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Everything posted by Billsjunkie

  1. A win is a win. Man still see there is those Bills fans that cant accept that. I think the offense played very well for JPs first start. Heck we didnt even have to punt until what the later part of the second quarter or even the third quarter?
  2. Schoop pissed me off. My wife was listening and was like..."Why does he keep doing this to people." I told her it was because he was pissed that the Bills won and cant find anything negative to talk about. Heck he didnt give half the people a chance to talk just because they opened with "Hey how you guys doing" then Mike would hang up on them. I used to love WGR but now its almost like there looking to bash the Bills before giving them credit. Besides Schoop isnt even a true Bills fan. He didnt even grow up around here.
  3. Lamont Jordan was open in the flats all night long. It was pissin me off that Collins wasnt checking down to him more.
  4. Good he sucks. Last year he made me mad because I think he was trying too hard in not being a bills homer. I couldnt take him and Dan Krique anymore. They drove me nutts.
  5. Okay than he sure does suck as a pass rusher. Why they had him at DE again floored me. He can not rush from the outside at all.
  6. You dont know that for sure. I think Everett will be back for the second half of the season.
  7. I still dont know what the Raiders d-cord was doing rushing three guys and putting a ton of people back in a zone on those third down plays onthe Pats first TD drive. There defense is pathetic. You could have 50 guys playing zone and it wouldnt matter for Tom Brady. You need a pass rush on him. I could have coached a better defense for the Raiders last night. They plain out suck. Warren Sapp is the most overated d-lineman alive. He was horrible last night.
  8. Most UM players go back to Miami to work out at the Hurricanes practice facility. Actually players get very good results going back there. Better facilities from what I hear.
  9. Do I wish that they would..............yes, that is the dream of every christian but that is not so. God could have made us all robots with no freedom of choice but how great would that be? There would never be any true worship. Everyone has there own choices to make in life. YOu just have to put your beliefs out there as well so that people will have a choice. My god preaches that the only way to him is through his son Jesus. Thats all I said. You can choose or not to choose to believe it.
  10. Man if thats you in the picture than I dont want you hugging me. You would crush me.
  11. I was going to say............... I wasnt getting angry.
  12. Agreed but I really didnt get all of my opinon in. The Waco texas thing just put me over the edge.
  13. Well I have said all that I needed to say. Whever or not people want to take away anything from the words of Jesus that I posted is there choice. If anyone would like a free copy of the King James Bible. PM me and I will be glad to send you a copy.
  14. One last thing. In the christian faith Jesus didnt tell us to keep to our selves when we hear the good news. He told us to preach it. So its not judging. Its us putting the good news out there to whoever wants to accept it. If not than fine, we will not judge you, because God is the judge of all things. But dont except us as christians to not tell our side of things and keep quiet. Jesus told us that we would be persecuted just as he did. A passage in the Book of Acts gets me everytime. Its when the apostles were persecuted and flogged because they were preaching in the temple. When they were released they were praising the lord becuase they suffered because of his name. That should ring in every christians heart. That we should never be ashamed of Jesus and that we should take our beatings, mentally, and physically for the name of the Lord. I pray that I can be that strong if the situation ever arises.
  15. John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 5:7-9 - The healing of the crippled man at the pool "Sir", in invalid replied, " I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I'm trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. The day on which this took place was a Sabbath.
  16. Sure he would forgive that little skepticism. We are all sinners. But if you die before believing in him and asking for forgivenss than your playing roulette with your soul.
  17. I'm not judging you. I'm telling it like it is. The Bible says that the only way to true life is through Jesus.
  18. Did David walk on water? Did David heal the crippled? Did David take a severe beating and still forgive his beaters? Did David take up a cross and be flogged? Did Davis let people nail him to a cross and let him just hang there? Was David sin free? David was a sinner just like you and me. Jesus was sin free. Jesus walked on water Jesus healed the blind and made the crippled walk. Jesus died on that cross for our sins, was raised from the dead, and showed himself to his disciples and to the people after he was raised. There is no comparrison and no that was not a low blow because Jesus is the son of god. You my friend will receive the low blow if you dont except the salvation that only Jesus Christ can give through his blood. Jesus Christ filled the prohesy of the old testament. I pray for your soul because I would hate to come before Jesus when I die with your views on him.
  19. Thats your opinon. I have been on both sides of the fence and let me tell you there is less fear in the world when you believe in Christ. I was never afraid when I didnt believe but I did things my own way instead of trusting Jesus. The things that he has done in my life are amazing. Jesus didnt come to this earth to lie to us. He came to save us. Jesus did infact roam this earth. It is fact. So to say there is no god than your calling Jesus a liar. He was not a liar and I pray for all of you that somebody you will be saved because as another poster posted. Its better to believe and live with God and die and find out that everything you practiced was the truth than to die an unbeliever and find out that there is a god and then have to deal with his wrath.
  20. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is not about being politically correct. The Bible and Jesus are the truth and the only way to our father in heaven. Put your faith in Jesus and he will take your mind and your body to places that you never dreamed of. I have recently come to faith in a very strong way and the fire that burns inside me because of it is AMAZING. People that are unbelievers just have NO clue of how it feels to be one with Christ. I used to hear people tell me all the time that following Jesus is the most exalerating thing in life. At the time I was a partier and thought......yeah okay whatever. How is staying home and not going to bars fun. Well I changed my tune a couple years past and looking back. The lord has done great things in my life.
  21. Um Greg Jones was drafted by the Jags. Kevin Jones is the one that was drafted by the lions. The other poster is talking about Ki-jana Carter when he was a rookie with the Bengals.
  22. I dont give a crap what the judge said to him. You dont shoot someone. Let me guess your playing the race card here. Flippin idiot.
  23. yeah like Antonio Brown??? This guy is just backup insurance.
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