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Everything posted by ICE

  1. Hummmm Send food. Food always makes me feel better.
  2. 1) Move MW to LG. I know this hairlips the pope around here but just doing a good job doesn't cut it. We NEED him in the middle of our line. Put a quicker and more exp Price at RT And let the season playout. 2) Move Vincent to FS when he is healthy. Yeah I know he was brought in to be a CB etc. Move the man where he is going next year anyway and let's shore up the safety position. I am almost willing to bet the Safetys grab 4-5 int's the rest of the season if we do 3) Start Edwards at DT. This kid is reaking havok on DL's. 4) Start JP asap when his leg is ready. St. Louis hopefully. For those that will scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Seems to me some other rookie is doing ok for himself. Let this rookie develop on the field NOW. Get that 1/2 season of game exp NOW. With his arm and mobility we might just be suprised at what the result is. Look MM Made one move (well sorta ) by making WM the starter. Make a couple more moves and MAYBE by December this team will start hitting a good stride to take into this offseason. My fear is not us doing bad now, it is doing bad and FINISHING Bad. Finish this season with a 3 game winning streak inc knocking off the Steelers with JP at QB and this team has something to build upon. Again must my two cents.
  3. Isn't it funny? for a guy who is so hated, Has nothing to say blah blah blah, that hit and post count just keeps on ringing LOL! Overall the people are good here, you just have a few you have to put up with every where you go. And I am sure some are saying the same about me so we are even
  4. And I say this with great love and respect.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: LMAO!
  5. Ok so typing quickly I added an 'e' where an 'i' should have been. Big deal. And yes I am actually a very intelligent person who comes here to try and talk football not get into 5th grade playground mud slinging. Give it a try sometime Darin.
  6. Paco understand this, A poster came on this thread with one intent, bashing me. I asked him to try and talk about football instead. If that is considered a flame or bash then I would suggest some not be so sensitive and PC. I expect to see an answer from you on this. Did I go onto any thread of his and bash him? Did I curse at him? Did I call him an assclown, moron or even stupid or better yet 'KzooMike'? What DID I say. I said that he and others like him (and there seem to be many) that should try to talk football instead of bashing a poster. I also said "I know it will be a stretch". You Paco just proved that with your response. Now Please go back and answer the questions I posed to you. then try to stick to talking football only with me from here on out.
  7. You gotta admit the Steelers look DAMN good bud. I would much rather them look good than the fuggin Patsies!!!!
  8. Actually looking at the board My original post was one of the best in quite awhile. Posting is not about "look at me" at all. You guys seem to come up with that crap from somewhere. You will notice That I Never called a poster out by name and flamed them. You will also notice that I said we are all Bills fans but with different oppinions on the same issue. Bottom line, We are NOT that good. WHEN we start beating quality opponants, start stringing 4-5 wins in a row and start winning on the road....THEN we can say we are making progress. "Bear" or whomever you are, you might try talking intellegent football, I know it is a stretch for you and others on this board, but do give it a try.
  9. 1) Henry will hold out and force a trade. 2) TD knows what it was like to walk into the DF/RJ deal and he won't have it happen on his watch. 3) you need ONE starter and that is WM. We have backups that can carry the load if need be. 4) We NEED DRAFT PICKS! Pray we get a 1st for henry.
  10. No one here would B word at all about beating a Miami or AZ....IF we could beat a real team. The teams you list? They can beat any team at just about any time. We have next to no chance in hell. THAT is the difference.
  11. HA! Well I found out those 10 min talks with TD ammount to the same as talking to a used car salesman running for office
  12. Yeah I could see DG saying "Man you are right what is wrong with us. They are one of the worst teams in the league and we lost to them" come on folks LOL!
  13. Well from your posting history I guess none of us have posted anything you have thought of as value.
  14. well there ya go, an intellegent football response
  15. But it is ok to come here and read how I should be happy with the win? It's a two way street my brother. I am the fan that won't be happy until we have a legit chance each week to beat ANYONE we play. THEN (Even if we lose because that happens) I will be happy.
  16. It is a truthful representation of our team. Notice I said OUR team. Make some changes and this team has a chance at respectability for this season. SEVERAL More need to be made this offseason to get us to where EVERY Bills fan deserves we should be.
  17. Show me in my post where I called any poster an assclown? Show me where I said until I am giddy everyone shouldn't be? I expressed my side (and apperantly several posters oppinion as well) that we see the reality of the situation. We are bottom feeders that are just good enough to beat some other bottom feeders. Again this is one side of the coin. Some are perfectly happy with "A win is a win" I for one am not. Show me we can bet QUALITY opponants then I will be happy. Show me 10+ wins and I will be happy. Show me at least 3-4 road wins a season and I will be happier than I am now. Sorry Paco beating Miami and the Cards AT HOME does not impress me. As for the poster asking "What about Seattle". What about them? IF we can go to Seattle and beat them, that makes me happier than I am now. Until then I don't care what Arizona did. The sun shines on a dogs ass if you get what I am saying. Beat the next 4 teams in a row NOW we are talking about getting in the right direction. Fixed? Far from it. Heading that way? Sure. but we need some changes to make that happen and I feel RW and TD's egos are too big to make them. Again MY oppinion. Paco, no matter what side of this arguement you are on, I NEVER said anyone wasn't a Bills fan. We just look at the team differently.
  18. Granted. Again there seem to be two clear sides to this situation. Those that are happy with scraping the bottom and beating the other bottom feeders. and Those that expect more. Those that will be truely happy when we can compete with real opponants. As I have said....BOTH Are fans. Some look at it one way, some the other. Neither is NOT a fan.
  19. I guess it is too much to expect someone take the quote in the context it was intended. Instead of talking about the TEAM, we need to focus on and single out posters. Maybe at some point we can get back to football?
  20. I am talking about the team, not singleing out posters.
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