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Posts posted by zow2

  1. I've lost a lot of respect for Bulldog and Schopp today. (not that i had much to begin with!). They are bringing negativity to a day when our QB has a fabulous day, after a not so great start. The franchise QB, Palmer, had a great start and a bad ending. it happens. All QBs don't play awesome for 4 Qtrs. Fitz is clearly a starting level QB in the NFL and these guys act like he's John Beck...3rd stringer that happens to be having a decent year. Trent Edwards never did one eighth in his career of what Fitz has done in 8 games.

  2. Yeah, I listen to that show sometimes.. Chad Dukes can get a little crazy. They teamed him up with Lavar Arrington to be his sidekick but Dukes is more interesting to listen to than Lavar (who seems like a big goof sometimes).

    Anyway, his rant has gotten alot of publicity. This morning they had Chris Cooley on and he listened to the rant and totally agreed with it...even as a player.

  3. The Panthers will DEFINITELY take Luck if they have a chance. I have to think that they see that Claussen is not going to be an elite QB. It's a QB-driven league. If a great one comes along, you take him.


    I've been wanting Mallett for 2 years now so I'm not stressing over whether Carolina takes Luck or not. Whatever happens, happens. I'm even rooting for the Bills to win their last seven games....is that crazy or what?!?

  4. The Stand up sit down thing with Lee was hilarious. Those guys are just as superstitious as i am at home...ha ha. Crazy that Detroit made like 5 clutch plays on that last drive and finally the Bills got em on the 2 pt conversion. Seems like Fitz and the boys would have been severely demoralized if Detroit had tied it up.

  5. I'm going to hold out hope until Draft Day that this becomes 2004 all over again for Buddy...Nix Trades down a few spots, gets some extra Picks in 2011 and 2012, and Drafts Ryan Mallett wherever we end up...To me that would be the perfect scenario...But that's just me... B-)


    I agree. Hope that scenario plays out. I've watched Locker play at least 6 times and I'm still waiting to be impressed. Either he bails out and runs or throws a very short out pass and misses quite often. I'd take Mallett in a heartbeat if Luck is unattainable.

  6. Vick sure is making alot of NFL GM's look stupid. Anyone could have had him when he got out of jail. Heck, the Bills could have made a serious play for him in the offseason when Dungy was mentioning Buffalo publicly. Would have cost us a draft pick or two..big deal. Look at Vick now? Philly was committed to Kolb but now they have no choice but to keep Vick as their man. He could play at this level for another 4-5 years.

  7. The talk radio here in DC is pretty hilarious today (as you can imagine after that shellacking). They got Whupped by Detroit and Philly in back to back games now. Fans and media are screaming that if this was Zorn and Cerrato, they would be fired by 6am this morning....but Shanny gets a pass.

    BTW- Nice defense by Mr. Jim Haslett. Glad he isn't our coach either.

  8. I think the Bills are gonna be fine if they want to draft a QB in round 1. Let's assume they pass Carolina and Detroit to pick 3rd. Detroit has their QB in Stafford and I think Clausen showed enough improvement yesterday that the Panthers are not going to pick a QB at #1 overall. They're going to want an immediate difference maker not another "maybe" at QB for 2 years down the road. The only hangup is if another team wants to trade up into that spot. That's always a risk.

  9. In reading a Detroit quote, it sounds like Detroit designed that play to do exactly what it did, isolate CJ on a LB. They were saying it was a mastermind type of play designed by their O-coordinator. So it sounds to me like the BIlls D was severely outcoached on that one play. Seems like the Bills should have recognized where CJ was on the field but its the NFL ....and sometimes their play is better than what the defense is calling.

  10. Let him walk? are you high? Yes- they will take a QB in the draft but they're not going to let Fitz walk. Have you heard Chan gush about how Fitz checked into the right play several times yesterday and this year? You can't just plop someone in that position with those kind of smarts and instincts. I'm happy the guy is our QB for now and hope they keep him for a long time...if nothing else to mentor the new QB someday.

  11. I had no problem with the Bills getting conservative. They were wide open vs. Balt, KC, Chicago with the game on the line and it backfired. Glad they got this win and moved on. Now they can chuck it 50 times a game again...i don't care.

    I'll say one thing...if they can't get that Franchise QB...i feel pretty good with Fitz if they can build up the trenches and get more talent at other positions. I think Fitz has enough experience and smarts now to be better than any rookie coming in, at least for next season.

  12. I happened to be sitting next to another Bills fans in Baltimore after he kicked that game tying kick. The guy elbows me and says "Lindell is the BEST kicker in the NFL and he never gets the credit he deserves"...he was so adamant about it. I'm like dude, he's ok but you forget how many big kicks he's missed over the last several years. He seems to miss an inordinate number of 4th Qtr kicks (over his Bills career) that could win the game or put it out of reach. He's money in the 1st and 2nd Qtr though. ANother Miss to win the game in KC too. And you say, it was over 50 yards but we've seen other teams' kickers bury the BIlls in our stadium with over 50 yarders.


    Bottom line...I like Lindell,,he's good, but he's certainly not money in the bank with the game on the line.

  13. I see CJ getting more involved today too. Unfortunately I envision Detroit moving up and down the field pretty easily too. Sean Hill is underrated at QB. Not much dropoff from Stafford if any. Bills going to need at least 30 to win. Detroit as desperate for a road win as we are for any win. I kinda' see Detroit winning this one, argh!

  14. I wonder how Buffalo getting the #1, 2 or 3 pick will affect his decision-making? I mean, even i can admit, my hometown team is the least desireable NFL destination for a top draft choice right now. Yes- its the NFL, but if you look at it from someone's perspective who isn't from here and never lived here, it's not attractive. Dallas, Carolina, Denver, San Francisco....they are all nicer locations in the mind of a #1 overall QB.

  15. You can thank the Buffalo Bills Mr. Henne. Don't think that Miami's coaching staff did not take note of 500+ yds (high 300's passing) that the Bills laid on Baltimore in their previous home game. Miami's offense by comparison was completely ineffective. The Ravens have a very mild pass rush this year and decent QB's should be able to pick them apart. Of course they are very opportunistic in the secondary which makes up for it somewhat.

  16. Sean Hill has some nice passing numbers this year. The Bills being 0-8 and favored in this game is absurd. The Lions are better in the trenches on both sides of the ball and have as much, probably more talent at the skill positions. I'd say its an upset if the Bills win this. I hate to say it.

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