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Everything posted by ICE

  1. Fair enough. I will quit when fans right here on this board quit telling me that I should be happy for beating a crappy team. Fair enough? I mean if we are going to do this then do it 100% of the way. Quit with the "A win is a win and you guys should be happy" type of crap. and I will stop ripping because you guys are happy beating the scrubs of the NFL. I think that's fair.
  2. You really don't realise how right you may be do you?
  3. That is your side of the coin. Mine is I love the Bills so I refuse to be happy with the crap I see on the field. And I WILL B word about it until we field a competitive team. Two sides of the coin GG, BOTH are Bills fans.
  4. To Quote a great man... "if you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get the results you have always had" That is the Bills in a nutshell. Make some changes NOW and MAYBE by Dec 1st we see the team you are talking about. One change was made, WM is the starter. Now make the even more important ones and let's see what happens.
  5. And thank you. Thanks for being one of the ones to try and tell us why we SHOULD Be happy. It goes both ways you know. Some want to eat the crap, some want steak. I personally like steak thanks. WHEN the Bills make the changes and get it together then I and many like me will be happy. some of you like to get by sucking up the scraps from beating bad teams...at home (Still don't have a road win in I don't know how long). but hey you have yours, I have mine and that is why the board is here. For both parties to post thier take on the Bills
  6. Wow, since when does Scott allow the Mods to bash posters? That's new. I see the quality just keeps on climbing here at TBD
  7. wow GG nice post. Too bad you have to resort to attacks and ruin it. That said, Keep your head in the sand cheering "woo hoo" while we beat up the worst teams in the league. Maybe someday fans can come to this board because we are on a 4-5 game winning streak against teams with winning records. Maybe even win some on the road? Now THAT would be nice.
  8. Here is what I would like to see happen... 1) JP starts. 2) MW moves to LG. Enough of the crap about "he is doing ok for a guy his size" Sports center did a whole deal on how BIG Tackles are getting their butts kicked across the league. The avearage pass rusher is 265 or LESS. SPEED baby! Perfect Example? Schobel blows the best LT in football off the ball for a quick sack last week. Nuff said. 3) Price starts and stays at RT for good. 4) Vincent comes back to play FS. 5) Simplify the game plan. Pitt did it against NE And blew them away. Hell kelly only took the field with 8 pass plays and 5 running plays each game (yeah it was something wierd like that) We do that and we have a shot at building momentum for next year. Sign a damn center in FA. Sign a CB worth a crap and keep mcgee returning kicks and as our nickel corner. Just a few smart moves THIS year and this offseason can make a world of difference.
  9. Kelly, bad teams find a way to go 2-5. Good teams find a way to be 5-2. That is just how it is. We are a bad team and will be until we make some changes.
  10. Tater come on man. You know exactly what I am talking about. 10 years ago NO FAN would have put up with this S@#! and you damn well know it. NE counts on the playoffs each and every season now. Why can't we? Other than brady I don't see one "Star" on that offense. Hell they lost their probowl center this offseason! We SHOULD expect it. Hell we should DEMAND IT! if not....then welcome to the Buffalo Cardinals, the buffalo Bengals etc. Because that is where we are right now.
  11. For the last 3-4 weeks now we have sat at a local bar and counted...he has HAD 3-4 seconds on MOST pass plays. I will grant you the OL needs a change, but it can't change the fact Bledsoe is a severe detrement to this team. Besides, Losman can RUN.
  12. You're right Rico. Just keep eating SH@#...I am sure it tasts fine by now from the looks of your post.
  13. The problem BF is we still don't have the talent to get to that point. It is a mix between coaching and Players. MM can be Vince Lombardi and Bill Walsh all rolled into one....we are still playing DT's on our OL.... ACTION will correct this, not wishful thinking. LET JMac move Mike Williams to LG like he wanted. Put Price in at Tackle and that is a start. Sign us a real friggin Center this offseason and we are ahead in the game. Move Vincent to FS and sign a stud CB in FA. keep Mcgee returning kicks and as our nickle back. Replace Bledsoe with JP. All of these are damn good strides to get to where we want to go. The Question is....Will RW let go of Bledsoe? Will TD's EGO lessen enough to move his #4 pick to LG? Who knows?
  14. Dude I don't fear anything so can that crap. Yeah enjoy WM finally sitting TH on the bench once and for good. Enjoy a KO return for a TD. Enjoy the fact we now have the #1 KR in the league and bobby April has righted the ship. But don't be giddy we are still one of the worst teams in the league. Don't be giddy we beat two teams with 3 wins between them. Be happy when we can start winning on a constant basis and doing it against teams with winning records.
  15. KDog, I'm sorry but we have to expect MORE than that! We should EXPECT playoffs each year. We should expect to beat NE at home and ALL teams with winning records. Man there was a time we throught we could be ANYONE. that is where I want to get back to. Now fans are happy with beating two teams with 3 wins between them???? I'm sorry, it makes me sick. Fans need to send a message to RW to get this ship righted. 65K in the stands is a start. Next week 55K. The next home game 45K. THAT will get RW's attention. It's the only thing that ever has!
  16. Where is should have started was at home against the Jags. And continued against NE at home etc. Against teams with WINNING records.
