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Posts posted by zow2

  1. He was THE MAN at UB and always showed good hands and the ability to get open. Great to see him contribute yesterday. Fitz is awesome at getting the young WR's involved and trusting them (not to mention putting the ball into some tight coverage). Hope to see this local kid develop with the Bills and become more of a contributor next season and beyond.

  2. Not excusing Shanahan but he was given a much more volatile bomb than Gailey.


    Gailey only had the task of turning around a franchise with no talent. Shanahan got handed a bunch of "Legends in their own minds" who arent producing.


    I dont feel bad for Shanahan or Snyder. I actually love the fact that the Redskins suck again. For no other reason than they are the Bizarro Bills, and it's good to see that that way isnt working either.


    At this point, Im much happier being a Bills fan than a Skins/Cowboys/Vikings fan.


    I'm actually much happier with Gailey. He may not have the talent here yet but you can see that he "gets it". He's a solid coach, a solid man, good play caller, his team is not fractured or dysfunctional. when players need to go, they're gone. They all seem to put out maximum effort for Chan. Now Shanahan has made some very weird decisions this year in DC. Also, Brian Schottenheimer is taking heat as well and he was not ready to be a head coach (so glad he turned the Bills down for an interview).

  3. I'm gonna try to tread lightly here,,,and not streotype people in too negative a way. But word out of Detroit is that the league/Team made a mistake in handing out free tickets. Lets just say the majority of tickets went to people (who stood in huge lines) that don't necessarily want to go watch the game. This ain't going to be a wholesome family crowd. IMO, they should arrest anyone trying to sell one of those "free" tickets near the stadium or on craigslist or wherever(impossible i know). And how many of those Free ticket holders are going to be in a good mood if they shut the doors early? They cut off the Free ticket gievaway after about 1pm today after many more people showed up than they thought.


    Here's the estimated ticket distribution as per a Detroit website...


    the following tickets will all be recognized for admission tonight:

    1) 25,000 free tickets (may not all be let in depending on how many of #2 & #3 below get in)

    2) 60,000 packer/lions tickets (stubs from yesterdays game)

    3) 60,000+ viking/Giant tickets (if those folks can make it to Detroit they are guranteed a 50 yd line seat)

    If 100% of 1) are used and 75% of 2) are used and 25% of 3) are used, that comes to about 70,000 folks who should be let in.

    I believe Ford field has about 60,000 seats...

  4. The Jets flat out embarrassed the Bills earlier this year. That was like a turning point game. I recall Sanchez laughing afterwards and saying they could've layed "half a hundred" on Buffalo in the 1st half. Me thinks the Bills players and coaches will not forget. It's also rare that a team in the same division blows the other out twice in the same season. The Bills and Jets usually play close games down in the swamp lands. I can see this last game being very close and would not suprise me if the Bills squeak one out.

  5. It just seems to get more outta hand every week. I understand wanting Luck but please, it's not easy to win an NFL game. I personally WANT my team to win every week. It's a small joy in a cold gray winter. There's just no guarantee that getting years of high draft picks translates into winning or playoffs now (i.e. see Detroit, Cleveland, Oakland, etc...). I believe it's more realistic to go from 6-10 to 10-6 than go from 2-14 to 8-8. I don't want to be Carolina. They Stink and aren't even competitive in many of their games. Even Andrew Luck is not going to flip that around overnight.

    I'm especially disappointed in media who continue to pound the "beating Cleveland" is irrelevant mantra. These are the same people that rip the team when they lose, but call it irrelevant (and harmful in the long term) when they win.

    I don't know of any other city that roots for their team to lose like people/media in Buffalo?

  6. I think the Bills are gonna find a way to contain Hillis since all we've heard about this week is Peyton running wild. That being said, the Browns definitely have the better D and better trench players so I think they will ultimately win another close game between these two teams. I can't see Fitz or Delhomme getting untracked in this crappy weather

  7. He should ALREADY get it. Why did we draft a RB who hasn't "gotten it" by now that early? It's the end of his rookie season and he's obviously not even getting it in practice because he barely sees the field.


    Jahvid Best looks like the real thing.


