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Everything posted by Mopreme

  1. Thumbs up. I would like that hire too esp if Dorsey leaves.
  2. Has Frazier been interviewing with Miami? I really want that 3rd round pick.
  3. My concern is what mistake will he do next year? Two years ago he mismanaged overtime against Houston. Last year against Chiefs he played too conservative and resorting to field goals. His game day mistakes are becoming an alarming routine.
  4. Very good point. Rams have a great defense. 49ers are pretty good too. I still think Bills would have beaten both teams though especially against the Rams it would have come down to the last play and we know Allen can deliver (unlike the coaching staff)
  5. I am still hurting too especially now with the tv coverage for the games this weekend. Man, 13 f'n seconds. I trully believe that they would have made the Super Bowl and likely win that game too. On bright side, Josh Allen has cemented himself as a top/franchise quarterback which makes the Bills a contender again next year.
  6. Regardless of the kick which was a serious mistake, the defensive execution during last 13 seconds was gross incompetence by the coaches. McD and or Frazier need to be held accountable. They lost the game. Not the players.
  7. Milano was really good covering Kelce in the game winning td. He sucks too. The whole defense sucks.
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