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Mark Vader

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Posts posted by Mark Vader

  1. I like to watch this show too, and I agree with whoever said they did a terrible job on eliminating the contestants. Please stop trying to build up the suspense that way, it's obscene. Just read off the names and let it be done with.


    I picked 3 out 4 people who were eliminated last night. I thought Janay should have gone instead of Sarah, but thats how it goes.


    I think the group of guy's is deeper than the girls group. Here's How I see it now:



    1. Anwar. He is by far the best in this group. He'll definitely be in the final 4.

    2.Scott. He has the voice and talent to get to the final 12. His looks will probably do him in though.

    3.Anthony. He looks like he will be around awhile. He has the boy band looks and voice, which is a plus in this competition.

    4.Bo. I originally thought he was a middle of the pack contender, but he sang very good on Monday, and could surprise.

    5.Constantine. Sang a difficult song, and did good not great. I think he's a dark horse. If he sticks around week after week, he could win it all.

    6.Nikko. If he continues to sound good he will last. In the long run, I don't see him winning.

    7.Joseph. Sang well enough, could sneak into the final 12.

    8.Travis. Underwhelming start, needs to step up.

    9.David. Same reasons as Travis.

    10.Mario. Most overrated guy in the competition. The judges said he was the best on Monday. What were they watching?



    1.Nadia. Strong opening performance. Will be around a long time.

    2.Carrie. Another major contender. She may get more younger votes, which will be key.

    3.Vonzell. Strong opening performance puts her in the upper bracket.

    4.Amanda. Strong on sex appeal, as Simon hinted at, but also very talented, and could win it all.

    5.Celena. Had to follow Nadia's great performance, and did very good. Needs to keep up the pace which will be tough.

    6.Aloha. She sounds good, although her song selection was not the best. She is good enough to make it.

    7.Mikalah. Plenty of personality, which could help her with younger voters. Needs to sing better songs, though.

    8.Lindsey. Must sing better upbeat songs, otherwise she will be gone.

    9.Jessica. Same as Lindsey.

    10.Janay. She looked terrified singing up there. She is lucky to still be around, and had better get with it.


    You got it everyone, a Bills fan on TBD just did Top 10's on American Idol contestants. Sickening is'nt it. ;)


    In the long run, I see Anwar & Constantine being the top guys, although Anthony may sneak in there. Scott will get kicked out because he won't win the cute vote.

    Nadia, Carrie, Vonzell, & Amanda could legitimately win the whole thing, and it would be difficult to argue against either one of them.


    There is my take. Although it may be too long for most people's tastes around here.

  2. I agree with you JP-era. All you Bledsoe bashers got your wish. Now get over yourselves.


    Who gives a sh-- about the Cowboys?! I don't!!!


    Let's get back to the Bills. You all remember the Bills don't you? Our team?

    They are facing a very important offseason again.


    So let's start looking to the future ok? Whats done is done.


    GO BILLS!!!!!

  3. Definitely another good episode.


    Nice ploy by the show with the music ending, at first I thought there was a problem with my tv's audio. Sure enough, it was just Hurley's batteries dying.


    I knew Walt was the one who burned the boat down. What a way for him to pay back his dad, after saving his life from the polar bear, and then giving him his old drawings. "Yeah my dad is cool, I think I'll go burn his boat down, because I want to stay here." What a great kid.


    Sawyer has many nicknames for people, i'm sure you heard him cal Jin "Bruce". He called Sun, "Betty". That nickname I do not understand, any one else understand it?


    It was a great backstory on Jin. One of the more ineteresting backstories I've seen on this show.


    Looking forward to next week. It is going to suck when the show ends this season. After watching "Alias" all this time, I know that J.J. Abrams loves to have his shows end their season with a major cliffhanger. No doubt he will do that here.

  4. I agree with you BF. I'm glad that Bledsoe came in when we desperately needed a QB in 2002. He provided some hope and a lot of fun with both Moulds & Price. However his second year was so abysmal, that he would have had to turn into Johnny Unitas overnight in order for him to stay here.


    Well what can you say, life's not fair. The Bills did what they feel is right for the future.


    I'll miss Bledsoe, and I wish him luck elsewhere, except if we ever play him.


    To all you Bledsoe bashers, don't mistake my kind words for Bledsoe as to mean that I am an apologist for him. I've stated many times that I am a Bills fan first. The team comes before the player.


    That being said, I do have respect for the guy. I was amazed at his toughness. I witnessed the beating he took in Dallas in '03 & I'll never forget the vicious headshot he took in Oakland, and was practically bent backwards. All that and he still came back. This past Christmas I got to meet him in San Francisco and he was very nice to all the fans, signed many autographs, and talked to people for a little while. Very classy. Thank you for the memories Drew.


    Now that is all over with, let the Losman era begin. Sean Salisbury stated on draft day that Losman was the best QB in the draft. Let's see what the kid can do.


    GO BILLS!!!!!

  5. If I wanted to talk football with someone, it would be Keith Jackson. I could only imagine all the football stories he would have since he's been around since the dawn of time.


    If I just wanted to chat with someone about anything, it would be Bill O'Reilly. He seems like a real down-to-earth guy. I"d have fun talking to him.


    Any woman? I'd say Shania Twain. Yeah she's married, but so what, she is so hot. I'd be happy. :devil:

  6. I would be cautious to speculate on this. I saw Ed Reed yesterday wearing a Chargers visor. So this thing with Bettis may mean nothing.


    I understand that Bettis would be a good pick-up, but why not go with someone younger? Ron Dayne is an UFA, he's played sparingly throughout his career, why not give him a shot?

  7. Did anyone notice Ethan when he first came back? When he threatens Charlie that if he does'nt get Claire back, he will kill everyone on the island, one by one.


    Did you notice the scars on Ethan's face? Looked like big scratch marks. He did not have those scars when we first saw him.


    Considering Ethan is unusually strong, what could have scratched him up that badly?


    Did Claire really escape from him?


    What do you guys think?

  8. DC Tom Posted Today, 10:55 AM

      QUOTE(UConn James @ Feb 10 2005, 11:19 AM)


    I think the song was actually used in the background during the "Alias" b-day party too....









    Considering they're both JJ Abrams shows, it's not unlikely...

    I saw that episode of Alias, and yes the song was playing in the background. Nice little wink, from Abrams to the fans of both shows.

  9. It's difficult to say what TD will do come draft day since we first have to deal with free agency. Once free agency is in full swing we should have an idea of what we will do in the draft, maybe.

    Of course with us picking in the 2nd round, it is hard to guess who we will take.


    And let's not foget about Henry. What if we do trade him and get another 2nd rounder? Will TD want to trade 2 2nd round picks and move up into the 1st round?


    It's going to be a fun offseason.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!

  10. Finally some Bills news. And good Bills news at that. Glad to hear that Moulds will be around much longer, and that we have more cap room

    Now it's Drew's turn, let's see what happens.


    I know we have to re-sign Pat and JJ, but personally right now I wish they could find some way to extend Nate Clements' contract. Would'nt it be great if they could lock him up for 6 more years now, instead of having to wait until the end of next season?

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