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Everything posted by ICE

  1. LMAO whatever man. I talked to him about everything I listed and he talked to me about everything listed. Now if that took less than 45 sec then I am amazed
  2. Well I don't know about your camera but we yackedfor more than any 45 min.
  3. I don't know. Again he looked at the TBD Tailgate tag that had my name on it and kinda gave me this "is he going to get the red ass with me" look on his face....
  4. I was honestly shocked at how he came over, shook myhand and just BS'ed. He was very straight forward. the fact he looked me in the eyes the entire time impressed me.
  5. And Spot this white haired bastard. No assclowns, I have silver hair and there wasn't a mirror Anyhoo, I walk outside around the official store and Bang! There is old whitey himself! So I hollar (Okie term) "Hey asscl....Errr Hey Tom". He turns around and heads back my way. I meet up with him and we shake hands. Now I know we wonder if he reads this board. Well when he read "ICE" on my name tag, he got this funky look on his face and said "Wow all the way from Tulsa huh"? I said yeah been here doezens of times. He was impressed. So I tell him I appreciate what he is doing. I feel he has made some good moves and some moves I think were bad ones. He says "Brian, I appreciate that. All fans have a right to feel good or different about the moves we make. We are on track with a plan and feel we are much closer than the MEDIA feels we are" I said ok tell me this...Why McGahee. He smiles and says "Too many teams not deep enough at running back. He felt that was Carolina's major strength last year". I say "Ok what about our OL. We fans feel it is still a weakness" He says "That is the great thing about bills fans, they are smart fans overall. you guys could tell that the OL has had it's issues. What we are trying to do will come together as the season passes. " I Told him I am on this board and he smirks and says "Or really"? I thanked him again for trying to get this turned around. He says "Brian, we are much closer than people think. By the end of this season all will be in place and the offense it's self will be clicking really well. We are going to shock some people this year" then it was have a good time blah blah blah.... Long story short, the bastard looked me in the eye the whole time and kept a firm handshake through most of it. I honestly think he is trying hard to get this turned around. Now my take on the game.... I don't see much to B word about honestly. People scream we won't win 8 games then B word when we lose. So what is it? If the Bills suck so bad then don't B word when they lose. That said... Positives. 1) Bledsoe got the ball out under 4 seconds damn near every time. he threw the ball away and even got a BS Int Grounding penalty to avoid a sack. 2) OL played well. YES FOLKS....WELL. those of us at the game could see he had time and sometimes PLENTY of time to throw the ball. If he didn't he had a pocket to step up into and dump the ball. 3) we had a friggin safety pick off a football 4) we applied pressure all day long. It's not always sacks guys. 5) Chris Kelsay. That boy is gonna be a stud by the end of this season. Negatives: 1) Ryan Lindell. Cut him. I will dissagree with Simon and say If you can't trust your kicker from that range, in your stadium, with great weather...he is a liability. Cut him. 2) What was with the dropped passes and fumbles? Moulds fumbling??? WTF? 3) KNOCK IT DOWN! As TJ says. Two plays we knock it down we win (*) 4) '*' The refs screwed us. You can talk replay blah blah blah, we were there and his ass was NOT going to land in bounds. Fletcher did NOT commit pass int. on that play. and on and on and on. I thought we were playing NE IN NE the way it was going 5) GO DEEP! We beat the jags asses last year by throwing deep. Same corners, same safetys. If you go 3 wide with Evans and moulds on the outside, why are you having both of them run 12 yard patterns? Look I understand the hesitation of this coaching staff being nailed for "gilbride" types of plays, but you MUST throw deep to keep the D's honest. Otherwise WHY draft Evans. Guys overall I agree with TD. We look a ton like Carolina did last year. The playoffs are made in November and December. I feel if we go .500 we have a really good shot at making it. AND if we make it...we will be on the upswing and would have a good chance of going far. ICE
  6. Not really. Hell I have had 4 offers since I took this one. This guy just up and said see ya. B word is he approved the time off 4 weeks ago. No excuses no nothing. Go figure.
  7. Buff my buddy it was a sincere pleasure meeting you and your family. Brother I really hope we get to spend more time togther. You and I are on the same page. BTW...This man is the BOMB when it comes to cooking!
  8. And get FIRED? Yep it happened this morning at 9 am. So I go to the Bills game, Catch some bug, They lose thanks to an ass reaming by the refs then get fired this morning. Well the good thing is the "threes" has happened. Maybe it is good luck from here on out
  9. God Damned two minutes...... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. Granted the ending sucked, but I will say it again, you guys are the best. ANY person on this planet would be blessed to have a crew like you guys. I really enjoyed meeting all of you. I feel like stevestojan right now and don't know why. I seem to have come down with some bug. Tired as hell and ran a light fever off and on all night....go figure. Will post later. ICE/Brian
  11. As was most of us actually at the game. I am too tired to rip on the fuggin stupidity on this board tonight. I have come down with some bug as well that had me running a fever last night. Tomorrow though is another story... You people need to learn about football or find something else to follow. I will also fill you in on my one on one with tom Donahoe before the game Sunday. YES I talked to him one on one for about 10 min on sunday and have a witness. Will yack when feeling better.
  12. I can neither confirm nor deny...but if you want to meet in my office later to discuss...
  13. I'm not bitching at all. I could give a stevestojan is the Bills are on some dumbassed comercial. Just fuggin win a SB is all I care about.
  14. It depends on what "some" is
  15. I would say since Philly has played in 3 NFC Championships in the last 5 years and Buffalo can't sniff the playoffs. Bottom line everyone loves a WINNER. and Until we return to dominance we won't be pimping anything.
  16. You are right....YOU don't know football. He throws a good ball, and is smart but he is a SYSTEM QB. Put him on any other team in the NFL and he doesn't do nearly as well. I HAVE watched him and can say that with 100% certainty.
  17. I predicted Simon is an assclown..... Sorry man I am finally having a good day at work just messin with ya :-)
  18. Obviously I havent been able to send the check for the ticket due to time constraints, will have cash for you tomorrow night if you are out and around
  19. Simon I gotta say they are exposed. I am watching a WEAK OL man handle the pats DL. My question is this...when will they take the no huddle back from Peyton? Last night to me shows his achilles heel. He wants to sling the ball when in fact they should run.
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