    Relax, i understand your point about Spiller. As i said, most people including me are disappointed. Don't get too crazy about Best though. He looks decent but i have him on my fantasy team and have followed him closely. There was about 6 consecutive games recently where he did next to nothing in terms of production. He has had 3 or 4 games though where he looks better than CJ has ever looked so you can see his potential.

  8. It's ridiculous to label Spiller a "bust" but I'd be lying if I said i wasn't disappointed. Obviously if he were better, and the coaches trusted him more, he'd be playing more. I'll say the same thing about CJ that i said about Lynch for 3 years...stop running east/west and stutter stepping. You are not going to beat NFL defenders bouncing outside too often. Get the ball, eye the seam, and make one cut at most ala Freddie...and take what you can get GOING FORWARD. If that's 3 yards so be it. If you bust it into the second layer, then use the juke move if you want but be decisive and hit it hard! there is rarely a hole...just a small seam and he has to realize what it takes to make yardage in the NFL. Once he "gets it" he will be darn good.

  9. I'm sure he was just kidding but he's a fool for even saying it. First off - the Bills are not the worst team in the NFL. Second off - this topic has been covered a million times, but here goes:


    1 - The best college team will only get 4-7 players drafted into the NFL, half of which will probably bust.


    2 - The worst NFL team is a collection of college all-stars - the best players from their respective teams.


    3 - NFL teams treat their craft as a full time job and the level of competition is much much higher in the NFL, with a fair amount of parity.


    The Bills or any other NFL team could easily put up 100 pt against any college team and I'd be willing to wager that no college team could manage more than 2-3 first downs against any NFL team.


    I think if the Bills or Panthers were playing teams like Auburn, Oregon (Alabama from last season), etc... they would string together some first downs and score a few points. I agree that the college teams would not win but you have to take into account....football is a team game and chemistry between players matters. Those high performing college teams have great chemistry and systems in place. So i disagree that it would be 100-0 against great college teams. I'm guessing somewhere around 48-13, 55-17, something like that. That's against the lowest NFL teams.. The best NFL teams would beat them worse.

  10. Cleveland's defense is no joke. I'd be surprised if the Bills moved the ball easily even if the O-line was intact. I like to see Fitz do well so I'll root for him to have big days down the stretch. He's gonna have to use every brain cell in that big head because i don't think the patchwork linemen are gonna be calling out plays and picking up stunts like they could with Hangartner. Whatever they get out of the passing game will be all Fitz probably.

  11. I live in the DC area too and have season tix. I only make about 2 maybe 3 games a year tops. I do have family up in WNY so it's a little easier to go up for multiple reasons (not just the game). Still, the re-sale market on Bills tix is awful these days so if you buy them...plan on losing money on the proposition (if that even matter to you). Otherwise enjoy the games...it's probably a decent time to buy seasons because their will be lots of locations available.

  12. I like Spiller and think he will learn how to be a very good NFL RB. You can't help but wonder though. You see a guy like James Starks yesterday. The UB kid was a 6th round pick by Green Bay (a horrible running football team),,,and he goes for 18 carries 73 yards after not having touched a football in a real game for 23 months. I mean are RB's really a dime a dozen in the NFL? Maybe.. i dunno.

  13. I don't know who the 3 QB's are from the last two drafts are that you are referring to, but drafting one in the 7th round(Brown), shouldn't stop you from drafting one in the top 5 picks the following year.


    I'm pretty sure he was talking about Carolina taking 3 QB's recently. I know last draft they took Clausen and Tony Pike. Not sure about the year before?

  14. what particularly upset me was the OVERRULE of the on-the-field call plus the decision that "possession" occurred at the first instant when the ball was caught (inbounds) rather tha when the two players landed (out of bounds) and THEN why was it ruled a TD instead of 1st down Vikings at the 1?


    I also agree it was offensive Pass interference.


    I totally did not understand the outcome of this play? I do get that a "tie" in possession goes to the offense..fine. But the guys shoulder pads landed out of bounds? I thought on a reception, the receiver has to land with some part of his body in-bounds first? Seemed like a gift to Minnesota to award them a TD on that one.

    We've seen some weird crap happen to the Bills this year. Like Reggie Corner's non-interception vs. Baltimore b/c his foot was on Boldin's foot when they landed. Then the very next week in a random NFL game, I watched the same play get awarded as an interception. Just weird man.

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