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Everything posted by ICE

  1. I say move MW to guard and be done with it. He is too big for tackle. Sign a FA Center if possible, if not draft one worth a damn! Work on Price and Teague at tackles. keep the depth we have.
  2. So ann you are saying it's OK to do that as long as it is Cindy? I mean according to her she can say if you are a Bills fan or not. According to this very thread she is trying to tell people how and what to do. No difference in my book, just a different poster doing the same thing.
  3. And as I said many times in follow ups, I just vented my frustration and oppinion. Just like Cindy has. You will also notice I said ALL of us are Bills fans. We deal with the frustration differently. We look at the same situation differently. Now you say you got mad at me telling you how to feel? I am pissed some lady has the nerve to tell me or ANYONE we are not Bills fans. She feels a certain way, I feel a certain way, YOU feel a certain way. NONE of us has the right to say another one isn't a Bills fan. Would you not agree? Then coming off of my post (it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out) she posts one of her own. Not only is it a counter to mine she refers to me directly with the "Weathervane" comment. If you will notice in my big post yesterday I didn't refer to any ONE poster like she has. Long story short direct shots at posters should be eliminated. We are here to talk football as BILLS FANS....ALL of us. At least that is what I am here to do.
  4. I actually have :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Radar after being around you guys for so long!
  5. I know this is OT but Tor didn't your number used to be different??
  6. Well since you directly posted that I was not a Bills fan on my post then refer to "WEATHERVANE" here I guess you are refering to me again. So let me say this...no one here including me has blasted you for your opinions. I did say it may be good that your life is wrapped around the Bills. You have the luxury of being able to talk to them when you want etc. I will again say this NO PERSON ON EARTH has the right to say who is or who isn't a fan. If you cannot handle some of us are not homers, do not wear rose colored glasses etc, fine. But Cindy don't tell us we are not fans. You don't have that right. As for as Bledsoe goes, Please don't compare him to Kelly. Kelly was the #1 reason the Bills got to respectablility. he WILLED this team to win. Bledsoe has NEVER done that ANYWHERE! There are many facts to back that up. In addition when Drew Bledsoe can will this team to 4 straight superbowls, THEN he can be afforded some slack when he is at the end of his career. The problem for Bills fans is Bledsoes days as a starter in the NFL were done before he was traded from NE. All of that said, we are all Bills fans here. If you want to not put a player down, fine. If we want to, fine. I for one support the BUFFALO BILLS, not one SINGLE player himself on this team. And if players on this team are bringing this team down, I want their asses shipped off pronto!
  7. Excellent! SIMON did you see the Gameday or outside the lines deal on ESPN a few days ago? Maybe it was one of the other deals with Salsbury that ESPN does. They stated ALL OT's are too big. The best pass rushers in the league are 255-265. They are strong, Quick and have great technique. The fat boys can't lock onto them. They hinted that NFL Front offices are starting to see this and are talking about moving the BIG boys inside. JMac said in August he wanted MW at LG. Somehow he never ended up there. Too bad. I bet he would shore up LG just fine.
  8. Our OL = Custer at little bighorn. The Indians have us WAY Out numbered. No way in hell can 6 block 8 or if we keep the back in as well 7 block 9. One day very soon they will blitz the rookie and he shall scramble and hit a 30 yard pass. then I agree the BS stops.
  9. The last time I checked no person on this planet has the right to determine if any other person is a fan. Now I am glad your life is wrapped around the Bills. You are close enough to run up there and talk to them all the time etc, but you are not qualified to call me a fan or not. Now that said, Yes I am a Buffalo Bills fan. I am NOT a homer like most seem to be. I can look at this team objectively and say...we ARE A bad team. Until we can put all 3 phazes of the game together week in and week out (even with some losses) this team is NOT a good team. People want to talk about "but if for this play" "But if for this and that we are 5-2". Well my opinion and it seems most experts opinions are this....bad teams find ways to lose those games. Good teams find ways to win them. we are 2-5 that is NOT a good team by any stretch. This team is NOT as talented as Bills fans think it is. The OL is playing DL men for God's sake! The DL outside of a DT a couple of times a game and Schobel, can't generate a pass rush. Our CB's are still giving up big plays. I don't even have to get into the Bledsoe deal. So to answer your question...Fan yes, Homer No. And flamed or not, I'll call it as I see it.
  10. Now add this to the end of what you just said... "Unless you TRADE the player or pull the FT". You were right, just not completely What it does is take that # out of your cap. THEN you can go spend money. But if you trade him (See peerless price) you get that cap room back.
  11. Tdog, All you have to do is take the tag off of him. We get it back and immediately free up the cap room. We wont do it of course, but I would. I am 100% against letting players with any value go for nothing. Understand something here folks...some of you laugh at FT Jennings. There ARE Teams that would surrender picks for him. Ryan leaf got 3 chances in this league. Teams feel they can salvage someone elses guys. Jennings is good when healthy. I am sure some teams Training staff is calling ours idiots and can convince a front office they can "heal" him. I say tag him.
  12. Mike needs to be in the 310-315 range with the speed rushers of today. If Ogden can get schooled by schobel....maybe bigger isn't better at the OT position.
  13. You can always package him like you would normally do AND A player like Sam Adams for a 1st round pick
  14. Who here saw the St.Louis v Miami game? some interesting tidbits... 1) Fake/ Gimick plays ALL DAY LONG. I couldn't believe how they threw or tried to throw the halfback pass something like THREE Damn times. Connected on two of them. Fake punts etc. 2) Mike Fartz decided to all of a sudden take over the DEFENSIVE playcalling. This is not a misprint! When he did Miami beat his ass on two blitzes for TD's. One of which was on 4th Down for a TD!!!! Granted Miami played it's ass off, but St.Louis handed them that game.
  15. From what I have read (Thanks to our resident cap expert) we will have a good amount of cap room This offseason. I might franchise him. Yeah I know blah blah blah, but what if we get two 2nds for him? WE NEED the draft picks for this offseason.
  16. Thanks TC. As I said we are ALL Bills fans. I just feel we have different takes on the situations.
  17. Thanks for the replies. See even though we disagree we CAN Talk football LOL! That said, I keep reading that bledsoe is our best chance for now. Is he? Until we see Losman play we dont know that. In all reality we are not going to come close to making the playoffs this year. Why not use THIS year to get JP's growing pains out of the way? Everyone that wants to put it off needs to understand he WILL have a year of development. Will we make the playoffs that year? Who knows? More often than not starting a rookie at QB = not making the playoffs. So why not do it when his leg is ready?
  18. Well honestly it isn't up to Vincent. MM needs to sac up and be our coach. Put the players where they are best and can help this team the best. Vincent at FS and MW at LG are a good start
  19. I dont' see him taking anyones job. IF he could do that then we wouldn't be running him out of town. See Bills fans have had a BAD habit of over valueing our players. Bledsoe is a backup in this league. That is it. Now I grant you some team will of course say they can salvage him. Hell Tampa thought they could salvage RJ. Remember the "Now that RJ is with Gruden" posts? I remember how Gruden was going to help RJ and make him the "QB we know he is" He was promptly cut after one season. Bledsoe is the same way. He is what he is and nothing more.
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