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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside


    Unfortunately they have proven they are better off with Sanchez than we are with EJ and it doesn't look like Tyrod's knee is ever going to heal this season......without that run threat he's not the same..........wouldn't be surprised to find out after the season that he needs surgery.


    Something definitely not right there, he had almost a month off and he still looks hobbled.

    And yet is STILL 5-2 as a starter

  2. I can't help but think that if we kept Freddy and Matt, we'd be sitting at 7-2 right now, at worst 6-3.

    EJ and Boobie lost those games. With Freddie in the mix, he is fresh against the Giants and Jags and carries us through plus Matty doesn't make those bonehead EJ mistakes.


    For all the good Whaley has done, this one is on him. Should never have cut Fred and traded Cassel.


    I work at a school


    And I can see with a certain amount of authority


    Your math S.U.C.K.S

  3. Sorry to inject reality, but he has had multiple concussions and the last one was a pretty bad one.


    I am not saying you shouldn't root for him or enjoy his immense abilities, but with his history and running style his chances of lasting very long are very remote.

    I feel that Kemp has a point....sort of


    It is not that we cannot love our 5th round pick who is playing so well....its that I hope the bills dont like it so much that they push him into more extensive action.


    The way things sit.....Karlos makes a great change of pace back who is producing great.....but you have to keep his carries down.


    Also....ANYTHING that can be done to keep the chances of another concussion should be done whatever that might be.


    When my son played football I didnt let him play with a regular school helmet I special ordered and paid a lot for a helmet that reduced the chance of concussions and was more aerodynamic......he just played too and used his head too damn much. Never had a concussion that I am aware of but Karlos has had several......we gotta monitor his carries......

  4. You aren't right.


    And you comment on me, rather than Tyrod. Or was it Tyrod who has the "agenda", and you just misspelled his name?


    And I don't have "takes".


    I watch film.

    I am right


    And a multitude of stats bare that out


    Including the most important stat

    I don't mean to impose on your discussion, but this is absolutely a legitimate concern regarding Tyrod. In fact it is probably the biggest hole in his game going forward. Last night when he hit Karlos on the cross, the first thing that popped into my head was "was that his first completion between the numbers tonight?"

    It's been an ongoing issue that he needs to find a way around if he's ever going to be a complete NFL QB.



    You are right.....hence the idea of "progression"


    He showed something in his game not previously seen


    But for stupidity on the part of the Jets, we won. The offense was ABYSMAL in the third quarter including a complete abortion by Taylor in the red zone in which he ran out of bounds taking an inexcusable sack.


    But by all means, proclaim his perfection. I rather enjoy the silliness.



    Sometimes games are just won dirty....thats football. The offense is gonna look abysmal when they are going against a really good defense wouldnt you agree?


    The taking of the sacks is something Tyrod needs to work on......Tyrod is still a work in progress.


    Have to disagree. A big maturation step for a QB is situational awareness. Many young QBs would have gotten frustrated with the Jets defense or Roman's playcalls and tried to prove the world wrong and forced passes or runs, which is exactly where the errors come. TT did not fall into that trap. That's a clear sign of growth.


    As others remarked, his trajectory is much more like Wilson's than Dilfer's. Dilfer's job was solely to be a caretaker. TT is asked to be a Dilfer on some games, but he's also tasked with carrying the team on his back in other games. That's not a game manager.

    That is pretty much what I am saying.


    You know the jets were HOPING that Tyrod would throw that ball up for grabs in frustration trying to make a play and let someone like Revis come down with it. That is what blitz is all about.....forcing mistakes.


    Tyrod did not make the mistakes they want. He might not have converted a ton of 3rd downs while they were doing it.....but he also didnt make the game changing interception mistake.


    In contrast......Fitz threw two pick AND should have thrown a third when it hit Lawson right in the hands.


    and we won.

  6. YOU are the one that introduced the concept of "Tyrod's growth as a quarterback" in this thread.






    Again, you're describing yourself here.


    I commented in this thread, directing nothing at you, and you responded to something not directed at you by saying I have an agenda.


    You invited my subsequent commentary to yourself by ascribing me with a motive, and attacking my positions.



    I dont degrade you while I am debating you. That is the difference between the two of us.


    It doesnt matter that I am right.....I dont degrade you for having the wrong take.

  7. Growth would be adding to his existing skill set.


    He already has the ability to throw a very good deep ball when he is not under pressure.


    Growth would be making that same very good deep throw after making the appropriate pre-snap reads, and creating additional time in the pocket allowing the route to develop.

    He also threw a good over the middle pass to Karlos for a TD....something you said in previous posts he was incapable of doing.

    Didn't the Bills pick him 5 times the year after the Ravens won the Super Bowl?



    But that is kinda the point. You ask anyone around the league Joe Flacco is a franchise QB....think he doesnt have stinkers to go with his good games?


    Now....TT needs more seasoning.....he needs to consistantly prove he can do things.....but we have some people who are not judging QBs from other teams to the same standards of the QBs of OUR teams.

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