  17. Rico my brother...show me the same with a QB that isn't affraid of "bad weather" Show me the same 4-5 weeks in a row against teams with WINNING RECORDS!!! I will take a win in OT by a FG on the road against a team with a winning record over beating the friggin Cards at home ANY Day!
  18. It is simply pathetic how some fans still fail to see the truth of a situation. Bucky Was right on in his article this morning. The Bills are STILL one of the absolute worst teams in the NFL. it is comical to come to message boards the day after winning over a team that just outright sucks and hear all the excuses as to why we should be happy. How pathetic fans have become. You are so damn hard up for a win that SH@# tastes like steak to you. I guess after you swallow so much of it, you come to feel that is steak. I think the one thing that has made me the maddest, Sickest and flat out embarrased after this weekend was this...."But people don't understand....we won in spite of the BAD WEATHER" What the FU@#? What the bloody hell did a BUFFALO BILLS FAN Just friggin say? I know I didn't hear a BUFFALO BILLS fan bring the WEATHER into this?!?!?!!? How friggin pathetic is the fan that says that. Bills fans WANT the weather. They WANT 30-40mph winds. They WANT 10' of blowing snow. The WANT -10 to -20 degree weather! how pathetic have we become when we say stupid S@#$ like "But the weather was bad...that is why Bledsoe couldn't throw". That makes me want to fuggin PUKE! Jim friggin Kelly NEVER had issue with the Weather. Hell I have tapes sitting on my shelf that I can pull right now that shows the worst Damn weather you can ever summon up for a football game and Kelly STILL Threw for over 300 yards!!! Snow, sleet, 30mph winds, -2 BEFORE windchill and STILL Cowboyed the hell up and tossed the ball. Hell Jim WANTED that weather to toss the ball in! It brings us back to Bledsoe. The worthless POS that he is. If he were 1/2 the gunslinger, had 1/2 the sac Kelly did...he would have went 3-4 wide and put up 300+ on the fuggin cardinals. Let me say this again...ON THE DAMN CARDINALS IN OUR OWN HOUSE!!! With BUFFALO Weather!!!! I for one want this season overwith ASAP. The #1 reason? The so called "fans". Christ almighty it is sickening to listen to and read some of the ever lovin stupidity that is flowing from Bills fans these days. happy to beat a 1 win Dolphins team? PATHETIC! To beat a Cardinals team at home? PATHETIC! How far have we really fallen? People need to take a step back, pop in some Kelly, Kemp, hell Even Flutie tapes and REMEMBER what it was like to have a REAL DAMN team!!! Because folks, we don't have one. We are NOT as talented as fans believe we are and it starts with that POS of an excuse for a QB. so you guys go ahead and blast and flame away. Keep your heads in the sand chanting "A win is a win". The rest of us that have a clue will sit here screaming to whatever God or Gods we worship that either Ralph Wilson gets a clue and cans both Tom Donahoe and Drew Bledsoe OR Sells the team to a younger ower. Yeah to a younger owner that is in touch with how football is TODAY! One that keeps them in Buffalo mind you (And you know they are out there) but still understands that the Lines are priority #1 now and you don't need nor want a "Traditional pocket passer" any longer to win. And esp one that realises....this team is NOT talented enough to get where we want to go. One last thing....do you actually remember what it is like to make the playoffs and win a game? I have to say obvioiusly not...or you wouldn't be happy with "a win is a win" over two of the worst teams in the NFL. ICE
  19. And I am up 80 something to nothing at the 1/2. It is on all pro level before you ask LOL! TH has 200+ yards and 3 TD's WM has 150+ yards and 4 TD's Clements has two INT's for 2 TD's. We have a total of 5 INT's 6 Sacks 2 Fumbles. The problem? Every one of these things I win..the Bills lose in real life LOL!!! PS PIZ Etal asked me to post one more time.
  20. No if I were on the coaching staff I would be in total denial that Bledsoe is taking us anywhere.
  21. I disagree 100%. We owe them a paycheck. Plain and simple. Maybe the best chance to win is to let your talent develop for a year. 17-33 isn't exactly giving our great D a fighting chance is it? Not in my book. So since we can't win with Bledsoe, why not develop someone who might just win?
  22. So instead of trying to talk football intelegently you guys resort to bashing and flaming. This is why people are leaving this board. That said, I have the team at 7-3-3. I also say in reality we will finish 8-8. Now since we are 0-2 that would put us at 7-5 with 3 wildcards. Odds are we might win 2 of them. Reality says we lose 2 of them. there for we are at best 9-7. Not enough to make the playoffs and not enough to suffer through another year of "helping Drew" since 97 it has been the same thing "I'm not ready to give up on this year". 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03. So when DO you sacrifice ONE season to develop your future? And how can you call it a sacrifice considering we are 17-33 or something like it in the Donahoe era? With our D the worst we could do is what we are doing now...6-10, 7-9 or 8-8. but then on the other side of is is 11-5, 12-4 etc and playoff spots because you developed your talent. But instead of actually thinking, you guys flame and bash. Paco I actually use my brain cells. It takes brain cells to actually think, not be a homer or sit around flaming someone like a 12 year old in school.
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