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Posts posted by Tipster19

  1. Hey djfarr00, I just noticed your "smart" remarks. How you interpret specialty player for special player is pretty clever. I have to give you credit though, your spelling and diction is impressive. If I had to descibe it, I'd have to descibe it as optic pollution. I can understand that my post sounds like a 10 year old's, to a 5 year old reader. Go ask an adult to explain it for you.


    To Dennis in Az, thanks for your insight and congeniality.

  2. This Henry situation is just like looking at stats. You can draw whatever conclusion you want. The one thing that always rings true is money. When you look at all the possible canidates at RB who may be available then there is no disputing that Henry is the most contract friendly of the bunch. I'm going to shelf this never ending, on going, great debate on Henry's value for now. I'll be happy to resume this topic hmm let's say by October 31st, that is the trade deadline isn't?


    Fear and confusion derives from ignorance. Does Donahoe look scared or confused?

  3. You can't mention Edge and Alexander not being worth a 2nd rder! OMG, you're destroying all the credibility of bashing Donahoe. When we didn't get FAIR MARKET VALUE, then we should of just panick and traded him for whatever that Fat Bastard wanted over there in Philly. Then we could then turn around and draft a scrub. Get real! Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. There will be a need for Henry before this season runs out. Count on it.

  4. Henry is worth bubkus NOW. Your CURRENT estimations are correct but unlike an automobile, Henry is not a depreciating asset. If you want to compare Henry and market values than I suggest that you compare him to the stock market. A buyer for an automobile buys for either need or appeal. Right now Henry possesses neither of these traits. When the gas prices go thru the roof then buyers trade their trucks and suvs and go to little 4 cylinders. But guess what? When the crisis is over they always go back to the bigger and better vehicles. Always.


    No, he's more comparable to the stock market. When there's a lull, people sell and they don't buy. Well, depressions don't last forever and you can expect HAPPY DAYS again. So whoever thinks that Henry has little or no value then all I have to say is, sit on it Potsie.

  5. So we are supposed to just give Henry away? Because we don't cough up a multiple 1300 yd RB for a 4th rd pick TD is a greedy gambler? Or wait, take a player that his coaches don't want? This gets better, in a draft that in everybody's opinion sucks? Give me a break! Arizona,Tampa and them cheap a$$ Eagles can go pound sand. We'll keep Henry and if he never sees the field again for us too bad. He will be great insurance in the event of injury to our STAR RB. I wish Henry well but this IS a business. His time will come, his contract is just about up. You know, I really would like to meet up with those Eagles. I knew it was a jerk job with them, and I posted as such. I did think something could have been worked out with either the Cardinals or Bucs. Let one of these teams take a injury or can't sign one of their guys and come sniffing around for Henry. I'd jack their a$$ so high and make them pay dearly.


    As far as that little weasel Clayton, how in the world did he ever get a job in football??!!! I always enjoyed when Salisbury would go off on that puny little pencil neck geek.

  6. I'd be with choices like them. I think if Buffalo does take a "project" OT, than that would say something about their thoughts on the rest of the team. What I'm referring to is that they may be thinking the rest of the starters are fine and that FAs and June 1st cuts could round out our team for depth. It would also indicate that McNally wants to build an O-line his way with young prospects that he can shape and mold in the next couple of years. If we take a OT then this is what I see.


    RT- MW

    RG-CV, future JG

    C- TT for now ?, future RP

    LG- BA, in two years he'll be the elder stateman.

    LT- TT ?, maybe our 7th rd pick (Erik Pears?).


    Just an idea. Is there anyone that you would like in the 7th rd?

  7. This would stick to the mindset that's been unfolding. We are lacking at TE and we draft a TE. CB is always a concern and we addressed that position in the draft. TD stated that we needed offensive help fo JP and blammo! We draft a ST/slot WR playmaker, C and a OG. Let's complete the McNally Experiment and take a T with great upside.


