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Mark Vader

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Posts posted by Mark Vader

  1. I am greatly impressed by the LB class this year. Tremendous depth at this position.


    I would love to have Mack on this team, but if that doesn't happen there are plenty of other players to choose from.


    Was Shayne Skov even invited to the combine? I did not see him.


    Jordan Tripp from Montana really opened my eyes today, he looked great.


    I wish I could remember all the names of the other LB's besides the big names, because a good amount of these players made a statement today.

  2. Man do I agree! It went like this:

    1st season - wow have you seen this show it is awesome I can't wait to see what happens!

    2nd season - yeah I watch it but it isn't as good as it used to be

    3rd - :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    4th - did they do a fourth?


    The carnival was brutal. I don't even remember too much about this show other than how awesome it started and then how bad it got.

    I didn't have a problem with the carnival, or the main plot involving the president in the 2nd season. The overall story arcs of each season were good.


    It was the execution of all the subplots that weighed down the show. They tried to do too much all at once, and in some cases the subplots just got rehashed with the same situation.



    Oh I agree 100% they were just the only 2 characters I feel that drove the show. The father had a good arc as well now that I think about it but didn't he die?

    No he didn't die, thank goodness. He was one of the best characters.


    The sad thing is, when the carnival season ended, it left us with a big cliffhanger and good set up for a 4th season. Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, they cancelled the show after that.

  3. I agree on the twinnies, I didn't like them the season they were on, but they are very funny. I was rolling last night, especially when they were slamming the Afghanimals (who are also funny).


    Cowboys FTW, but I like most all the teams left. The only 2 I really don't care for are the team with the idiot who didn't use the express pass, and the Globetrotters (would love to see the Cowboys double U-Turn them out of the game).

    Yes I want to see the Cowboys win. They are the best team that has never won the race.

  4. :cry:


    Venkeman: "Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Do you remember that?"


    Spangler: "That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me."



    RIP, and thank you for all the laughter.

  5. If this story is true I believe it's a good thing...This clash has been coming for a while and we may finally have some young, energetic, intelligent individuals that recognize the need for change...

    I agree. Having said that, what a time for something like this to get out.


    Does Russ Brandon address this report at all or does he stay silent and hopes it all goes away?


    All eyes are on you, Mr. Brandon.

  6. This was a show that had a strong first season, but after that it struggled to get anywhere.


    While the story lines were good, the execution lagged and some of the situations became repetitive.


    I guess this is NBC's way of saying: "If FOX can do it with "24", then we can do the same thing with "Heroes"."


    It's amazing how NBC continues to struggle. Remember when this was the dominant network?

  7. The top three OT's really did impress...


    In a trade down scenario I don't see the Bills going after an OG...Maybe one of the OT's remaining...But not an OG, and even more likely Ebron, Evans, or Benjamin... B-)

    I would take Yankey if the Bills were to trade down very far into the first round, which I don't anticipate, but you never know.


    I'd rather have Benjamin over Evans, and I think some team will reach for Ebron.

  8. Man. That looks like it could have so much potential. Then they throw in the cheesy jokes and characters that are raccoones, Etc... And I feel like they ruined it.


    But I'll definitely see it because like you Mark, I just love movies, especially in the theaters and in 3D and IMAX and all that good stuff.

    I think they are trying to reach all demographics and not just the comic book crowd, thus the cheesy jokes. And it's not just a gun-toting smart mouthed raccoon, you also have a walking-talking tree character.


    This is a bold and risky move by Disney & Marvel. If they succeed, then they will have the confidence that they can do almost anything. If not, then they'll have to stick with more superhero sequels.


    Personally I think this teaser is a good step forward.

  9. Lewan, Robinson & Matthews looked very good today, amazing at how fast these guys can run. Kouandjio was noticeably struggling today.


    Would love to get Gabe Jackson in the 2nd, or David Yankey if the Bills trade down in the 1st.


    Too bad Sefarian-Jenkins did not participate today and that Ebron could not do the drills.


    Amaro did not impress me at all. C.J. Fiedorowicz & Arthur Lynch looked very good, as they are more true Tight Ends.


    Ready for day 2.

