft for no really good reason

    - Sits behind a starter for years waiting for his chance

    - Biulds a reputation as a total team guy and leader

    - Had deficiencies in his game (still has some) but he doesnt give up....he works on his game


    In all seriousness....the kid looks like a better QB then Michael Vick who came into the league as a number 1 overall pick......he looks like a better decision maker and thrower of the football with the same athletisism


    I hope he DOES get his contract....after he has earned it

  3. I agree that it's tricky with QBs in particular, but there is no way that I jump the gun with Taylor. I see what he does the rest of this year and probably next. He's certainly does not have a large body of work, nor has he proven enough on the field to justify even a second tier deal. I hope he does earn that here, but he still has a lot to do before he does.

    I also is not advocating redoing Taylor's deal yet.


    He needs to show he can stay healthy

  4. No I don't, and simply because Watkins has been bogged down with injuries this season.


    Watkins will always be compared to Odell Beckham Jr in my view because the Bills could have stayed put at #9, and drafted Beckham who went to the Giants at 12th while still having that 2015 first round pick. Whats crazy is the Bills had a real interest in Beckham before the draft, and for some reason lost that interest.

    Because Sammie was the better prospect.....

    Of course we all want Watkins to put up the numbers like he did in that Miami game every week. 8 rec for 168 yards, 1 TD. That is only one game this season though.


    0-60-39-0-0-48-0-168-14. This last game 7 targets, 3 rec for 14 yards.


    Sammy will always be compared to Beckham who is currently the 4th best WR this year 10 games 63 rec for 863 yards 8 TD's, and the NY Giants didn't give up their 2014 AND 2015 first round picks for the kid.


    There is a real reason as to why some Bills fans are being critical about the current situation. Injuries aside, QB aside, offensive scheme aside the player is not even close to the level of expectations of most fans.


    All we can do is hope we see more games like the Miami game.

    Oh and


    You cannot injuries aside....it is the biggest part of the equation

  5. The key this week is preventing Gronk from getting a clean release from the line. Hit him each and every time. Losing Edelman/Lewis is going to hurt Brady this week no doubt but this game is going to come more down to how well our offense does against their defense if ask me. Hopefully Tyrod has learned to not take sacks like he did in Week 2 and maybe can limit some of his costly mistakes to have a chance to win this one.

    To me Brady is more dangerous with his short passing/move the chains offense, this is actually something that could benefit us.

    I think this is belecheat mind games.......Brady is going to attack us short and everyone knows it

  6. is in a cage in the bowels of Gillette, downing a pot of coffee, crunching numbers, concocting the perfect game plan RIGHT NOW while Rex has sweet dreams of Edelman's broken foot. Pats will win, Belichick will be called a genius, Brady will say how fortunate they were and how great all his teammates are. Bills fans will shave another year off their life from the stress of the game and have irrational thoughts on what they'd like to do to Brady. Pats fans will gloat, Bills fans will be bitter, and then we'll all get over it and realize it pretty much went how we thought it would.

    Get off our board Tom....we will see you soon enough


    I agree. But I think eventually we all need to get over the drafting 2000-2010. It was terrible, we all know that... but it is over now. From the first draft board that Buddy and Doug put together in 2011 things have been a lot, lot better. Perfect? No. Still some head scratchers? Sure. But they HAVE focused on those big ticket cornerstone positions and they have EJ apart identified pretty good talent too whilst hitting on enough guys lower down the draft to leave us with a pretty nicely balanced roster. The one thing they haven't done is just about the hardest thing to do..... find us a franchise QB. Maybe we have hit on something with Tyrod... let's see how that plays out... but they should also be looking at the likely 1st and 2nd round QBs very hard this year.

    I know that a lot has been made of the bills possibly drafting Tyrod earlier in his career


    I am gonna say this...and it is jmo....but I dont think we get THIS Tyrod Taylor if we dont let him simmer on the stove down in Baltimore.....I think because Tyrod is one of the best athletes on the field when he steps on....the bills would have ruined him.

    We are not ready for Tyrod Taylor in previous years.....we are ready for him now. Well actually give me another huge wide receiver and better quality OL and I think we are ready for Tyrod....we are seeing it here and there.

  8. Defensive line needs to play it straight. No time for stunts or delayed blitzes. It's been said a million times & it's still true, the pressure has to come up the middle. If that means some strange fronts then do it. Mario & Hughes rushing from over the guards may work a time or two.

    but stunts are often where you get your middle pressure


    I just dont want to see Brady's jersey all clean at the end of the game.....get him dirty a little bit


    Of course its about wins.


    They are a 5-4, middle of the pack team, and nowhere near the elite teams (not even close to the Patriots, EVEN if they win this week. Consistency matters.), and Watkins should be getting more production. The offense was anemic for much of the Jets game.


    Until they win a playoff game, they are still crap.

    This team has not been IN the playoffs for 15 years


    Lower your bar....9-7 last year.....a playoff bid this year.....that is good progression

  10. The dude is going to be wrecked soon. Numerous women are/going to sue his ass off because he had unprotected sex with them without telling them he was HIV positive. He apparently even paid-off some women to keep quiet.




    I heard on the radio this morning he has been paying millions in hush money.......guess he doesnt need to do that anymore

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