    Last year was McNally's first year with us and I'm sure his influence was limited. With a whole year under his belt his evaluations of the offense line situation should be complete. Reguardless if we take Pears I'm expecting us to still draft a O-lineman, preferrably a OT.

  8. This pick makes the most sense. I had my heart set on C Jason Brown but I'm thrilled with this selection. It seems that he's as strong as Brown and there's no weight issues. Once again, it's best to leave these decisions to the real experts. JG made me feel a whole bunch better about this draft.

  9. In reference to the post's title. He might be. Or better yet, he might just be politely ignoring all us experts. If you look at both of our selections you can see a similiarity and not that they are from the same college. They're both potentially dangerous weapons for JP. They are not 1st rders with big dollar position or contracts. If you noticed, we were rather quick on the clock both times we picked. I bet Donahoe never even thought about a CB. There will be dollars there next year for resigning Nate and we will. Dollar wise he will be our 1st rder next year.


    Yeah, the title to your post is probably accurate and most of us deserve it.

  10. Have you have noticed that more of our younger players are capable of multi tasking? There's Justin Bannan sliding over to the offensive side of the ball. It looks like Jason "Peterbuilt" Peters wears a few hats. What actually is he ? A TE/HB or a OT? I don't know, but I'm grateful for his ST play last year. Our O-linemen, especially some our latest additions, seem to be able to play a couple of the positions on the line. Now I read in PFW draft preview that Roscoe was a All-State at QB during his senior year in high school and he passed for just over 2200 yds. He had over 600 yds rushing also. He's a smaller version of Randle El, only with better speed. It wouldn't shock me to see him be involved with some trick plays this year on top of his return duties. Can you say mini slash? I think Mularkey is going to appear to be having a plodding offense during a game and then ZAP! he unleashes a jaw dropper on some poor, unsuspecting defense.


    Well, Donahoe said he was going to get JP some help. If these first 2 rds are any indication, then it looks like that Buffalo is aiming to shoot all kinds of angles on offense.

  11. I must admit that I'm shocked with this pick, but then again I was flabberghasted with the MaGahee pick and I see how that worked out. I truly understand now what the term blind faith means.


    Buffalo must feel confident in our O-line. Really, does any of us truly know our players abilities? I know I don't. What about the DT position? This move shows me that this isn't that big of a concern. TD & CO. must feel good with our rotation of Adams, Edwards and Andersen. I'm taking this as a vote of confidence by this selection. I think that Roscoe is our full time ST'er on returns so our CBs can just concentrate on playing corner. Good. I don't think that this means is gone, but maybe Parrish (man, I hope that name really doesn't represent him) will be used in 4 reciever sets. This must mean that the TE position is the only position where we are lacking and a 4th of 5th rder can be used here. If we don't take a CB in the 3rd rd will this mean that we will resign Nate? At this time, I sure hope so.


    Try not to feel let down, all you Buffalo faithful. Take solace in knowing that we are going to have the most electrifying returns in the league this year. Here's to a more conventional 3rd rd pick. Enjoy the rest of the draft.

  12. A long, long time ago I heard about these Bears. Now I don't see hide nor hair of 'em. What, are they in hibernation? Wake them up and crash this slumber party. Travis has got to go, got to go!


    Picks are great but positions ain't bad neither. Forget Philly, who is trying to milk us. And Tampa? Tell them to kiss us where the sun don't shine. That little freckled face Chuckie thinks he's slick. He's got more pokers in the fire than a cattle drive. We're not plan B to nobody! I hope Arizona's version of Fat Albert lands up with nothing. He thinks that we're gonna come crawling? Forget about it! You get nothing. So, this leads me to the Bears. Let's help a brother out (and our selves).


    The Bears have picks in the 2nd rd (#39-7th in the rd) and the 4th rd (#106-5th in the rd). The Bills have picks in the 2nd rd (#55-23rd in the rd) and in the 4th rd (#122-21st in the rd). Flip flop our picks in both rds and give them Henry. We move up 16 slots in BOTH rds and we keep our 3rd rder. Good enough for me. Get 'er done!

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