  10. I was critical of Graham's play this past season, and looking back on this season, I was probably unfair.


    Right now I would rather see Robert Woods as a starter instead of Graham. I think Woods has more potential.


    Now Graham could very well turn out to be a good WR, or he may not. Either way he should be given a chance to prove himself.


    What we need is E.J. Manuel playing a full season and not have 3 QB's playing throughout the year again, in order to fully gauge our WR corps.


    Having said all that, we could use an upgrade at the WR position.

  11. Its the same as same sex marriages too

    I think its because of the legal issues and "perks" given to spouses when it comes to benefits and taxes, etc.

    Everyone agrees with that statement, except for same sex marriage couples and supporters of same sex marriage.

  12. I think they've done enough with all of their movies to earn the attention from the audience. I personally have never heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy but the other movies have convinced me to check this one out.

    Yeah I have plenty of faith in Disney, which is why I can not wait to see what they do with "Star Wars".


    I too know absolutely nothing about "Guardians of the Galaxy", but I have spoken to a couple comic book friends of mine and I've learned that this is a popular series.


    I'm always looking for entertainment and fun in a movie, and I think this will deliver. Bring it on.

  13. I agree Ellen isn't attractive but she is a much bigger star than Ellen page. Anne heche though also came out years ago and is also very attractive. I just don't ever find it surprising when a performer comes out as gay. I think they are the group that has progressed furthest along the this isn't a big deal timeline that sports is just beginning.

    Degeneres is a bigger star, but Page is a better actor.

  14. Yeah, I saw Borland and thought, what if we took Packers WR James Jones in FA? Take Borland there. My favorite ILB is Skov for what we're trying to do, but RD2 extra pick is needed for him--RD3#73 will be too late.

    Now your talking!


    Signing Jones in FA and then drafting Robinson, Sefarian-Jenkins, & Borland would be a big win for the Bills.


    I also noticed that in your most recent mock that Gabe Jackson is still available in the 3rd round. As much as I like Borland and as much as the Bills need help at LB, the thought of having both Greg Robinson & Gabe Jackson on our O-Line is very tantalizing.

  15. Robinson makes me nervous. He only played Guard for 2 years in high school and then 1 in college before being moved to the most important position on the field besides QB last yr (left tackle). I don't like when a high pick lacks experience (aaron maybin). If Matthews (a senior and obvious OL pedigree) is gone then I'm putting my sights on LB or TE. I wouldn't be too upset if they got Ebron if they felt like he was worth such a high pick (if he's jimmy graham caliber). We need help on offense so that should be our focus

    Weren't these the same concerns people had about Cordy Glenn?

  16. To me ESPN's NFL Gameday is still the best around at having any actual game analysis.


    CBS is ok but nothing special.


    FOX is just a circus. Dumb joke after dumb joke and the guys on the panel are always laughing at every dumb joke. And just how long do we have to put up with that ridiculous robot?

  17. I don't care what people do, but I do find that once an actor comes out as gay, if they play a heterosexual role I can't suspend belief.

    ***Disclaimer- I don't really understand what you meant by "I can't suspend belief" so I will go off what I thought you meant.


    how did you feel about Tom Hanks in Philadelphia?

    I meant suspend disbelief, and I felt the same about Tom Hanks playing a gay guy.

    So does that mean you believe their portrayal?

    I understand what Pasta Joe is saying. The Poojer also makes a good point about Tom Hanks in "Philadelphia".


    Let me give another example in this debate. Would people have found the love story in "The Thornbirds" as believable, if they had known Richard Chamberlain was gay?

  18. Nebraska not that good ? Was planning on renting soon.


    Little Miss Sunshine was solid IMO. Granpa ruled it in that one.


    Agree on Juno w most, super average. I'd be fine never seeing page again, gimme more Michael Cera though.

    Michael Cera? He's the indie version of Vince Vaughn. He plays the same character over and over again, and he's not that good at it. He is one person I am glad is no longer prominent. Just my opinion.


    They're all fine movies that were liked a little too much by the noise machine.

    You nailed it with that comment. I have yet to see "Nebraska", and I do think "Little Miss Sunshine" is a funny movie. But "Juno" is utter crap.


    "Juno" won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay over "Ratatouille". In what universe does that make sense?

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